Page 18 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 18

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la? 5 Elf ii ix ii"xx mm ‘ x 1 :::  .  flag  xg uni‘
. fly Steve EEHZIS
D1s torted Locate Tones
l.en we apply a locale .. slwpccled, .l.en u.u.g .l.e "Extended 1- “‘° “‘‘‘“3’ ‘‘‘“"5'"5 ““’““°“ °’ .9 a buned uullty, we dep.l. tcchnlquc" e.... help d°P“‘
mats an vkctwmagncttr . 2. Eleclncal en... bondm n. cablln
field nmund .l.e ullllty. E"”'""7’-"1 44'?!” “'Fh"Wl"L' M PW“ 5 g
1.. Ihl~ .'-.eld .l.... we dntccl wl.en we ...e A ,,,,,P1L. bu. my cgmm ,,m.}“,d_
.,,,;,.,. lmmgl 1,. an N1“. WOM the Take a depth mdmg fl ground ‘ML 3. lnduelwe .....l tapaclllve bleed over
«sh-11 mdmtm out -‘mm the ut-hty m a .n..e .l.e localor .. known .l..—......e, .nv °‘ "’°““ “’"“
“W P‘“d'°‘"b‘° ‘*'“Y- A“ “bl” ‘°°‘“°” 1ft. note the ncw depth reading. If thé Clmnglng dlmcuun .. .l.e en..e.. to dcal
M adlmd and <fl'*bm*°d Mum-"5 -nrhrated depth hm not -named by W... the .n.we. .. .9 take rcadlngs
“"5 '5 'h= CM‘ Huwfimr “' ‘hf W‘ that amount the -r-format-on should wl.e.e .l.e |1l|1|(yl~ nn. devmlmg, so,
world. thv ugh-1| -~ very often rhstuned be treated w..l. cautlon. Tlu. ~lmplc ...y away bun. bend. "T’-” or .udde..
Whmh can had t° ~=“"<l‘~' ‘ms luwd me-had mu -dcnttty dbturtcd field .n dnu.l.. The decpsr .l.e ....l..y
tn the wrong Pmit-on or dnpth even .n ...u....nn. whcm .l.e punk/null gm ;.,,.}.e, may mm am dm,m..u,, ’
mm m a number 0‘ mchmqm um Il:1:hnic£I}11c mun} struggle, for .n..nnne you need .n be.
w .e.e e .n e. Cmntc .. comm
ca" bf ‘Md m ‘dmmy " dmuncd Md from E uhlltv buncd dlfctll v F1¢C|I'im' mm bonding Thc twat Way
lw-1| cxpla-n a fnw ways» I am we < h V ’ .0 de..l w..l. .l... a. .0 rcmuvc .l.e em.-.
.l.e.e ...e o.l.e.., bu. .l.e.e an: .l.e one. “"°V° °' ‘’*‘‘°‘“" = MEL“ “"‘“>'- bmdmg 50 M, N Hwy you Wm M
1"“ 30 mlvsis loe...e can be ..olu.ed. Rcmovmg en...-
peak/Nu” m;,,,,v,m ms mmds mmplmcdr and I gum bondlngl}:usu.1llypuaslblc un
. . _ _‘_ _ and .ele one cablln bu. ..- nu. u~uall .

M... modem 19...... 1...... ‘I hr hi ‘I W; flfinlhflv °‘ “X ;"‘<"""~ ,,.,.,..,.§’W,... ,,M., Em NM, ’
honzvr-ta! antnnn-t~ thatswca good Q” “M 7“ f..° f “"°,'"b: M 11 tamper w..l. cabling unle.. nu.l.on.ed
prccw: signal .l.... .....n....z.. .l.e b... t"-°"='°"~» t~ 0" > W " Em th= ,0 do W‘
3...... rcadlng wl.e.. .. .. dlmnly over ":n';aft=~t C3/‘>12 1°;/7t°t=v ~';= T: ' L‘
.l.e .,.,;,.y nmy also hm R m..m1 v oc mm wax- ttmttc m t lzleed nue. Tl... usually occurs wl.e.e
mmm um mam a mmmmm bi" good new. ..- .l.... dcslgn cnglncnm bleeds ..em..- ['romtl\nt.1rgnI
mph ,W.,,,g W.“ M, the ,,,,,,.y have done an the ham work for us and ....l..y onto an ....,.en... l.n.. nu. e....n.
TM mu m refmcd to M Pm and prL‘~cmcd .l.e lniozmauon .n n .u..ple a .m,..d,1,_,, mm“. .0 flow Wm}.
M“ mud“ The nu“ "ME mm ‘D color ended dhplay. e.....-e. dlslomon. The be.-. way to deal
be affected by d...o...on mom than cam. ha, gmpl. md,m.,..g no /,,.,,,,ma1 wtth tht~ ta by mducmg the frequency
.l.e Wk, ,0 We mm .0 mm,,,,,gc gm ammo“ of .l.e lnen.e .nne n. .l.e effects of
M of me Wk made fa; am,,My nnd lnductlvn coupling
Hwcm We can use the nu“ "ME blue b... graph lndlcalmg .unne .eduee. w..l. luwe.1.eque..e.e..
.0 help .dm..;y dmncd field‘ fig d...o...on so (mat .l.e lnloxmauon w..l. Secondly make .u.e .l.e po....on of .l.e
the mo Mam Pmmm mu mmdt cautlon. ground ..- well away mm. u..l...e. .n .l.e
when .l.e.e .. no .l...nn.on bu. wlll be Red bu, WP}, ,,,d,m.,,,g em,,,,,C an-he v-cm-ty as th atsnal W-ll thew
d,,p,md m R dhlomd Edd‘ TM mm ammo“ ‘0 do hm mm M .9 hutch a nde un .l.e nne nc.1n:~'ttl\2
.l.e peak and null loeme pos|tlon~ are ,“;,,,.,,,a.,un with flake-
.l..-plneed, .l.e ...n.e dhtumun Dmmcd “gunk “D 1 mm mm LN» mmmbc, um ‘I ii my hm, to
Tim i» a good technique but ran hr .9. ml~-locales, bu. .. we understand }‘""“ “ P“““°‘t “““’"“’“ ‘M "Sm"
tovlcd by aymmttnc-11 d-start-on» Th-5 wl.... enu.e. .l.en., we can mmgalc thclr 5" “““'“>" ““““‘ ‘°‘ “‘“‘°"‘°" W‘ ‘"3
can  .0. ..........e, wln... mm. wnh  3
am two locate ~'-sh-1|» one d-rectly nmhm dhmmm H cawd m ‘hm I/yum have qu........s m..n......... ..l......
65°“ 0' b°1°“’ "'9 WE“ '“'°- 1‘ “"5 mm W ,~’ ’ ’ ms rmlcl: LII mlmd Iuplcs, /eel /lee m

‘ 3 mtlmrf s.m m‘. .....e.lm.;.b..u v.\m!.tLml.
,5. 2.... 5...:

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