Page 15 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 15

mNnNl/ED mom mg 9
with an excavator, backhue or tmclnz ever gone down. They pexinrrn
in nnitine inainienanee iii other dry and be able to du the walk. we ran get routine maintenance on the Hg,
iaeihiiear adding to the value iii the inch in areas where a pickup wuuldn'l be but have only had tn replace a tew
,.K W hm a [sewagzl pump Mm able to get in anrl nut," he saiol. parts that wear out over time. He

an down We iiae it in empty the P“""P The city of Saltilln was an early adopter “I°f"“‘T5‘Y1"".“°’:‘"l"‘“|‘:"?' "l‘}‘“l: ".’““"
atatinn and figure niil what has to he at vacuum excavatiun technology as tar "‘““‘°""“ “"3” ". °° ‘“ °‘ *3" °“"‘
alone an it," Richard eaiei. "We elm as smaller cummunitles go, anal aiter "“”""" 7"°"“"°" “q“‘P"‘E"'’ ‘‘
ii~'e it to maintain ihe P“mP — to clear nearly a deeaole of use with the tool, my “°“ ‘ “‘”“d’ “W °“‘

viii grease and flnatahles ”lt’s the only way In gu. it
and stufflike that. Like \:'~ - - will dgflmqgly Ea. you ant
any email iniinirivality. we ‘ ’ ui trouble," he saiel. ”Sav2
aren't able to affuni a big . * . - up and buy um [[45 ‘hz
vac Inxck. This one has an i ' .. — best tool you ran have."
850 gallnn tank, so it has , ,, '_ p I I

quite a list ui space." ‘ ~ . W‘ ' ‘l. “;°*:“‘ »~‘,1a>“ 13'“?
Richard said a full-sized ' ‘ '* ~ rifle _, , :q:iF:',;f:,:;b:,D:em°

vac mick inishi held 3000 " ’ “e “:53,  ’ purchase saltillo elemeeel
SFi110n»~‘rl:}i‘Il|"“iY alw ‘ (iv 1]’, .,i 4 diiterent models

come wt a price tag 7 ‘ ‘ _t" " ,_, b f 1 d‘ L}. ‘

 re  «ax. also ;,::.:,";::a”;,::;i.
saiel cost-wise, the smaller A ,_ t». \\    m,pP,3,,,,,mEd Om, ,,“i,,.

. , 4‘: A X»-

mere portable rig that 1, 3 ix :3.-, I}. 1,; my [pm

saltille was is more cost _ ‘~ 24:’ i, ‘ .4’ U 1

effective tor the town of y   _ )1 l. . .1‘ 5 l . Don t ever, ever

5500 resielents and can be ‘ ,fi¢»«\,_s. \ ‘., '  P“Yd“fl»‘? Withmiut a _
mm flax,t,1E_ -., s i - _._ ,i~ _‘ - _ demo, he said. we meet

one that just didn't wclrk,
"Ours i» on a trailer others weren't as operator
sometimes we have a water line far off Richard is still very pleaseel l-le saial [1-igndly_ it yuu dual. like using it,
«he niadr and we can get it back there the equipment is nseol a lot, but hasn't you wun'l use it.” W
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t:l~t~.r‘«. :'1|H‘?'H" mrrne at .t.a.-.a.-.i meal 1 nrg in \F:.'%fl‘l m‘Jl'E: .'1.('.i(:ilHl1:.<lm"‘.‘: 51'-.‘t/iflg, nn—hnr- nrxnr rm-irayi rstiarzitrl
2017, Issue a Mlssnislmarill . 11

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