Page 9 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 9

.nrendeel work Zuni: wnl. wlnre p...n. Expaamg ..nele.g.o..nd fanlitles to ’’II lakes a ream eflnrt to raekle rl.e.e
beiom eonlraeiem arnve an 1}“: atone ge. n firm eannnnanan of Lhmg~, nobody can (In .l.em an rl.e.r
7 .5 a fmzly common, but lie .l.e.. location .3 ealled potllullng, and own," lie .a.d ”Tlm best idnas are

mid DPCC membeea would to it's beeammg mnel. mo.e eommnn ia...e. that everybody l.a.- 7 nm
pmmore, o. pnrhaps look at mquinng dnnng dneennnal bonng nperainana. in.-r laeaiom a. excavators a. .n.l.ry

it In rlie d.g law. as has been done .n The DPCC a..endee.- showcd .n.e.e... owner/Dpzratnn‘, bu. lsvcrybody"
other aiarea. in defining potholmg merlinds, and

Pombly mquimg um mhniquc bc And rlie nnnng of these tonvexsatlons

nnongl. .l.e ...e of cps technology Cm '0 m m mm“ W N of d‘ m couldn’tl1avl: been belle. A. .. mm.
and CIS mapping information, adi‘‘’”“’b ' P 33 5‘ oui, Cllarlna brnuglil the .' from
Excavators enn ...-e "virtual wlulc " rlie fizsl two DPCC mcelmga to me
Ilnmg" to mark .l.e.. ,ob ...e on a ~Tl.e.e a.e ]\1~I some example. about M5811 board 7 and found out that die
eompnle. and not havn to physically wlml peaple lalknd abo... at Lheie bea.d was alxzady mnllmg many of
put paint on rlie ground 7 whlclm .a meennga," cliarle. sald. ”W£ will look rlie.-e ideaa.

oiren affected by mowmg, digging and mlo wliar we ean pmpuse leg..-laiively ,,

.am that will help eve.ybndy What we are b“ ‘"17: }‘"V§““f‘3“1f° "°“d }_‘“d

looklng for ..- to get eon.-ens... from '3”. “ ‘"5 “ °“ °“‘ “‘"“ ‘“7,““’ wlnre l.mng also allows ....l.r.e. an Mknholdm and a M Md V 7 mg nekeia, dlmcllolml boring, lie
to .e.ponel nnrl. a "nu canfllct" nole for an bum mm ’“'m mime ‘fan g {M ~ald. "we thought maybn .l was iime
rbe area W|t1\U|Xl1'1aV|ng Io phyaltally would lm mm the ~_ mm Tlmi’ “M to p... some of ll... on. .n .l.e publlc

be .n the field 7 ~om£Lhing that can't P Y ‘ and turn die November meeiing

. muvc forward and try to .mple.nenr .
be done without this newer ieelinology. ,, into an open meenng wlth all of rlie
them .n ilie yea. “akdwldm ,,

"Alas, people dl~cus~2d In die mlzetlng , K ”

that mere’. no real defin.i.on of bonng fflifiai For Lhmc not able to amend

.n Ml~'s|s~lppl’~ damage p.evenr.on ii,’ 6 M ‘man’ E‘ ‘D have mm mm Lhe Summit, .l.e.e will .—r.ll be
l.1w,"C1mrle~' sald. "There wasn't ...el. Mid C’lml2jfmd mm hm hm ’ oppon..n.i.e. to share .n rlie dermati-
a dung when the d.g law was wrmen, ‘ ’ making proctwa. clmrle. sald Lhey am

, _ _ _ a lot of mar .den. nlmady, end a lot
an .r doean r neldmaa that .....e. ll waa of mm mm M“ bf mmmmd m looking to hold .eg.enal .rakel.olde.
.eque..eel to look mm deamng what ’ ’ . meetlngi to look a. how to makl: a
. a bmakoul seamen a. rl.e s..n.m.r .n . .
dneenonal bonng .5 .n .l.e law, and . puamvs impaei an damage pmvznllon
. . Nanembe. to gel even mom mpul
poa-..bly .eq...nng uxpoung exhllng Lhmughout rlie a-rare.
..r.l.r.e. in you cms~tl1em.''
. I l 7-  .
J - ,. . r
,( *‘  N -.
. \.s . .2 7 t p . g —
 _ ,»...uv'
‘ \ in‘ ‘v
THE GAME AGAIN.  ;, _.;._. ..
Featuring an innmilve, low-proile design, our HX line " I ‘ “  
01 Vacs dussrfl sacvlllce power or gvound clearance, :7". > V -' ‘ ' ’ _ ‘i’
dellverirlg unrivaled versalihly and psvfumancs la ' 1 ' .  Q‘ _ 7
any jobeiie. Fmm pothohrlg and aim irencning to fluid 77 — " ’.
and debris cleanup, HX Vacs are your next gerlerallon — _— 4
multlpuvpose machlnss. wan: IN nus roazmsn.
CALL TO SCHEDULE A DEMO. vie  "‘“‘ .«.
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A . _,7—
I: am-9:9-ans) u r: ant-9.19-anal Y:9n1-aw-nsnl // F:9o1-sen-3554 { - i If 6, ‘ . " ’ ' ‘
m5 FneslerDv H pea... MS saws 175 Mann a. /(CuH|ervll\e m asuw , - p : . 3,4 -
r 7; 5; _ ;r - - _
flbnch Witch 5 7"  _ N _...-,.;
, Mid-South ,  e.  3? .- ‘*1’ -
.‘ __§.r.,.‘ .r.‘)—V r
en... Issued Mlsslsslpw em . 7

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