Page 11 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 11

make. rt ea.y ta rnclude other detarlerl mam ,,,,,£fi,, of ,,,,;,,,m-,,g ,,,;,,,_,,,,gy
mfuxmallun that can only be rlarre rr gm.}myaduP,ad,1m,pad. and me
you're arr—.rte and not er. the de.ktep
compute, 0, phone back at Law Dam ‘ M5811 app, cea.t Electrre found othu
way. to make Lherr mve.tment |n
For Ir-~tM-rel the Pole numbu or a techrrelagy pay off. They uplearled the
dmmpuon of nmby landmarks that (115 mzlppmg eaorrhrrate. {at all of therr
might help a 1'-tram ldvnllfy Whlrh tacrhtrea — wrth detarl dawn ta every
aide vi -1 mad or Whlch mm“ of an ' mdlvldual pele — to each er the tablet.
-ntmmmn the work area -- located In the field. Tlml mean. In the event
In the pa.t .everal vear.-, Caa.t Eleetrrc -" D‘ ““ °“‘“S°/ 9”“ MW“ Ca“ ‘1“'C“Y
ha. embraeerl whrte lmlng, where r Pull “P a map of their mlulpmcnt and
Warm. mark the am my Plan to .pal pe..rble trrruble area. And tl\at’~
excavate before they call |n a laeate *“P““"“3’ 1‘°‘P‘“‘ '" “'° “V0” °‘ "
mum That help. lmtm mmmy ?tIIrc1ldll~aslL‘kr when ollt-of-~tr1lc crcw~
amas they need to mark. Along Vfllll “q“L‘“l Y ‘"3 C “Pm”
whrte lrmrrg, Including mom detarl on trod,“ p,_,wC, mmPa,,,c,. have um,
‘hr Hckrl F-Ell» loratvh find ‘ht "ah! eapabrlrty, tee," Kerth ~ald. "Dunng
“P09 Wm Wlmn W1u!L‘hn"-r4 Ia med D d L d “h C I the la.t .term that came mm seuth
avl a aer .. one u e ea.
l<erth .-arrl caa.-t Eleetrrc me. the held [mm DPm,,o,,,. a“M5‘flr‘!5 mmg Cx"°1ImrW= Sent m‘W> 10 1101? with the
tablet. me.t fmqllamly rer outr1gL‘~. me whim ,cgumy_ “mm M. ugh, Im->vL‘r,v Cffv-W Tht‘ other C°mP““K‘>
in W‘ HM 9 month of 201$ Ihry ether crew member. armerl wlth lPad~, Wm “H” “’ “"1"’“d‘}‘"" ‘3""‘°’“ "" "‘“’
Pcrfmmnd ab°m~175 undcrzmund but Davld handle. the majontv oi the '“b'°" “’ W“ '”,f°“1d '‘“°‘‘’ W}‘"‘" “H M“
a=n'IcL‘~‘ —l"~'! In Harman County undugmllnd loeate reqrre.t.. ' ‘““"'"°‘' W“"’
That Nd to rcpmmt a lot of mm‘ ,, 1 _ ll’~ expected that mum utrlrtre. wlll get
apt‘!-I Phor-ml: Iht‘ 811 ta“ tome! and D"‘“5 ““ ““ '‘’°,‘T‘° "" ““,fP,“d " “ er. baarrl wlth M5811’. app and follow
verbally filmlz the t-cm or dnvmg '°X'D‘:t“f’::c“lf‘:°$f  33'; f‘rf:n:1=1‘)*P Coast elecrr.c. Invmtmcnt .a the field.
back to a de.ktep computer m an office EM; dick We in ll‘: lmmn flnilhc Ci/1L‘r_vl taol avzulablgoj lncludmgk
New, Cea.t Eleetrre. crew. are able te . .. d 1 ‘ t. b ‘H , “W ‘CC “" “EV ’ “"“’3’ Y W“ ‘W
handle all of that wrth phi a fnw clrclc. 3:?" ml ‘ a out 1 )0“ ‘'-‘“'“’d ""““"S “““$“°“’ “““ ‘°*">'
— all wlulc they're .-trll on-.-rte “"“‘Y ’"'‘‘°’' C
. l - .7 l '
7 . a l ‘ r l ‘
a _ ,~  I V’; r -a - 1
mean  Dia|ing81l could  '
tooerliygflns di:r99er_atI9n§'wR'I.9 . t.—« ~ * .,, .~.
pnmaljyfocus on,p{ate_cI_1'ngth_a have prevented lt. . U 1 r, J no
safety of mesa Ilvlngl; or working M A V V I ‘
near our plpe Ines. H '- ‘_.;~ _ ,__ e, "
,, - , - . . I , ..
.  I
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Ken:-nlsbdllu. ' ‘ _ 7-3‘. "'
Cfllboluluyntflg. '. ” .  ~
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Incetseiatnuemavgenby , . :; _
call two 925 4:52 _ 7) . I ‘o
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4\ "all at
<7 av“ '
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32: law .t
AMEmcANMlDS.mkAM Jaikjml mssmcuz . ,> r u
601 372 9535 .
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2015 aw Mmaatw 511 . 9

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