Page 7 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 7

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Experienced Commercial Agents
Excavators D’5°°W"*heWav-SW8
can prolecl your business.
7 we
s you are aware by now. our stale is dealing pg“;-y 5-ENTER
with a health siluation thal mosl of us es, N 7
never dreamed would liappen. i am greally ,. i;m‘v .. 
encouraged by clie examples nf people reaching ' ' ’ ’

um and lielping their neigllhnrs Ihmugh this crisis. age L1rSul'E| -  asp.» 5.13 ;iu:w::_«

we dnn'I really knew. al this pninl, just new devaslaling hi? i 7 -7g-—[—\‘; er,

ilie C0VlD1g will lie on all our work fnrces. AL VVVVV.'l.KpG!T1S co m

Mississippi Sn, we are Iaking every ineasure in keep

our employees healthy and able in meet your demands. v -

we are especially concerned ahoul ilie adeci this will

have on the already slrained localor personnel. Tliere

may lie delays that are heynnd their ability In cnnlrol. VIVAX

we will enceurage loralors Io rommunirale any delays T

lo the exravalnr and we encourage excavalors to be METROTEEH

understanding as we go through lryingtimes. ahead. mm.“ Pmecfim’ ha’ Em,’ and Amumm
Keep in inind that pmlecling our public ulililies is more _ C M d H d be K H a

important Ihan ever during clie current crisis. " ' "‘ ' °'‘’‘‘ '° """° °" "‘°' ‘

- lnlemnl logging um. eieud en. mulysls

seine things In consider lserore ynu request a lorale: . Raul time alsiomon uens

~ ls il truly necessary Ihal [112 excavation take place ' """"" =3'“’""°" "'“""'I

immediately, or is it something that could lie delayed? V

~ ls il possible in mark (11? proposed exravalion site willn

white paint er llags to avoid unnecessary work and lime Luca. eunsa uuu.a_ marker sails. u-mus
Spam lmfing tha Prom? and synnmi uv.n.uscae.a

R-lxwal and aw... vnneninv

~ Am i asking for a larger area In lie lncaled than i can

pnssihly exravzle within [112 lime allotted?

As 1112 law allows, please call us back if you haven't

received a response fmm clie utility so thal we can re—

send the request in Ilnem. Thanks for your cnnperalion

with all stakelmlders through these difiicull limes aliead

and leel lree Io reacl. nut Io us if we can be nf service In _ ‘

ym .«... urns: burn nane lo. Local: naeuanenuaicn and

"um tsfliul M nndnvnn lhl vCuvlMX-2 msmhnman in... mm \/mam
Fred D. Johnson, Operations Mgr. Mississippi ail. lnc. "‘*='=“°" “*""'= ~“V*‘““ ““"‘Y“=“‘°'
Vivnx-Ihlxwilch cavpanuan Jsmmne u:%
315: Cllmltslu-|. ml Fm: wn4AnJnz enn ..ueennuoen
s.... clnm. cAu5n5A. usA Flmnu .nav..vaeuuu
2020, Issue 2 wssisspu E11 . 5

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