Page 11 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 11

Surveyor brmgmg the call befiore you dzg message to logging operations
G sniilh lives and wnrks in hiil so ‘E12 he hasn't heen sailed in (or a gas line that wasn't rnarlred hesause
anolhei- slain hula volunteer anolher disasier response. someone knotked down the surveymg
opporliiniiy in Mississippi . . . . ruarltrtluey d been leggmg there for
_ At one or his ronliiiuiiig eduraliori ii
inoie ihan a derade ago . b H h years-
rhanged how he and his lsusiness iliink '"°°‘“‘€‘ 3 °‘" "3 W3" 35°‘ 9 id ‘ 1 h 1- 11' .-
__VhomundEV_g1_°und “films: bmm a learned nioi-e ahoui lhe one call sysleiri fie sar d req-mt y ti e Vr tents u-ng
t11arnpionoflhe"ca11heforeyoildig" ;;.e ¥*"'.l'e';PP°" "l""“1“‘°"f“‘1V .;;"::;;$;:l::_:";,;:;;:;Pet
rnessage with an indusii-y nol frequently '5““'PP‘ “ ’ 3 ‘ ”‘“‘.‘ '““f‘“3‘ 3‘ ,1, _,_.uh,l,m1g “V931 mm o[‘1,mse
, d ,l}_ under mm “mmfi aliered ihe workflnw of his lsusiiiess P _ _
assoc-ate wt g » and my MP U, SM pm my mom rnysleries. Bul a siinple and tree rall io
TG siriilh surveyors, led by none olher . . . Sn could save a life. or at the very least.
um §u"\/gyor Tr; 5..,m,V is 3 mmpgny Alter learm_ug_m Due sessteu that save a hundle iii finanrizl rosls due lo a
or five, predorninanlly oliering land ‘°""‘“/ “““"“‘“, ?‘?“1d 3”“ . utility strike-
. . ‘ d . . V underground laeililies and lhal ei-osion

5“"*Y'"s  °'  Pm!“ r l:D|I1d mean a pipeline is lurking al a “You have to look around and  it

In lhe wake oi uurriraiie Kaliiriai TG rnurh shallower depili lhan eirpeeied, you ran spot auytlung. hut Sn-Vhecc--nes
traveled lo Louisiana and Mississippi he siaiied adding laiiguage io lhe tmpurtaut lseeause People dun! lmc-W
lo vnlunleer as a surveyor. sirire his holioin ol eaeh or lhe plals he produres what's under the ground out there. so. I
experlise is in flood zone work, lhere llial encourages a call lo gii prior lo any tell loggers to latelr up the_VPl-dnei eall 3"
were plenly oi opporlunilies lo help as lurlher planning or digging activities. and let them check -t out-

"‘°d'§5‘°“ ""‘°”lj'f"]‘:{"°'" '1“ "°"" nvolsody realized a ii-ee eould [all on a Surveyors in general have a good reason
3" *5“ ‘° '9 “' ' pipelinr and rause pi-olsleiiis," he said. “I to comaft 83- before they go out in the
“I yolunleered lo help wilh flood pui a slalerneni on lhere io mntacl sii, held Tb sa-d the depth vartes hVy statri
ronlrol. They needed surveyors io do hul in know ihe arehileel oi- engineer‘ but almost allVstate_s retiu-re a were of
lhal. so i looked inlo gelling lirensed in lll eonlarl lhern direrily and reilerale rehar to he dnven tnto the graund to
LA and MS," TG said. llial ihey doii'l know whal llieyre mark where theV:r \VvorkVh_eg-ns. called

. _ . gelling inlo fiiianrially or sa(ely—wise a monument- T e ast I ung you Want

ll look a while ioi lhe lirense lo gel “mu my make um Eallyy when gmng 3 Spike gm ,1“ mung is
approved‘ hul in lhe rneanlirnei TG - in M 3 surwiise _,dmy1im_

wenl oul wiih a field erew io assisl ihern when he goes oul io survey, TG

urilil his lieense raine hark and he was ronlarls ihe loral one rall ofiire io _Some states require putting a 5/8—

alsle lo work on his own. have lines rnarked prior io lhe survey rush rehar tn the ground at least

v . so hz can include lhose iriarks on llie 30 mrhes deep. but In others‘ rts -8

I stayed about 30 days and dud p13(5_f[9 typically ,,,,,k, Easgrngi-“S iiiehes deep. “Eatlw siale has a diuereiii

"’h“‘°V“ ‘ °°““ ‘° ‘*1?’ MW‘ underground uliliiies or aiiylhiiig ihal reriulrerueufl he said-

‘3°‘ “°°““‘*t ‘ “'1” ""3 3”“ “"3” rould he lwazardous in addiiion io his - -

lo roriiael iiie ii lhey ever needed N In W E D‘ w°‘rk After nearly -5 years of vtsus down
g,,yll,;.,gp 1“ said, 5“ P - south‘ lhere may he a oneway ii-ip lo

“we did a couple ol logging johs lhal Mississippi in TGs ‘uttere-

lls heeii nearly i3 years sinre TGs Wm SW40‘) Ems when on M V V _ V

“‘“““ ‘V35 3PP'°“°de 3“ “'55 down lrees lhere rould he :n eleclric “E 1”" 5° ““""”‘?°d ‘'.’'‘l‘ '.h“ .P’“’P1°
rnainlaiiied il all lhese years, despiie line Dr 3 3': mm Din um“ h ma‘ hi and loealVsurveyur_s In M'55|f3lPP|‘V1“‘_‘
llie majority or his surveying husiness m E V1 gcamn fiflifgm 55 wk? ‘hf may eunstderrettruegtherel hVesaId»'l
taking P1“ hack homg HE mm 3, pV P y- g V 1 V V havenl had a had linie when lni lherel

. . , . lirne io find oui whats ihere, he said. h. k .. ‘ . V‘
soiiili lo Mississippi ai leasl oiire a year [1 . t -n -Is amasuo .
. . , on lhal yoh we eonlaried an and round
lo lake Eonunllxng eduraiion coursesi
2020 issue 2 Mlsslsslpw E11 . 9

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