Page 17 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 17

V .
Sammv J01 dan ICUICS aftel 43 Vezus... 01 does he?

ammy]ord:\nrccL~ntIyretired xmm theC1ty1.»fPont1.»mc:\[kur-I3 7- V . I ~ ,

yuan. He wa~' Punmtoc’~ managcrof natural ,;a~b-n ask anybody V j

who knew. h\m aha t11uy’d lcll yea he .~ much mun: lhzln that. V. ; _ r _ . a, ;,

Evcn after rctlnng a~ manager, Punmmc and other municlpalxtxce ‘Q ‘, V ,
cunlmuu to (all 9am ha In~pI1(tI()r\> and help bnwd ea h.. cxpcnL‘n:L‘ and V 1 ‘ . xi 7 5»
IL‘pIItam.»n for hay ahxy doing things nghk, but my dumg the nghl thing . 9 . . .. I
saw ad, "I'm z\Iw:\y~ gmng In bu nnulablc to help [1.»lk~ wha nccd help." - . e ‘_

Maybe (huh why more than 1-1ycar~ ago, he :\n>\\'urcd thc can a~ thu ‘ '- ‘ 1 >

13e:h1ehem watcropcramr. xn~,u.:m hxanatum to bctlmn: Iurfnlkw. ‘-4 .1 q 
Tlmt’~ aim why pm a few yuan baek when M1~~'1~~1pp1é$1lhad a vacancy V -_’*
en the board ufd1mcmr~ to xepmem the mumupal undurgmund uuhtIc~'/ J, ‘ "
sam wa~ .1 mp choice. He «axed, "I've really emeyea .~cr\'1ng an the an .4“

Board. Tlm H a group er [1.»lk~ committed to pmlccung Ilndcrgmund ‘ .

Incxhtlcs aha wL~’vL‘ ~lmn:d a eemmah band unto day one. I told Sam _

Iahmen, L‘xccIm\'c director of M1»I~>1pp) am, about my pL1n~ mr §

runrcnucnt. Wh1IcI'\'c emeyea my ame en the board, I ahhn wan! to

create a pmblcm for thc board In any way." ‘ re

He conlmucd, "W11IlcI'm he longer (11: Ponmtoc manager of natural ,;a~, 5 7

I am .hn working wnh the munIcxpalmL'~, hm m a different eapaeny I was

plcawcdt1.»11u:\rt11alIw1.»IIld ~t1llablcm>cI\'c()n{11c é$1lbnard.Dam:\gc _i_ _ V.
prcvunlmnha p:\»I()n()[nunuandI{old t11umth:\ta~I«mga~ t11umcn1bur~ V _ V N?

01811 though! 1 eeuld n:prc~cnt (hem, and thc haaml thought I could bung . , _‘  ,,
nIcan1ng!uIpcr~pccu\'c ha {ha mblc, Yd he honored to tonlmuu >L‘r\'1ng."  - ' ‘:

Every em bnard In/\n1cn::\ need~ thu experience and eamnmmemer ’  ' ‘  h V.‘
pcoplchkc samjemtah. Hey sammy. en.ay t11cncxlc1'\aptcruf\.'uur  g; , T’

mnrcnucnt. Dee~h'x ~ound llkcyuu are going to gel mubnrcd’ Q; V‘ ~._-‘_ ’

$1 |1'Q « 
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Hum: CMe:c
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Bmmlan M5 3:047
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»nfo@masearch.<om 3% W02 < 5‘ 'h:n’En am.»aaawa1h.e,a..c, (Cm
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2019 !ssue2 Mxssrssmpw an . 15

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