Page 17 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 17

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* mvivfny aml pvt!/!)§iIInIllIsYI) on em piivtu/yttiiv rlllflluyuus Km! t’ll>L’ the
frmwvt flI)I1‘)£lprI)flL()/trplvugs u.o:II)1nIH)ll5I: possiwe
H_,w,_, Hm“, °5HA,“§P,di,,M allow the oiiieei to tour you! iobsite by 5 As aehow of good tnith, >
hiinseIt/ heneit. iniinedinteiy shut down machinery or

Imt like you, OSHA Compliance equipment that the Officer aays does
O“,m,.im,“,Oi,,D du Tim}, - Answetaiiqiiestionstnithtiiiiv mm2ElOSHA3mndm3_
iespondinnpositive mnnnerwhen vol ma than a enyen » a mtg 3
they see a at-eere mm-mtmeht te °‘’“°‘’“‘d “ “" “d‘“""‘°“ °‘ 3""? 3"“ In most cases‘, onee the inspection is
may. p,,u.,wmg we H [M ,uggF.(,°n. do not sxeculale as to how an neeident mmplmd’ ‘he Compliance Omm
that may Pmve helpful In hahellthg an °“‘"‘“ ‘ wiII huld a brief closing Confznzncs.
ihsveellvn - Explain items that the coinpiinnee The Officez will review the alleged
. c,,.,,,ew,.iy gm, the compliance on’-ieet does not understand or \'IolatIDn~' with you. You shniiid lake
Gfficer and inked“ y,,mE,f‘ inisintennets, but do nut algue. wzilleniriotzéslsu that you ca: intonn

yoiiisaety llzctnrnrcool Inalnr
' Re-iuestand examine the offiterk ' The C°"‘P““““° O“‘“’““’‘‘' of the tesiiits oeeasionaiiy, a Closing
eiedentinis, and ask the seope and cuntmm Wm be Postponed “mi
ream fer the vent Aale what Iebs-te - the Compliance oiiieet discusses the
mcordsIh20ificerw:.\ntsIomview l)n IItIl f.-Iw lhv ingpmiun mi, i.,,/i,2,,.,pE,k,,..,
Detennine which Walkers and I . . .. _ _
company ottieinis the Officel went. to ( ( t I I I I I] I :1 I I('(‘ ( ) I I I I '<‘ I‘ Emvlexefi “W5 Fellewms ea OSHA
interview. , lnspeetwn

_ “you haw any mmnmusped I l H‘ :1 ('(‘(‘\- In ) ml 1 Infovniniuenviiigs — Einpioyets have
that the coinpiinneeotneetis not I , ‘ I I N U , the fight te an-hformal hearmg mth
kgmmm’GHYOMOSHAAM Om“ i (It lllllt II \ (Iltl_._( . the osHAAveapiienovtoIIowing
and vei-ity his / her credentiais Iecetft at aT§tatltlDn aéael PT’P°59d

psna ties. ea ege vio auoru‘,

' Explain tn the Cemplianee Officer anv penalties, and /51’ abatement
that yvur eomIvahy'~ policy regnmlmg l’""’“"'l’ ‘"““ “°‘°" l’}‘°‘°°' "‘d°""' ieq'iiiteinents can be diseiissed. The
OSHA inapedieha requitei that you “mi ’“f“"f“’“".‘“."_‘°‘ Y"“d°.l:l°“1;‘ d° the OSHA Area Director has the aulhnrity
immediately eontactywrmninoffice °“"“ “ “°"“‘“.“$°° ‘ *3“. °‘Y°“ IoenlezInloasettlsmenlagraemenl
yoiiv eoinpanys surety director Dr '1‘: “*9 ‘““":il"'fflf"“‘“"*’ °’l V_“‘“°” “°"‘ that eoiiid revise the citntiun and/Dz
eoordinatvrmay vtjant tn be preaent ‘ “°“"‘‘ ““ ‘ “““ ""5 °“' penalty. In inosteases, the USHAA!2a
elum-5 the Inspection, in which case - Do not give the Cnmplinncrs Offimr Diiectov wiII show the company the
ye“ may requeat that the nffiter watt iiee access to yuur doeiiinent storage evidenee, Including pictures or videos
until he/ she arrives Ptovide oniy those dneiiinents the Reviewing the evidence may heip
. it ‘hz OSHA c,,,,,P,,m€ Omm W oiiieet speeinenuy requests And mnkn the eiiinpany ineke a mute intonned
a WWW M WW “Pm Pwmdmg a pinitoeopy Dfench doeiiinent betoie decision iegntding settieinent of the
with the Inspection Iietote yullr sntety tummg them ever we-
dimclor/Eourdlnnlor nmves, ynu . Make a M of Empinym me °°NlW“ED 9“ "GE 19
shoiiid accompany the officer. Do not cnmpiiam 05.39, ,,,.E,,,;,3.,,5_

2O17,lssu22 MISSISSIDDIEII . 15

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