Page 14 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 14

lwllalllllnaw ‘ "§"sl;;f‘
3! ll Ea‘: ll‘ :“éi .~ » ..: is 3! this: ii a nu?
Can t get ‘.1 good g1‘OLll’1(l? Now wha EVEN E‘-“'9

LDIl1IHtgl5 mil all slim grass and pamiieiit Eoetytliiiig you lmclk to ll] you M11 look In it /1! am tliiisirt VIIIWVS latlzlc like it 5!l_I/5 II will U1 Hie
hank. so, a;.»'ne;imid aii l:lldla:l1Ii7l'lllIl0 ltasliteii called on mlmy !lm('5 /ar lielp. HA'w!l5l1'Ml1vcllPA'IflInliflllrilflgIllejlraflcltlzhrlg tit’!/In‘, lmt ll.»
pl'cllmbI_l/ iised it DYICC ar lwiee more he Mpgradcril we weltclrlm Srwc BHIZIA‘ to am‘ /amlly cjsllbjccl llllzllcr erperls HIS snies o/ameles In Ille

upcclmlllg 821 Mflgflzlllfs are ll/rlllm with you, Illclltllllylaclflflr, ZVI mind l/lietloesmeoiin your qlleslllm,[l45Il‘DIIIl1Ifhfrlt lzrlltllrl him rcspalld

to your speei/ie siliialiim. l know he'll be mos.» Illflfl glad I» hclp yau gkf it tiglit. Publlsllkr

nyone who has been cable navel lo the enel of lhe enhle. It may be The jointeel ends, although possibly
locating fa!’ anytime will Ilml you need a devici: that has even 11 insulated, will lmve soine eapaeitanee
be quick to point oul a higher liequeney thal you typically use aeioss the ioini using low frequency
few useful raets that help lo help you on this one. Typieal loeate pipe eleteeiing teehniques does not
|o locate a table or pipe. These may liequeneies lend to be in the ninge or get a good signal path but swilehing
include: 512Hz to 32kHz. Tlmse frcquuncim to -I8l)kHz alluwo Lhc signal to not (lie
_ Mm H Vt I f V Offer good signal to noise loeates whele eapaeltnnee of the joint Iolump over the
‘Y’ ‘3 ° ‘N “ “W ’°‘1“‘““> good geounding is piesenl i—l.ive you insulated seetion.
- Make sure the line has good eonsideied using something in the A Wm of Wm!“ M W have
eonlinuity range of-I:%l)kHz (oi pooi giouneling mm ‘hi M of high ‘énqumdcs ml‘
- Make sure that both ends aie well ’“"'m°"" -I8UkHz ean he henelieial in inany
grounded So why -180kHz? Well (lie i1n~'w2ri~' circums-lanczo, but like all good Lliinga
that at 48lJkHz Llle signal will "blend Llllsre la a down.sidc.Undni>sti1nding
' Make sure you make a good Emund off" the enhle due to the (ll~lzibuI£(l these liinitations still allow Llie
‘°““°<"°" eapneitanee of Llie cable to giound. u~l2r to appreciate the henel-its of high
These am all good fi‘lgg£au9n~’ but There's no need to go into explanations liequeney loeaie tones. The two main
WC kn,,Wt1,a,,,,C,5 nt)la1%VayV5 ,9 DlfV;1l’1a{ LlI|shls,ibIXl ~ufficc;l to say— downsides nie:
simple. Take, furin~ti1ncl:,Il1e Lllixd “E '8 ‘H‘ '3 m‘l“““CYr “E Emil” ,
,,,g8p.,,m "mm M M, mg. m these effects. Nuw |l'1l~ helps with  if 5:15; j;;1:ftvl‘:t§{;;;:;1":;;{1*§£f:*;f'°
W“["bg’°““d°d“ d  :"b‘“‘d‘*("" [11   gliudo ean also msult in a "blend an" effect.
“° ‘ gm“ “ “ E “’ 9“ °’ 2 ‘ ‘ j ‘ _ ’ so retunin si nal eui-ienls lravelin

fpfj,;;‘I,“,§2f§n:L’?F;,;{f§,iuf§fii‘T ane.,.s,,,,eiiit,seo.i.e onotll-=r;;-H33»msulgnggmul-ye
F01’ example, shon telephone drup~‘ to .i uammmcr» Us-ng the 480kHz mode ;;g§:,fjn ‘°’mf}1’:1’,““_x;’
Pmmm W," Pmbably nolbg gr0undEd/ helps deteel these short, uneiirtlied mi: Lg!’ lozdenmy [he timcmgn *
pot ended ci1ble~ (lint have been cable dmP»- P

terminated bl2tau~i:Il12yal'L‘ no lunge! “"5 I. M W M of M My as 2) As the signal wln "bleed off" over the
iequieed or heenuse Lliey have been laid 480ml an “M bc a gm‘ help m entiie length of the cable, the disianee
in aniieipation of being used hitei .ne dmmng Old“ CM mm P,pd,m Ll-C ~'Il;nal\~'|l1tmvv|-110": the table
also not likely to be giouneled. Many of mm, Pwehm mu have oi pipe Will be less tlmn that of a low
it pm  no Emuna, 0, pm gfDund‘ng i...-iilateel ,oiii.s. ll... electrical gfamjsv ;;§:‘;:»e‘*u:*"::"};‘O‘:fl:j:fn:
,,. Poop mapmg a good gmund insulation may he a n:~ult of Cnfludlng N am; fbm Whgm Did ;mmd~_ 4m
conmmun M the aPP1,m,m Pam and ioints and nuts and bolls, or heeause the »mml>» . 3 g -
checking rot eontinuity is not going will-s mattrfal used 10 Pi“ Ll-L‘ Plvvs P ’

lo help inntteis as lheie is nowheie can mam an m~'ulalcd 10"“ Either Wfl)’r Ifyuu have qM('5NLm5 DI (uvllvllcrlla lzbulll‘
M, the 5,3,“; .9 “ml .9 .; mm ,. no this is bad news for someone tiying fh/5 amele U1 ielaled l‘u;li4‘5, /Utlfre: to
gmund a‘ ,1“ fax end we should “SE a to deteel the position of the pipeline. eonlael Sftzlc at‘

dineient teohnique to get the signal to Cavmuvn =ffm~' 1121? hm film , . ,

ie. Mlsslsslflfllflll 2019 lssu22

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