Page 12 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 12

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Du might not tlunk of thc cmssbm prtvrntmn to allow lv.»cnmr~ umn m flag existing
~cvmrm0lexguya~bc1ng M Y” Y __ M‘ uulmL‘~oxconfirmtlmlk11uyd1.»n'tha\'c
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pxLvLnlmn,bul\«orkLr~ d V I 1 \ “V d k 1 hclpl1.»czm.»r~bywhnchnlngtllcmbsxm
operatingaugchplayallugcmlc d'§§'"% =°;W"L~d' Lt *;;°f°{*;j V mIdL‘nl|fythvsamaoiucavauon.
m mllgaungtlicdangcrninatllmlgas " ‘"9 °‘ °“"?» "° ° ““"‘° ,

_ may cf the method cunlpamd to open Bcmn: n .- time to cm» an nxhnng
cmswbuma,nccuxdlngtuoncxndihtry h 1 I _d 1 V H_ d 1 d l_
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arcm vacuum Excavation m in u y uncover
Ia. uEru:c,d.1m.1 u xL‘vL‘nl|1.»n , thcl|nL‘~.
fipgmm mm mm; 'E’mgy find Butbonngisn lw1LhouIn~‘k~.]aspL‘r H H
h ma crcw~' should lmvn vxaual The names! 1. way .5 Wu}. .1 vac Hg,
Iscumpanyllmuffcmddamagc h I M 1 H I  dd“ Vt d _ \
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Wm’butLhcy,v“l~DCxPmdEd‘hat LvLrycxoa~mg oma mum mm. on>),suyou.1rcn gtvmg 0 amagc t
mm m mmpamm um dm (lugs m a conflict. §x.s:.?g uuhty. Tm: .- the safcst way to
cornmezcial and residential sewers as "The nghts-of-way am very crowded, ° '
well. and tl\nm'~ more and mum each day,” He ma hand tools can .11.‘; be u~'cd,
The mm“ M the Omml‘ h “'2 ]:1spcI .-T. -inf-‘ :\1.»~;1:11plDrlanI (lung gm Lhcy mi: n:omt lmV\lc, and t11L‘I‘h‘k§[
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unmmmmmuamn Whmamw omul amagu mu ¢cm~a|ng|acxpccc 1.» 2
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cmmmg pumt because ummn. am
puncturing and being xmtallsd through ccmur, and wan two woxlqng am,
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an unsung uumy me a .2“ ex lme. nut mcludmg wnckcndi and huhdays, an mp.
10: MrssAssrDDr81l 2019 Issue?

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