Page 8 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 8

;_ .~« .< I -«v, Al‘ - l — ~._V A V V: , g he dig law pIEPOSa1WhlE1'1lII(lI.IdE~‘ eneenye
; 1 ~' lg’ ’  1'7‘? v{‘\a}V«._«V5.V{V¢-.‘, "‘  ._ V enforcement has now been slgneel lnlo law by
V_‘{.  E’[fi;5_-.gly~-a;-V  V a max’, V 4;.-;-2 ' « lhe Governor It as In eneel However, it was
2.‘ Vl;V y V/.»‘:)VV.'iVf".§ s;.V e‘, l ml 1 ~ V I [IV A neeessaay to Walton lhe mquixzd appnannnenes
 » J ‘V » .,. lolhe Board. Then lhe Underground Faelhnes Damage
: ' 5. ‘~‘' -' Prrsventlnn Board had to busy lbzlfwltll eslabhshlng
' ' ' '§.""" ld d-fildfftll
—._1__m., enes an pmee un:~ or alryan e ee vey
I ISSI I A ‘ aa.a.n..-.eaag Ihspmgram.
 M while much of the disensslon as new to Mlsslssippl, many
a m a  ' ‘ «.- olhex scales have already nnpleenenleel lhen programs
4 .- . and are now lzarnln what lswoalnn well and what
. a 4 '. v «. . ,‘ 3 3
a V ’. .sn
Preve ntl one  . .. K’      are 
ii‘ learned along lhe way:
Pro gra m N ow  a,.,,,.a 
_ lg‘/—4 Enforcement
Includes V ' n.naa.aen.ea,.losanele.n.a.anposes
‘ V g to focus on how slales have respondnd with sneeess to
_ create a ~tzongex and more effectlvz damage prevention
Enfo rce m en . . program at the slate eye
\‘a - . Hopefully ~take}loldezs working tugetlmrwlm aee
;VV»f~»Ve; ,V — Irylng to gel snnllae legaslanon passeel and seem to be
gg;;1‘;:,1  — '— gelnng nowhere ean benem horn lhe ercons of lhose who
3, 1 p have been sneeessinl ln lhe past few yeaes. Theee as not
‘ . i V neeessanly a besl way, but them as a way.
5 ‘ ‘ rm nhen asked for my npimon as to nvhleh slales have
3 lhe besl program. Whllc there are several slales wllh
programa that are effective, I wnnld hesdale to adenmy
 » _ I ‘ _ " one asbelng besl.
2 : 2» ._ .
v , - 7 - ' , l would encourage yen to work together as stakeholders
: V - y N}. \‘~ 3‘ M to bnild a snnnger anel more effective program. Don't
 ' _l__ I -  -.-_ luslmtlude those who ageee wnh yon, fnryuu wlll sneely
3 .- ‘Q1. l j., -~=‘= eenss lhe path of lhnse who don't heroee yon gel to the
V  _ '_V I. V)‘ :71 slale eapalol bullding

.  /,~  ‘ ‘ , }‘ Edneale lhose slakelloldzrgroupa along lhe way.

V "  ' ; ¢‘ . a V Changing behavlors and/orcultums nennnes vision and
,(V . , .  V-; 7» _. e« panenee, but also a plan. l hear, "Ills nolposslble to get

a. y  I‘ W »_ 2 . that elnne in our stale," and I respond that it as being done
— _ V_ V .1 jm .22 cvcry day by them who lhnnghl n cuuldnlbu done.
:* ‘ a‘ , »'J’};I  The qnesnnns below weee snlnnmed to Joe lgel. Mn
' , 2.‘. J "  . lgel, meenlly muted as VICE prefldznl of Lhe Ccorge 1.
V  ~ w l - A. 3“. lgel Kt co., lne., a 107-yearold family b\1~'lnes~‘, where he
' ‘:’-!« ' ,.  sewed in nnenemns depamnenls for over 35 years, rnosl
. | c,,‘ . ., F *- :V~  mcsnlly in bleahh, Safety in ladneanon as well as Hnman
-'  V_V  V‘ - . - « V W Resources
_ _a‘ A 411,.’-z He has been ncllve in lhe olno uhhnes Pmlecllon
  r‘ " Service fur over 15 years, as a eomnnnee membnr pnnr
- V to being eleeled as a nnslee mpmmnllng (112 exeavanon
r inelnslry and has served as Szcxzlazy Io Lhs Board, Chair
and on nnmemns eomnnllees. He has been aelhe ln
lhe cenhal Ohm Damage Preventlon conneil, a CCA
Reg1un.1lI’aztn2I', also sennng as lhen president. He has
been acllve ln the 01110 Contractors Aswclatlon, the Ohio
Chapter of lhe Amcnczm snbennnaelnrs Assnelanon, the
Eulldcr~" Exehange or Centml 01110, and en.ehan uf Ihl:
Ohio Underground Damage Preventlon coahnnn, which
» 1: ;,._;,s V ,l‘ worked to Impzove lhe legaslanve envlmnment .n ohlo
V  . ’. V‘ and eeeenlly helped seenma seeonel selorlegislanve
A - . . ,~ , ienpeoyeenenlsan lhe dug laws In ohln. He currently
o . wmasaanm 2a17,!ssu:3

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