Page 21 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 21

comwuso mam pass 15 l>n>-nlneni locanon In lhe workplace or - Make salely an important pan ui
Normal hmmgs my mm m mm‘ gwen to each employee your euanpanyns eullule and every job.
cllatlons and reduced pemlltles. Upon lztzlpl of lhe Nance of conlesl, . Pmperly train all pel.-unnel
Huwevel, conlxaclols and unhaes lhe me Is glvzn to lhe oeeupanunal _ Lh , _

should dearly unelelslanel lhal ll lhey Safely and Heallh Revlew Cummlsslon. ' 1.7’? ° “l’l"°l’“_“‘“ ’“‘°‘V Eh

agree to seule lhe ease, lhey [orfen The Commlsslun IS an lnelependenl *‘l“‘P"‘°“‘ W‘ °°““’“°“°“ ‘° “"1"?”
lhe nght to conlesl lhe (Italian and agency not ass/Jnnled with osna 01 ‘W New mk-

pmposeel penally. The vlolzltlun wlll lhe leelelal Depamnenl ofLabm, and It . 1; you we .,m,m,, mm MW .9
alsu be placed on lhe cun(m(|or's wlll asslgn lhe case to an Admlnlslrahvz handle a aa,,gm.,5 simian“, mp the
OSHA recoxd, and could be used as the Law Iudge whu will schedule a hzazlng. Mp D, ,,u,e,,. WI“, am mm ,m,,,a,
bzlsls sol a repeat vlolatlon, ll a slmllar The judge may uphold, modify, or W}, ,,,,,,,e, MM}, p,,,md.,m_
vlolntlun IS aled wlthln a |hre2-year elmunale any Item ui lhe nlanun D! I

peuod. penally lhe employer has .-hallenged. ' Flnnllvr If YD“ luv: a l>n>l>lern

Om the W182 hm ruled, my Pam, to following an lnspeeuon, con.-ull a

laeeause ul lhe sevenly ul ln]uuE.§ and W cm my mum a mum MW gmd mama, Whu »,,. ,3X,,e,,E,.md ,,,
"“‘l“"“°Y °‘ “‘“‘‘‘5' "‘““*““8 "W1 by lhe Renew Comm|sslDn Rulings of llnndling OSHA manm .

eonnneal space cllahoni OSHA usually mcummmon W bu mledmdm

elassmes lhem as ".~2nous." Repeal 3 w "W; U 5 CD31" “KP ah

vlolnnnns almost always result tn more PP P ' ' PP ‘ " David Duw IS m—fuum1zr 0/Trewchsn/My
sevele p2n2ll(lE.~.C|lallol1§ ean even he whal is : "Slate Plan" State? ,,,,, 5,,P,,y , “W W, ,,f 'u,,,y,,gm,;,(,,
Ei?;:‘3£‘:f‘£;:a”e?!frlfifffiéifiaifliia 13-: ,h ism:-::':a,“l:;’;,:,:Ea;::::i:::aa
contractor or nnlny- 3 "ms " E" W" S" “Y "" a“ to consfrucfian exczwzmon and unlll

programs, and ale lelened lu as Slate V l I _r _ y

Naticz o[C|mtzst — Anytlme Wuhan 15 Plan” slales These slales musl adopt m_'nWW=- PM llsfmlmes "1 Kansas
wuxklng days allel leeelpl ofatauons standards and enforce lequnenlenls lhal Cllyl Ml?-l 1-rlfnl/Elle, C01 a Memvlrls and
and plepuseel penalues, lhe contracts! ale al leasl as slnngenl as lhe leelelal ~“’“5’W"’1l T*-"W NW" W’? “W M r
has lhe nghl lo nle a Nance of conlesl. rzqulrzments Musl of lhese slales have Still Lnkr Crfya Utah, and San Awtoma,

A eupy of lhe Nuuce of cunlesl musl slmllaz mspecuun pzocedums to federal 7% Unrlfrzmllmi Snffly EW"’.l’l"9'l’_

bz gm“ m ,1“ Employzés mnhmmi OSHA pmvldcs sales, rcrlml eqalpalaalr rcpnlr
xepmsgnmnva H 3“ mphyee F G d O R B | 59:1/lcemmd safely Inzulmg. vlsll
bzlrgalmng uml does not  a copy "3; W F‘; lg"? - -- 2  WE wwwnenclvsafery mm  mm

of lhe nouee must he posted In a 3‘;  :;:]:I,'“"‘ ‘‘“‘“"'“E ‘“ Uwlerxw"wise/cry-mm

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