Page 11 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 11

comwucumom mes . ll

up wulr Lhc vacuum excavator r1ndl\a\‘nllfixcd ‘ r_

even belore ms locarecl, anel we d|dn’l even have ' ' '.

to use mcchanlcal eaurpmenl on the lob,” Rrclaarel ,


Anolhcr benem or (11: vacuum c><cc1vatuIl~ keeping , —

slreers clean and lanes open. Rlthaxd s-arol lus crews . _,

can work m much llghlcx spaces wlth Lhc vacuum _ _

cx:a\'r1lor than thcy can wlth meclrarucal dlgglng  A

Cqulpmcnt, wluel. leaels to fewer lane closures V

anal less damage to s-lreels And smce me vacuum - ' —_;—_.;

ng sucks IIpt1mlcftu\'cr water ancl «all, me sue rs  * ’ 

bcttcr continued 7 especrally wllh a leaky plpc. xv ,— \

Tlmt’~ lmporlam to Rlchzlrd, as lus cIght»pL‘h1.»n ;e_ , - V

crew mamlams nu! unly rlae water ancl sewer , » , ‘-

mrrasrruclure for the uty but also the roacls. ‘ r . ' : 5 .

"ll ms not a bad leak, we leave an 850-gallon s-poll 

lauk, so we can laulel llae water as ms leakmg anal , 

we don’lhr1vclo havn anollmx pump to pump ‘l 5'5“ 3"“ 4:»-

watu lnlo Lhc sneer. we can keep ll all comameal," !

he ~rud. "If you laave a leak m the 12 o'clock, 1

o'clock er 2 o'clock posmrm on lhc prpe, ms a bad ‘

annuyr1ncL‘m work wlkh (ht walcx s-praymg m your x

lace we can usually pos-mon the hose m a way to

gel thn water to go s-rrarglal up m me has-e wlule we . --

are elomg what we meal to clu " _ ~

Rrclaaravs crews don’: ms-r use lhv: vacuum -.

L‘x:a\'r1lox for cxcavzluon 7 It often gL‘l~ use-el ‘ = -

Cm/<>f:lvlMlo.\/llvquv, Ru snnm "an and palm Mink: nmars, Mara Fm:
co/~mNuED olv page 1:
we know mne ls money So we mall the new JT25 wlth move
lhmsl/pullback and a move efhclen! votatlcnal dvlve than me
cnmpellllun. Its slmpley durable design alsu dehvers mule uptlme
Wlth less upkeep, and all sewlce polrlls ave ln one tlme-sawlg
locanon. vou need more pvuductlvlty and plufltablllly. so we bullt .
mule man a dull. we bullt a wovkhovse. r
{ § \ ‘ __#,_ 4, H
y no we‘ ~
CALL FOR A FREE DEMO. -kg s*"‘Z'3"= “"-5;’
 ~ ". I V-‘V.
— , , ,__r- , . as. a_.-:.
Dkch Witch Mm-Snulh .. V ‘ t” :-
Pearl, Ms E019396037 Colllevvlller TN 901735043501 '  a
N”.  ,___>
um;nwm;nms.enm r ‘ _- _ . ' " '

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