Page 9 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 9

serves as a member or the Undzrgmund reehnieot committee . y - ‘ 1 t
(mo, charged with entoremg the most recent revision to - e ' ‘L (
Ohio's law. _ J F I .
Whenwns ohio'srhg(oropassed2 D'a|'n9 8“ c°u|d -_" ‘fl » W , > I
The law that we are Currently operating under is a revision, haVe P"eVe"t9d ‘L ’. I 3?’ 3’ 
actually the seeond revision. to the original that dates back to _. I I "_
1929. The law was updated to reflect new Iechnolugxes and ’ * -‘ ‘ J .7 , ~_. ‘r _
interpretations in December 2012. The entoreement provisions r- ' » ‘ ‘ ‘
were passed in 2014 and enacted in 2015, although the urc ' - .
was not "senled” unul Ianuary Z016 . .'
can ynu summarize the steps in getting the enfnrczment 
prooisiorr passed and haw Yang the proross toozrz — . r‘ x _I
. I » fr" .
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Many stakeholders ten the single largest shurlcoming or ‘O '
the old law was its lack ot entoreement. some parties were
eomtortahte with this deheieney and getting them to give
up that level or cominrl was dittreutt. In addition, there are
provisions of the law that are tett unentoreed, alluwmg them
to he settled in eourtas rtenessnry.‘ However, the coalition did A TEXAS GAS
address the larger issues. the ones that created signrtreant _"“N.m..|°N no
portions or the damages we were seeing. —v T‘
sinee this revision was the seeond to the law, and sinee we had
teamed to wnrk together on the arst, this process did get easier ‘M
the second time. Still, it took over a year or dlstussmn hetore B O A R D A L K
the revision was dratted, a lot of support fmm our legislative
champiuns and .2 tot of eteventh hour phone Calls to gel the
final measure passed
How many arr an the committee and haw long did it take far
the cnmmittu to he nppainted? PIPEUNE P/'\RTNER5'
There are 17 members or the eommittee fmm rhtterent
industry groups. Appointment ot the tuu group look over 12 Commmed so opeming pipehne Assets
months trim the date otenaetment androughty tour months in a safe’ reliable and compliant manna,
after the committee heeame imhauy active. and pmviding the highes‘ IEVEI of
To date, what do you think were/111: the most tixfiicultl customer service.
important steps the committee tank?
The eommittee is stiu dzvzluping its "pace" as it attempts to
oehieve a rhythm in its discussions and in its decisions Alsn,
Dblaming the proper documentation trom the Cnrnplnimml .
and the Respondent has been difficull.
Your ping!/1m is comylnint dreamt, right? “bu
Yes‘, complaints are tiled Ihmugh the I-uhhe utilities Ml hulnuynuan
commission ot ohio.
comwuto rm PAGE E
eorr, Issue a Mssrssraa arr . 7

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