Page 17 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 17

CONTWUED FROM "05 9 Wllhout buying mm ~()cIcty'~ an:\lyz1ngob~KaclL~alhntkccp women
Whkh can be dm,m,,,g ,0 ,K,,m.(,m. Pr(_'(()h(L‘l\'Cd n(\Uun~()[Vv'l1()>"\L‘ls from my :\nc1ngxntoIct1dL~r>lup

m Md 0, "K. .m..m mm, C]m,,(,,1 she :\I~()ct1n'tbuy1nm[111_' notmn pu~IlmII~1nthL‘occupational ~'aN_'ty
“M. M damV,gCdV ,, can um" 10,, t11at~11u need. In wnrk U/v'I(l_' e. hhta and lmalth p[()fC~M0n. The dlvunu

as heat or an mndllmnmg, no hght, [or half in thc tewm and [L‘:|hZL‘~, gmup of thought Ict1dL~r~ tebmehted
M Wm, M, M1,, em [hh putl1\.'c~ culturally, t11t1l~hc Cannnt d1m1nI~1'\ bu~Inc»u~, Imnpmfih, labor, academia,
m dangcr m n mcduml ~L‘mn);, but It hur nwn worth by silencing the vmcc government and pm!c»Innt1l

ale‘, “mm 1% m P,(,d,,m,.,t,, and that keeps her ~tmng.S11L‘)~ a Latin.) — a~>()ClZ\kI(|h~ The ~ummIt meluaed
,m,...c ,0, am b.,e,,w..c. pu..,,,g ,, mtmg, mtulhgcnt, gracctul, motlvntud, b keynbte addrc» by Dr. Con Wang
“M. “D My ,,akCh(,mL., and .V,y,,,g hummhg, giving, and b lander. A- b [mm L(\lnmd(I State umyemty who
M. ,5 ..Wm,,, nmme um V,m,,1,L., W. Lzmnn, ~hc ~tand~ pmlld, n()t1'\1IIIk‘md dhtuwcd gender equity and Il’I(luM()l’I,
V,gm,M 1,“ m,uL,~V and M ,,V,1m.. 0f by he. hL‘ntt1gL‘,bIIHuL‘lcd by n. and how tlm»c !e1:mr~ In(cr~l_'(l

Tm. an. A ~takclmIdcI, \\'hctl1L~r 1lI~ Rm_m1V,V um Ammm SVVCMV, M workplace >nk't.V»

-1 hm‘ lam"-m an npvmmrr -1 1-“““""“”r Satuly Pr()[L‘~>mnal~(ASSP)1'\u~tCd il Flam an: elteedy In plan: mt ASSP

or nnyvnv HM» I~ an c~~vr-ml part at V/v'L‘blnar~ t11atfncu>nnlhc1»uL‘~
dt1mVt1gL‘ pteyehtem and \.I\I|IL‘I~l1L‘IVdV V,ddmM.d J, "K. ,um,,,,, and A key

M C‘ “Y ‘M’ '3°"‘i¥ " ‘“"“‘'’°' ‘“ ‘WE we c()Hab1.»r:\KI()n ~C~‘MOI] at ASSP’~
h->~ PY°V"" MP‘-I! to Kuhn ->~ armthvr Samky2U1‘47 F[ufc~~mhe1l Dcxclupmcnt
audulncu the her to ~hI\rL‘ hm nm»agL', C()r\[Crcn(‘c and E)(P()g1[‘()n ,,, NW
};uKl1lI~ Cltczlt nllnm cduc:Vn()n1~ncI:dL~d. Wm," .,, way ;,(,u,,.(, DVIWVV "V [mm W

crmpu .~ e anguagc arnflr,

°“‘“"“‘ ““““""°"‘' ‘°“"’"‘°““"“‘ xummll 0n the ~amtv 0! wnmch in thc

"b*‘“V°'*“ '-‘Y ““>’ "“";b*“ ‘f‘ '}‘‘"K‘* ‘“ workpIe1cu t11atfocu:~L~d 0|’! mltutttm Abby rem’ H wte Pyemebt — Nnhuwrl
nun,» <<‘Tmu"'"L‘~ 1*“ ‘W"‘d b<‘“<““ to prevent violence t1gt11n~(vy'0mL~n at Crmhlmtmm Pr/1(lm'firr Hm/~ cemyme.
‘"’"‘ ‘“" ” *""‘"'*‘°‘%° "‘d“““‘i¥“ work, and encouraged Cnlplnych to Alvlw rrMvbt'1zw.< be AdmmHvm‘r7ruf
P"-‘V”“"-‘"r UK‘ "‘°“"R° '~ um" ‘M acquxrc pL‘r~1.»I1al pmlccu\'c uqulpmcnt WISE nndI’1L'~i4lmI— Erett/er the A551’
V/1.»mL‘n are me In the damage dmznvd ‘P°<‘“‘“"“)v' fur Wumm Mum Nrvrmzwst Chnpfur she rm) be M1:/IM
,,,m,..,(,,. .,..1u,.,y A‘ A y_m,mV um. K11an5U minty cxpcrh gnthcrud at the /1.‘ fllvfvv/L'YVL(4l‘h'trIflI[ mm T7)t'mlLtlL' Wm
0, "K. ,,,m.. Kuhn me. .. ,,,,g wemehu VV()rkpl:\cL‘ Sa!cty‘3|Imln1l, my! metz mm ,m.mebe fmm Dnmzo

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2019 Issue: uemebt an . 15

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