Page 9 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 9

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Jame sier Uwmlgz Prvveuuuu r,~m.z,m,   Emmi];-ix,  u LIlLfl()I7¥()pVl7II1l!L/IE wwnl
enIerPoint Energy ersaisd the James was rsesgnizsd wiiin the award geographically spread out asrdss several
inangnrai Centn'I"DinI Energy during a vinual rsarn meeting (or the states. As you san irnagine. unis dynamic
Damage Prevention Award (CI snrirs darnags prsvsnrisn and publir ean provide a eiianenge to engage and
retognize an sinpisyse who awareness depanrnenl. During rins rsedgnize learn rnsrnissi-s.’ said Ashley

demonslrales iins leadership qualifies award announcement, Jarnes was Bahtock. direclor of darnage prevenlion
necessary to drive progress in me praised rd.-: and public awareness. “This award is a
dainageprsrenrisnindnsrryrnieersi , . Inn waywspraissrineinany psdpisin
recipient sniiis inaugural award was , ‘*‘*“"'?‘9 '"”“““"“1°.""““1“ our department who are going above

I S k d . manefficiznlandzfietuve db d . _ H, ‘

aines rse ,a anragsprsvsnndn mmm min Sam an sysn loxmplovepll Icsaety.

EDD!dina(Dl‘il1NEWBTZHHIEIS‘TEXBS. ‘ 5”  Y’ 1, Jarnssisonesn1nsseindividna1s,and
James was awardzd a snsrsinrnade ‘"5 “Sm” 5“ '5 3‘ '°“‘ ‘°'".P .“*"‘° rrn proud I0 eaii iiirn a collzaguz.'
iiardinai decorated with the sir ""I“"“"‘“"‘5 3"“ P'°“““‘""Y‘ . .

b d k g _. LenlerPom(Energysdamzge

ran .nar . ‘hsiasnilingsdnrrasriideaisrskisiidw P__mmiDn and puhnmwmnm
“James is vzry active in dis damage “ *5 Pf'“.]5:.”_“’ 9“ ‘"3’ mg depanmenzcovsi-sninssiaies:
prevention community in Texas and ‘°'“P"“‘Y 3“ ' '95‘ Arkansas‘ Ksmnsky. Indiana‘ Louisiana,
is very deserving dmiis honor" said ~ issieringparrnsi-ships with local Minnssdia. Mississippi. oiriaiisina,
RoherlBole1lcI, rnanagsr at dainags excavators and localors, and oinid and Texas. This award is an
prevention in Texas. “In fact hes H h . .h H] 1 ‘ extension disiis team eninirs that is
eavi lnVD ve lnl rse | sreni . HI [onto a Draun wil aina e
h ,1y, Id. h M ssaslrandngwir a eveso 11.1 Mb .g .1” g
dainage prevenlioncountils in our company ea em-iv» prevenlion partners and sharing and
slate and serves as the presidenl nf iins row dam?,D,, and Pubut isai-ning proven praclites to educate iins
Soullw Tsras rlwapter in the Southwest awmms sums qm large and publir and extavators on sate digging 5“
2020 Issue 2 Mrssr5s!pD4511 . 7

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