Page 8 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 8

The Citg of Kosciusko En acts its First
Excavation Law with Ordinance #667
By Melissa Hancock
lne ciiy oi Knsciusko is couple oi weelrs io gee ilie nesoonsilsle problem arises in elne iiiini-e along line
nnalriiig oosieiye eiianges io neiliey eo eoine eo remove elie ei-oss bore eiey righIs—o[—ways and easennene areas
lnelo onoieee elie neiliiy lines oi and neoain elie sewer line: lssiies like and we deeennine iliae a cross lsore or
elneir eiiiaens and linsinesses. rliese led lanene eo onrsiie ni-eyeniion orlien daniage lias oeeiii-red, we slionld
On Fzbruary is aoao, ilie ciiy adooied iiirongli permitting i-aelier ilian dealing liaye a iiand eooy and a digiial copy oi
oi-dinanee sissy. “This ondinanee wiiln sneln aieei-eiieeis. ilie permit on File in iny clfiite and will
esealslisiies eieeayaiion. digging and ,_ . . lie able io pull elie oernnii and i-eyeal
direeeional lioi-ing on drilling oennnie  : wlno needs eo he eoneaeied ior ilie enoss
onoeednnes and enioneeinene," explains 1.‘; b gm h V. E h lioi-e on darnage so ie can be i-epaired."
building clfiitia1,Br2nI Busbea.'T1wis "“? "’“5."°55 °'° "°Y“g 3 4 '"‘ . . .
. i-esideneial laeei-al sewei- line. A plumber Tlie ondiiianee weni inio efiect ilniney
will aiieei any Cornpany on eoninaeeon .. . .
. . ealled iiie i_iiy ioi- assisianee lieeanse days aiier ie was passed, and Brent
I11aI does any iyoe oi eieeayaiion in . . . . . . .

_. _ »_ liis rooi eneiing iool wasni niiiee long nsed ilnose eliirey days io conlacl iiiiliey
ilne iiglnes oiways and easeinene areas M 1 H ‘h m h ‘h . .1,‘ _d. d 1 .1 H
Wm" M (fly limits of Kmusku enoiig o ge a e way nong e comfiaigei wi oi manieh e aidsh‘ e
This ordinanee will noe alieee anyone ,__ W * W ,. , ..,., “ ° ‘1“f‘ Eff‘ 3" E 3”‘ I. 9
ilnai does any extavaliclns oneside oi ,,,,,,,,,,, aw _ '"-'*Y°' ""3 W‘ ‘ 3 "P"““" 3 '“
ilie rig1w(s—clf—ways or easenene areas. ii N_‘;_._ "'" ‘r°m;l"m°i§."“~‘=§ 3; W3?" ‘° -'4°
 wanes to plant a nee in ilien m___u W, W ___ Wgrh 1° 7;‘ mg °.u. 9  
yai-d on lsnild an in—ground swinnrning - - ' , _ 3“ °‘” 9 Pm?" ‘“3.P‘°‘“5

. . _ . wonld work. Having wnieeeii elie
P°°' ‘“ ”“" '“‘‘‘Y“‘“‘‘ ‘“’*Y ‘”‘” ““ ondinanee lninnseli lsreiii was able
lvlssii and requzsl a loeaee ioi- iiiae . i .
areas but no eieeayaiion oei-rnie will lie ‘° “SW” ‘I“°5“°“‘ “"4 5-'*"5‘Y -‘*1’
mImd_. eoneenns.

"The City of Koseinslro did noe P""‘“‘ 3“ ‘°".‘.‘"g i“‘ ‘“‘1.‘‘“““‘?

