Page 19 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 19

hmh damage to the prpehne 02 a close The zxcavallon new should safely umber, metal or bulldlng a drrt bzidge

eall elue Io unauthonzeel excavallon on expose the prpelme Io Idenlliy the by aeldrng a few teet at the crosslng

Ihl: nght at way. exact loeatren and depth of the palm

A Few Rules of Engagement $fj‘|‘#‘"fl:’f‘:f;;;1“‘z d Crossing flalpellne with Non-

Simllar to rules of a game, there are be protected at all limes while .4 L5 Meml“ ""5

very strict rules and mgulalmns when exposed. when Crossing an operator's ROW,

rt come. te czusslng prpehne ngl1|.~.«u[- . . . ln~t.1ll a tracer wrae for nonmelalllc

way. Simllar rules of engagement are 鑧;"gr3:::s§nH‘::¥ZaEq“'Pm‘“' iorelgn llnes Th.» enables the plpeline

found when nxcavatlon lakes plaee 3 to he loeateel across the ROW ln the

on or across a railroad ROW. Tl’I€SL‘ Man of our older l Ellnlzs are future. It‘s alwa 's a ood idea to also

Y P P )' 3

rules are m plaee to keep workers fairly shallow. Thousands nl mlles of ln~t.1ll warnmg tape over the non-

and the general publlc safe becausc lransmlsslon prpelme. were imtalled metalhe lme for the entire wrdth of Lhe

hmh railroads and pipelines transport In the early tn mid-1900s, prior to stare: right of way.

hazardous mnlenal~. condruclion rules Many of these [mes Them in ‘wt a fnw Bfim In and ‘him

were lnslalled two to fuur feel deep, ’ ‘ ‘ P ’
For your safety here are a few _ are many more The teamwork between
but ever the vaazs lhcv have been
eornmonseme rules to follow mung (low; and dog“ to M“ mmm prpelrne mchmclans and uxcavatlon
When digging on or near a dun: Io exoslun, naztlimovmg m a farm "CW5 '" '*“‘ 5°“ ‘WP’ "5 ““ “T2
. . . . Many hazardous rnatenal plpellnes run
plpelme nght-of-way held or general iazmmg op2ratlon~ fish‘ though many pmpk,‘ bmym‘
. Tlll: shallow lines are subject to ’ ’

Cm~s perpendreular, or as close a. damage 0! mam Cracking dug to and a hne stnkl: or damage to the

posslblc to 90 degree.-, and mzunlaln hem, cqmpmm dmmg am the prpehne hne can be Ca[iI~‘(!Opl’1lE.‘l'1iIVI2

at least a two foot clcaxante fzom the [mes -[hi Pwelme lcthnmmn Wm “Inn a Plliellne ught of way located wltlun

Exhllng prpelme .-trueture lf trenehrng the exmmon mm of “W mmm“ 300 feet of my plllow Tl1l~ sulaeet his

and foul fool clearance if dnllmg. d E d E 1’ close to home for me. .
Mmntaintllcpatlmand |l1l:depll1 ;;W‘;;=_;“;P*;;;*;{;(;;:I;,:;=;;  ,

mos. um mm Mam 0‘ ‘hr wpdme f ‘ 1» I Bub Alghmlollgvl [5 me ntsmtm and CEO

n M_Of_m Mud‘ h “mm” , a "0 ~a E mm 10 00» Ht PIPE me, of unmy Tmllllng Academy. Bob has owl 25
dim D; gs M mm mi; 0, ms we-e_an- mu normally meme -he  Me.  fHPf1lMI7flAlll)l‘ylD[M—
“Mm “mm ’ eyxiavat-Enczcw to blu-Id one nus mg mid Ll/1m11g('}Y1Pl/('V!Hl7l!. Fol aemne

Ia mm 3' mamns he hm by use of or t-omwmls, Hob can he rmcflyri /1! how
as 0 ex‘ V 
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