Page 18 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 18

I I “Wh I It ' 19”
0|‘ IIIIIIB I: eat V, use an IS I .
The Pansy Center
Juksarv M5
mug R ul|1|tyl‘nL\‘}‘L\-C days You w|lll\r1vL‘ so or 50 days tn get a of the pehey .=ronr the sub ox, he gave
,, g ggma of ~D,d they ,,.,,,k eouple of agents mvulvcd m hnehng a It to yuu ll-rm month -150? Nur ad a
“re and am‘ My mm ,, eonnpany tor you that will eever your new one. There rs no eharge tar thrs. H
,,g1,,7~ Today; },,g},_,Pmg, busrnes-s. Did I say the rate rs gorng to It s tallcd a cenrheate of Insurance.
teeharnen equipment tomlantly ups be luslmr? Yes» They know when carh Only we who Wlw can l’f°"d“ “ am‘
we flntn somgudytg gonna 1,“ a he other "I:><Il~ the space" due to "losses ~ cert I know srnnetrnres 1| s awkward.
snrnewhere, serateh or skm a gas hne, And ye» your pnm W-ll su uu» Sm E"”Y°“*‘ 5 ‘" “1‘“"Y“"“‘ "‘"3’b“ ‘1‘°
eut serneenes fibu hne Insuranee |s abuvc—fcwcr playmr mum P“?5l- “"5 has ‘° “W1 °“ Y“‘" b“}‘“‘‘ V“
gums lu Pay bul Elm» Wlu“-7 N0“ so, flnn—vou'm nut runnrng an Wm 1'"? '3’ 3" "" 'h°}:"“d “"1 1”
ynurr wluu yuur Pmr-uum~ 50 up ouul rnsnraneeeonrpany, su haw does thrs “g1"'“ ‘am ‘.":“""°d,: C mu‘  ,1
you drdnthaue a enarrn, understand mmyuu? Wluuvtr uu~y~=r~ all c agmcy l at u
that rnsnranee wru ~pmad out the eos-t you nerd la a cm-fic-uc un ~'o-;m<l-so-
or tovcnng tanks who were habln, who Any CSR can du llu~- You dun tum‘-1
dm Push ‘ht Envelope and Whm _ , _ V , the agent (odds are he 11 hand n off to
rnsuranee had a claim to pay. And rt ' ‘ . llm on-nu CSK anyway!
doesn't rnatter where the losses eerne UK ,.,,b,. who M. R, ,3XPmC,,m, R,
imm.. eould be Anzunr1,M2unn: or V _ _ , , . ' V . P,,,.,,g.g H You W R mg, mm mm
Munlum» you understand the lueate markmg~
Hlgh wad dummml dnumg : r E and flag~ and mahzn that the nrehen gas
(HDD)—lhu eonung mctl\od—mu~( be hue wxll blow wrthrn ave yL‘aIs—unlc~'~
coupled wnh great Ioeaturg The more V _ . , _ e you lull so-ncunc why cun/ wlll fix u
teehnreau and taster the eourpnnent gets, ’ ‘ Immediately’ Tllm -I ~' all good
the reater the need for to toeatnrs. . \ , u \
Dangagea the ‘~ ‘ '  - / §r13f.a“a‘da‘l§‘r’’§ZXa‘$tiZ§T3;tt§.”X;"'
comvunm lu Pay lwuzc clu-mar W-ll there, so rn go 10-teet, and we're good
Ever-molly me your cost of rlu-us , ‘ a lo gal" oh, no. Drreetronan dnurng
uamm olmm-mcully , can and will do ~omL‘ senous nanrage
Insuranee eornpanres have tu makc - — ‘ 1: orgy; lmc~' arkcn(yc~l) dO}\1'\’l1“A‘}l;}Ial farm
a profit, hkc any other hns-rness xi b::m::*vcr ow you I my =- on
\ , \ , , - your Equipment as ton good.
;‘:z:::::::::"t:t::;:.€;::.:1:t:f « 
eover nrakes a pmflt, guess what’ They Pm cm an -scum L‘ am a C»
xual umply wun’l wnlc Ll-at auymom \ V , _ __ Today's equrpnrent as designed to get
and W,” mg you a mm uymg dmytm You dLfimtcl). can t do hnsrness wnlluul Wm ‘Ob dm_ng1“ MN The bottom
dune after a eertarn date, thanks, byc -no-Ir-or-ma w yew llm gm cxplos-un hm ,. am you can do ,,,,,',c ,m,.,,
when M hflppm mmpmm M 3;: ){f*1l’{::§l°la1f~f'Lf'E;~y:_f1';'n§>t*E':bcl_*vlc'; ‘tun: damage wnh tlml cqmpmnnl and only
yum Pll“l"“‘"“ dollar kclcpo rule» lowfir» sort w|ll hn your bottom hne. Cu ask  ‘d"“ ‘“'h“‘“ d‘“ °”‘“ “"‘“—"
cvcm (om amcs "m (II: o‘ act” ma Cs‘ , r ’ ’
wmvvl-1-on-PTlm mm cumglu-In» ll-ul  we “W a hflwmd [0 Good 1oeates are cxiucal partners w1Lh
want to wr-tn Ilw lunul of rovcmzc yuu HDD dnnrng cet with your lotatuh
need fur thrs kmd cf busrness, Ihn: bnncr Tlm tuck la bung auicw-cur-~<mus' and fuylw gm, ]udgmL;"L
the rates. untortunateny, the oppns-rte h , .
also true. The fnwcr eonrpanres wanung  Slalffy lf fvcryllung -1: Kgrsuvu ml: h
yuur bualnmr llm luzlmr Pmcu your s-ubeontraetoys agnm—nol a cnpv ‘“’ “““_ ““"°"“ ° _ “l” ““ ‘ ‘
cuvumgn W,” be‘ — — cvcr-pxL‘~nnt danger ui :rv.y.s~b0r|ng..
16~ Mrsmsrflnrflll 2019 esue2

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