. 1 h . ones inonn elie [ally oi Kosuuskos
oieyioiis y aye any iyoe oi eieeayaeion S D n 1 h d
ordinance, so Ihis is new zen-iioi-yior "°°“,“P“. "‘f“m‘V_  ° d
us,’ says Brent. “We saw a need to slam . “Ca” ml": '" "g fi.°l wfiys 3"
kezping up wieii  inai do mirignh Eggs "3" ;P; ":5 at
any eyoe oi eieeayaeions on dineeiional ,. i. W“ ° ‘ Y 5. "9 ‘P? '“°“
lioi-ings wienin ene eiey iinniis oi  “I35 3 PET; °-{£19  "'15 M
Kosciusko. Jusl wilhin Ihe pasl llii-ee D "E "a‘“:: ‘S °‘H'"\$‘°° "I 5
yearsy we liaye liad fiber lines eliae r i i » i“ ;“;’?"‘f E ‘*5 W“ ‘H [1:"’?:‘
were bored ilnrongln sonne oi onr sewen " mun  , o a on o everyone. 9 F‘. V
inains. we did noe know ilnene was a “".“’°‘ ‘*“‘““g’* .‘° “"°‘‘‘‘" “.“1“Y‘ W“
oiolilenn nneil nnonelis eo years 1aeei- l.—ineli line io open ie up ion eon-eee h ."""l;’* f'“P."""“° ff: '§“,k“‘g °"
wlien hlclckagzs oeeni-red oi- wlien we ilow, but in nealiiy, elie olnnnlsers i-ooe “mg 9 “P3” ‘°"'P ‘ 9 -

did eannei-a insoeeeions oi onr lines." cutting iool eanie wielnin elnnee ieei oi VVorking iogeilier io inaiee Ihings
Kmmko dealt Wm M mm mm oiereing ilie 7:|nE11 gas line. we ealled work lieiieris always a good seraiegy

_ . , . ilie loeal iiaeiiral gas siiooliei- ion line and Brent gwes ei-edie eo elie ciey oi
lioie iliae liloelred a lnisiness laeenal line . . . . . .

. ciiy and iliey innnnediaiely eanne io ilie Starkville ion insigiii wlnen lie was
3"” “ “"5” ‘“*"‘“P P“°"1°'“‘ ‘°’ "“ loeaiion and woi-lred io resolye elie eross k‘ K i k ' -d‘
linsiness. sinee elie ianilding liad lieen h .. . . . .‘.“" ‘"5 °“ °‘““’ °.‘. “°‘” °‘ ‘““f“°‘

_ _ one. 1-liis sienaiion could lnaye been lionnd one iliae ilne i_iiy oi searlwille
vacant ioi oyei a yean, no one ienew . . , . .
. I‘ . _ catastrophic. leis Brent: liooe eliai elie has had an a,mg,,,m g,._ymm ,0,
iiiene was an issiie. onee elie lsnildiiig _d. .11 _ . .
. . new 01 malice WI pievem such issues a (ow yeans now and 1 lookod io aim
was aeiiye agamy elie lsloeleage eansed in the Mm _d. I I 1 .11“ ,.
ilnein onolilenns and iliey ealled elne ‘ °‘ ‘"‘““° ° ‘° P “E “" °“"’
ciey eo iielo iigiii-e one wliae was going -rlie new ordiiianee i-eoiiires a permit ondinanee :667 was ereaeed eo lseeien
on. i ealled in a loeaee i-eniiese iiirongii application io be filled one lieioi-e work senye elie eiiiaens and saieey oi elie ciey
MS sii io see wiiose line was blutking is seareed. lnionnaeion eolleeeed will oi Kosciusko. Brenfs eiiores eo eneaee
ilne laieral sewer line ion ilie lansiness. inelnde tnmpany iiiioi-nnaiion and a slraiglmdonvardy easy io undzrstandy
onee we agnred one wliose line ii was, olione nninliei-s ion eiiose invnlved in ncrnonsense ordinanee and iiiiliiy
ie ilien became a problem enying io find ilie aeinal excavation as well as ilie eieeayaiion oei-rnie application ior iiie
ilne i-iglne oei-son wiilniii a naiioiiwide olione nninliei-s and possibly ennail ciiy oi Kosciuslm have iseen inlly
company io ealle io iii orden eo i-esolye addi-esses oi any onsiie ionennen. “If a i-ealioed as eliey inoye iorwai-d wiiii
iiie liloeieage. le ended up taking a gneaeen orden and saieiy in eieeayaeion. 5
es. nisaiasiooisei 2020,issue2

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