Page 12 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 12

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“ hen Ihe excavaliun site silnaliun for but]: themselves and the almost impossible to acruralely describe
cannot be dearly and lucalors marking their jobs, Even .-. job site.
adequatelyidemified s1ss.- andzccurale infurmalicm relayed F V 1 ‘h I. kl .d .1 _k
onthelocatetickel, verlzally nrinwritinglo nnepersnnmay d°'§;“““l‘*"9' 9 '1‘V.°.:.“’d" f'“‘[‘

IheexcavalordesignalesIher-Jule nulbeclearlu znulher. ‘J9  ? P";PV9' -" °_ 9 f:‘V‘,"’-
and/nrzreatnbeexravaledusing i ‘. .‘ _ V lh_ ‘.’°“t“‘.{’l'|"*;9‘3"‘¥“:l"“'Pfi'?;" t

white premarking, either nnsile or (*i?§"3|‘9;;“f99_' “"V1:‘“_‘9f‘ fl.9'l.VlV ".°"_" 19 ‘"“99‘ “ '99.‘ j‘; "°“f
elecIronically(w}|en availablelllrungll ' 9“ .°‘:"fl‘“ °”‘l"9 I9.‘ “_‘9} fh P;"P:“.-‘ “‘9“‘V‘h.1’;°"V9' l»‘d'." :93 °
‘hemanmumPflmm_dm_ing ss..3.n.s...s_ss leexac ocanuxnu e as snssss .s m. Avncn s

. . ,. mm d.|g sites in the Call Cenler. lmlhsldesulll|epropel‘l\'.Whenll|e

Illereqixestlurthelouleuckel. As M H "V .1). Vm .‘ V‘ _ .Vdl d “-1 V H V

an excavator, Ihis Common Ground d_‘*"‘."=n»‘V“;""' "“‘;‘ ‘ 9 P9":  E9991‘? t"‘d9}:"‘9 °Vh°l 19 “"9 " 3:“:
Mumetccmamr,mmM_sm V135‘ Ar: y mssss eamnun 0 {ms rusnae erausew s leexpece n

. . . .1 mm mks to explain the exacl louuon he lsmsa was not. wnsn the lame.-
nliojnsoneullheeasleslloolsymlcan [V div ,1 E ‘ .1 R _ Li V 11 db M H‘ .1 h
.~n .-n.—nv , .  . .
999“? “_“ P’°.‘999 9'99/‘*9-‘ Includesspeufirdescrlpmmswllhm Iheexcavauonwasacutallvtakmgplace,
study‘ Pmterlmg Puhluc Safetvlllrough . ~
» ,  Ihesnteaddresssncl|asfmnl,hack. hewasfrustratedhecausehellmllght
ExravauonDamzge I-msmmn by _.m V1“ .d V)‘ f . U” I _k d V, M‘ Li k ‘ H d‘-'_
Ihe mss reached the conclusion um ‘;= l‘‘'_  dff 9}“ 9:‘ ‘1‘;:‘= ‘V ‘9"“*' 9 ““* 9 9 9 9‘ 9 °"
prenlarking is s_ praclire Ihal helps : gggcjxarblz :f“;°“1‘:n{‘_::M'z9h‘]‘E P_:;';‘ This is not to say, Ihe taller was wrong,
P"9"9“‘91‘”“'3'-|°“*d3'“3E9- D; _.Efmm_ and mmm dimms but it is In) say Ihal Ihe dirertiuns were
. .. . . ' . . .. Ilnrlearln Ihe lnrzlur and ms vrrong
Exravaturswhnlzketlneunuetu wlme lrmnknnwnpumls.Someumesnls _l V 1 ‘ dlhdjmb fit
line"Iheirjnbsitescrezlezwin—\w'in “W95 “'9” 9 ‘ "'9
M. Mvsslssiylahill ;‘02a,!ssuz;‘

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