Page 13 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 13

deslrurlive excnvatinn and utility locale iechiielugies, can reduce pm]2ct rosls. or ciiurse, in addiiion la the lr.-iilers,
meilieds are considered Best l-rarlices Accurrling (in die sliidy, liiled ”Cust- iliere are truck Vacs and Cwmpanies
in riiusl slates." lrs also less invasive Savings mi Hlghway Projects uliliziiig whu pmvide «lie vacuum eircavaiian
and causes less suriace damage, lmiiir subsurface Utility Englnezring," services iiir «lie excavaiur.
disruprionaiidimpacilri suriace every slspeiiiuii suhsiiriare urillty A_I _ I b _.l _ _ Lh
aclivilies. Musl uliliiies can he qulckly englnezring (SUE) can res-ull in 54.52 in .l?_ "“‘ 1“ d“ E‘ 3”” E ‘f’“‘“’'’’'
and eiiicienily uncrivererl. Even smaller, cusl-savings. ‘ " "““‘ 3“ "gm °°"§"‘“" 
inure complex uliliiies.-ucli.isi'-ilaer- ".“‘““"‘ “?‘°“"‘ °T‘ ‘q‘.“""‘”‘ T‘ E

1. d H b I I d some have sald that llie vacuum sue, cleaning up direciional bnnng
°*"“ ‘““” ““ °“ ‘°‘““ ‘ °°“° cxcavaiurwasiiolliin inureihan drill silesorworlcin ‘ slahe.-id of
with precisiuii, resulting in reduced risk . ' 5. ’ ’ . 31“

_ a high-cost shovel. But in mdays ihe Excavahun crew expusxng lhe
of damages. . . . .
wrirld, lhe rusl of .i ullllty damage can underground unlilies.

Lucnting ulililies via vacuum easily be exceednd liyilie cusliinhe P 1 _. m d d
Excavntiun can ulsu resuli in un|t iiseli. several types us vacuum . "W" Y ""P°"“3 '3 “" °‘5'°““

_ . _ . _ _ . . . iiitraslriicl-iire is iiripurlaiil furalol
siilisianhalcuslsavings.Purdue cxcavaiur. are available, Indudmgz E _E I rh ‘h I
university's DepaztmentofBuildlng irailered uniillialcanheiowedbeliiiid Y’ ’““t‘’“:' “_P“._fP‘ :E"f°5
cunslruclion Mun.-igeineiil published a truck a slcid-iniiunled uiiil that can be ‘"‘P‘:’ ““ ’“.§;"_‘ fl” “:1 ’}:"‘

a study detailing huw liesl pracrices inuunied (la a truck ur a tracked vehicle  W?“ :1’? fat 3?’ “ml”; °"}“‘
in excavation, lncluding vacuum iur use in the pipeline inrlusiry. l:ng:’m“k“;fl‘:’ am 9 9 ° “C
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