Page 16 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 16

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.. my yam m “,2 c.,....,.,c.,m |ndu.[[yl [hm ma some speufic to dimcuonal dullmg and bonng. These
enumly 100 many damages to undcrgmund names. may even be pan of Lhexr permitting pmeess. Take nme Io
Of m.,,,c, um hm pm, a ,,,.,;.,..,da 0; mamas, end. mvmllgnle men. and see what Impact daey could have on the
as same to nouiy, maccumlc mam, unsafc digging work (u be pnriormed.
::::::::;“::::::::a:X.‘:::‘.‘:;:‘;:::°a:2::r:§:§3: 3- am
npen-enmenehing Invas notpmpamdiorlhe nnaque.-ems ‘ _ _' ’ ' .
. potential lass hum ]u~t nne damage ean be a buamc~s«endIng
nz:um~t.1ncI:~' paesemed by dxmcuonal dnllmg and boung. _
eazasnophe as wen a life-changing one my many nlhch

"“""““°““‘“"“‘"E"°““"‘““°’“ P‘‘‘’‘‘‘““‘'‘‘‘“““"‘‘’*' 4 Thcre1sno~'ubs't|tulsiorex mm e><1~'un nmmesmsee
aidamagzalhatnccurmd whenacontmclozbomdtluough gm ’ d 1”}. F; 3 M i A_ ’

I E d h dl _ d fi V L}. «e aeananan espenay ecevauon eptl. ssmmng
" '““°‘“‘ ‘“ ° °" ‘"°”" ‘”“‘“‘g"' °““‘/‘“' any nne as msmued 1t any speezae dzplh i~ nsky 1nd ha
devascaung eons-equences O\’2l’(11Ey€flY€,(l\€Y2lIfl¥bQ2n . ’ ‘ ‘V _ ‘ ’ ,
2: n. of   possible .na.a.ns and leglslzmve 33;; ;§;‘;°;;jg{,§° ;f;‘;';_‘; ;1jE'g_:f;;°§;;‘;'=§;;h";f°"* ~
rcmed1es,and some aeupns have been taken. However, wlnle should “mm em 5 3’ ‘
the pmblcm as recognized, a ma] lung-tnnn, umvcnal selnuon ’ ‘ — ’
seem. unnllzunablc. Many many companies aae speameadmg 5. Network wnh ulher anzeaesned pames. This h a smaanan
men awn ercons to prevent emssabpnng Ihmugh nnes, but as that demands a gmup en.-enssmn and Input fmm an pames
n enough cun£nIly7 up gaan a saunnpn Lhat truly 1ae1ps nn. may pzowde shan-
rnem am aennns Lhal ean be t.1k2n,botl1 ~lmr|-term and  :":““b':‘:“::‘rb{r1:::§f;:“’:i““ ‘ff: 
somclung-term (and probably more, dcpzndmg upon ‘Mm DY Mmnevdma in“ P Cy ’
lutal aegulaunns, speeafie uuhty mquuements and mlsmal ’ ‘ Y ‘
company mles) nns is not an ananelnswe list. In a changing enynpnmem,

them truly as none. But at least szaymg ahead of the nends,
1- °""‘°“*">'IP"°‘P'“““'“5‘”%°°d*‘““ “P“’P“ ad nsnn mlennlcn ante ahc'|oaddre¢~whalln~becn
‘"°P‘°“°“ °‘ “‘° 5"‘ ‘““‘“P“‘ ‘“"“‘“' "‘ P‘“"‘' “"d waltnessegd and 1eam:§ ll’I‘I1'1I:‘PfiCld)h a laeama sun e{nd
draw|ng~, disenssmns wnh any governing ageneaes «namaye aWm"n an mu; mm the u1hm’mlm“§’“ a‘nd’ mm“!
ynnsmcnon nyenne area and aftzrall nnlns, hamng me nghl ” 3 V 3 _ P

. cnnflict dunngacmm-ban: ~huuld not occur. @
pzoplc and eqanpmem an sue to perfnnn the work.
2. Each ganemmem agency may have speeme requirements M. an veawrlu mum V,.s,a.,..ay.a»  y we in , 1... aye.
for amines that have been installed wnlun tl\ur‘unsd1cIIon, «-«-rm-r««~v«~«>v-mm as 
:4. Mrsussrflnrflll 2019 !ssu22

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