Page 12 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 12

tatistiis tell us that every six they must expose the utility line. Many agencies and munilzipalitles
minutes an underground utility Many still rely on using mechanical require conuictors to verity traditional
line is damaged. The common or hand-dig methods hecause LhaI’.~' utility marklngs by physically lucnting
cround Alliance (CGA) tells us what Lh2y’ve done tor years. Not existing undezgruund utilities.

that when the call 15 made to one call only can this b2 time consuming, but G (11 I H h Z4/7
prior to the excavation damages occur certainly contributes to damages after “”“‘ ’? '“.‘“““° “'9 “ ""9 °“

less than 1% of the time. that is tmly the call is marle Many of the utility f1°'f“':“l"_“""‘3“°' “f}‘*“[‘*' "f"‘1.“t"|’_°“°’
an amazing smt! It then follows that damage claims have a check bux on ‘}:’,‘P‘Y“ :11“ "_ d" "““ ‘Ive ‘‘S‘ ‘ ‘E‘' d
making the can impmves my bnllom than form slatlng ”ul|l|ty mm‘; Eff]-mfggjggj mgzjrfggun
line in dig tor my living. not properly exposed " considering * i ii ' i

. . . government entities millions of dollars
. congested nghtsaot-ways, the rising . . _
we hear about the fnistmtluns of (M Di dam 2 Elm“ and W2 H in property damage and insurance
making the call and waiting on the . 3 1 ’ P liability each year.
. _ insurance premiums, it may be time to
locator to show up or time wasted . . . .
. . . cnnslder rnaklng the move to vacuum using vacuum excavation equipment

laolong fur a utality line that has “mafia” ‘ 1 I H H _ ._ I _ f

been marked. we must remember ‘ ° “°“ ? “ ‘ ‘ *3” ‘“ ."‘“° ‘ ‘“ *3‘
Lha(d1EpalnIDl\d1eglOLIl1dDnly Vacuum excavaaan, which rellesnn thamlr-i;m°=*;;."‘Cf'jfigglfat
identifies the approximate location uf non-destructive water or air vacuum "‘° “ ”’ °“‘“ ‘"5 " E ' “"3?-
the underground utility line. so, it is technology to sately and etticiently ta
necessary to "respect the marks." excavate, has become a ”besl practice" .

in the tield uf construction excavation
Tn the excavator who does not knuw /,
the horizontal or vertical location of _ F\ ,5 *
underground fatzilit-les, tlus means 
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