Page 20 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 20


“Pu blic perception may be more important than regulatory requirements"
eeently l was privileged to pipelines earrymg many ditterent kinds lntormation Reporting Tool), damages
have Rugu Cox (a wondertul ot products. The PSRs only apply to to underground utilities today are less
man, a true leader in damage speeilie types ot pipelines For example than halt what they were to years ago.
prevention, president ot ACTS water and sewer lines are pipelines but but they are still oeeurring. Eaeh and

and a dear friend) in the audience as l the PSRs do not apply to water and every one ot the designated stakeholder
presented a short piece titled "Pipeline sewer lines. Leaks and ruptures behave groups eontinues to be atteeted by
Potpounl” at the mpelme satety & very dittereiitly depending on what ineidents assoeiated with pipelines
Awareness critieal lndustry summit at is in the line. Natural gas, crude oil, and, for that matter. damages to other
this year's Common Ground Alliance propane, gasoline, diesel tuel and many underground utilities.

(CGAD Cunvcntlon. I had talked a other gasses and llqulds am all camed _

i _ what does all this have to do with

ew minutes about various pipeline by pipelines but behave very dlffumnlly bl ‘ d I I

regulatory issues, ineluding public when released trom a pipeline 1:“ u"fDl::::f,‘I‘:]’;;‘:‘hh_'°f}‘1‘C" :3“ am
education programs. Roger and l were 9 * P

(hams ammmm and h mgmwmd The eommon message tor all — no not know the regulatory requirements

matter what is in the line, it you and it there is property damage,

that one ot my bullet points resonated ‘ 1 k I I ‘ 1 I E

Wm‘ him Tm bum PM  W W of reeognire .1 ea or a pipe ine nip ore environrnen a irnpae , or i someone
ms Nude‘ 1. DO NOT do aiiythiiig that waxlld gets ineonvenieneed, inpired or

cream a spark orsouree of ignition. killed and a pipeline is suspeeted, the

The regulations ol eoneern were 2. Get away from it - upwind or pipeline will get blamed. If the incident
the pipeline safety regulations, 49 uphill far enough that ymt eannot will sell air time or newspapers,

CFR Parts 190 -99 <Psl<s). Like many hear the noise, sec or smell the the tourth estate (the press) will get
regulaoons — and virtually all satety substance escaping, or, if it is involved The taets and the regulations
regulations — the Psks establish humirig, a safe alistance from the beeome irrelevant. Any eorreetions
minimum requirements: what is the flames. 3. Dial 911, explain your or retraetions will get buried in the
minimum that a pipeline operator has concerns, anal fallaw tnstruetioris. newspaper and probably never

to do to be ”lagr1l?” The Psks are not, Finally, 4. 1/ you know who the mentioned on the news.

in my opinion, written tor the ”gnod" ptpelirie operator is and how to Th d _l [11 I ‘ N
pipeline operators, they are written to nnitaet them, can the pipeline I °d‘;'C"ff§ufu Vljfgajgijfn dfm
give regulatory ageneies enough tools operaton EH1; M (N ck gm Vwm hm hm‘

to get the "bad” pipeline operators to ’ '9

_h what is the biggest problem with l’APs? needlessly inereased.
improve or s utdown. .
ln my opinion, it is getting people SAFETY PAYS, U

Parts of the PSRs- require pipeline (stakeholders) to listen People in '

operators to provide intormation to general (atteeted publie) have their lives

speeilie stakeholder groups (atteeted to lead unless they have had a problem loltii rt'Ilm:i/rarll PHMSA and is ciiirrntly
public, eleeted ottieials, emergeney with a pipeline or know someone who viee prrsident o/l>ipeliii.~ system Cant;/l[I—
responders, and ereavators) at has, the general public lust does not aaae and operanoiis SW7/lC('5fDr c2 [’l1rI—
minimum ireoueneies (lrom annually care and has better things to do. The ,,.,,, LLQ [»_m,-"1 ,.,;,,, ,gfpb1(Il.‘X2—'5_(nl"

to onee every three years). These same goes tor politieians Emergeney

partieular requirements are what is responders are typically somewhat

called in the pipeline industry (and in more eoneerned but they have so 2 1 4 9 t 3 B

the PSR) Publie Awareness Programs or many other training requirements, 9 3 ' 1 2 6 A 7
PAPs. unless there is continuing educatltm

The colnnnctzfdlotltc m Emggg
lnfnnnrmun i1bO|.\l1'1aZfll’dD|.hl| uld and ‘ L wpu “K m mmmm“ gt“ |g“D“ ": 3 2 7

’ q dun: to other pnotmns. Extavaloxs are '5 : 

3"‘ P‘P“"““°‘ “W M“ ‘W’ “’1“"“‘° hard to reaoh beeause it is a highly 9- 3

lhcv look like, what is in them, where . V = _= flflflfl

— eompetitive held and there is never 4 9
are they, what happens when they leak h ., ,. g r
enoug time to eall laetore you dig 3 2 7

or rupture, what should be done it they M man , M ‘hc ‘mam mama“ 2
,n.oeei.oe Wm mm, man
that there are ~omi1ny dlifcrcnt kmdoof » V PP » gnaan
15 s ttississiaai S11 2017 issue 2 A°“°‘d‘“5 “’ CGA" mm (D“"“‘5°

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