Page 13 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 13

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On Septtlnber 25, 2007 a mrlsslw luztunzl gas eaplasaaaa lzndfirc rlesnnyea an
. ‘ cficerampltxinPhlImieIphI/1,Mlsslsslppl Au;‘lIlIymnIrl1rIal'rlrcldmflyhared
13"‘ mm a seam mean: and 0 gas lane. Tlw lmtlmzl 3/15 aaaagmra fhmugll we seam
‘ \ .‘ ' l line and into me qfhrt lmlldmg and a sham lame (area, we erplasaaa nrrurmd.
- . \ l a mare people were uqured.
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But nea all lanes are nanpperl or And alaavs wlaen alae rooaer guy eenaes He said an a sananlaun where a gas lane
lucalablc. oeeasaonally a emsslaere back into our ~Ior_v ln alae years berure as cut by an auger, Lhc ama should
uccur~‘,r1nd a utility 7 usually a sewer boring was eemmun, a sewer elean-eua be eleareel, and 911 should be called
lane 7 as laaseeaeal by a nanrral gas lane speeaalasl wouldn't give It a seeunel immediately And alae seeunal call

or oalaer pape thought befum runmng an auger down slaoulrl be to Lhc utlllty company so
,1“ mm “my ‘D mm m Old“ :D:rl'\‘1gfi:“dCnr<:‘x:';}I‘1‘:l|t:ul llaey ean respunal lo Lhc seene.
neaglaburlaeeals walla older scwcx lanes 1’ ‘ 5 ln eases wlaere Lhe lnlruding lane as

to alaass-e busanesses tu erlueaae alaear .
with no veranable elean 1.»IIl~ You might __ _ dwcovered bcfurn ll as damagnd, alae
workforce an rlae dangnn of erossbasres

get lucky and not laaa ll, bua li you do, uullty company wlll eume uua and
yuu have to make alae rcpalr," lae sald. W1.»rkl:r~ are now bung eneuurageal make tlm repaar, rerouae alae lane nnrl
Em Sometimes the damp M,‘ in ‘run ahcamzxa down alae s4z\w:I lane document n for mlaare rererenee.

. e amt ey resura to an angst, to makn _ . .
ammealanaely nuraeea bv the uulltv , Tlae goal of any eompany anvelveel an
inslallntiun crew ln alae ease of a is-eaaver  ‘_1‘:‘“ am“ ‘ "“V “"5"” '“"""5 ‘" excavation as for everyune ID gu home
lane emssbuae, alae mlrudlng plaslae P P ’ saiely aa alae enrl of the work day, and
natural gas plpc ereaaes .a ~pDl wlaere If an auger as useal an a erusslaore alaanlrs to emssbure prevention ouareaela
alelans can pale up, lcadlng to s-lraw saruanen, lt would easaly slaee through programs lalre alae one Almos offers,
running dram~ rn a total dug alae plnsaae pipe, alluwlng nanrral gas‘ tn alaal goal as becuming annre attmnable
,, fill alae sewer, nnrl pussably alae lauus-e, every day. Q;

5"“““"‘*‘ ‘1‘“ *“’°’ “““° cmatln a V2 r laazamlous s-maaamn
immzdmtzly, but sonaeumes lt‘~ a delay, 3 " ‘ ‘ ’
espeeanlly li there's‘ not a lot of flow '-Tlaerex a real polcnual for an
in the sewer. la may takn a wlaale at .a erplosmn an .a sewer, smrm drain or
house for alae l\nmc1.»wnL‘r to notlcu a housc. la wlll find an Ignltiun seuree at
problem," lae saarl. saame peana," Iaspcx snarl.

2019, Issue? aaassassaau an . 11

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