Page 8 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 8

Building consensus for change
Damage Prevention Coordinating Council meetings lead to new ideas
By no Ma/och
an Magzmnes
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arnage Preventnan
Comdmmmg Comm!’ place m Ollve Branch, a Memplu~ aeked to ~ubmlt locate requests‘ only
an arm‘ M M hm, Wm snlanrla In the northern part of the ~'tate [or the area they plan to excavate In
[0 guns mgmm bm_,[,, at the end of October. The hnohngs trenn that 1Ll—day penod — some trallew that

0n_khC_gmund mpmcnmmg ‘mm all three at these meetnags wlll help snggestren, 1.»lher~' do not. And that can
rem“, ,mk_1“,,dm ml, min and shape the Mrs-srsnppr 811 Sumnut that create heaolarhes [or utlllty owner/
.ma]1 Em,-y mm. A DPCC men“ wlll take place ln November. opcratnn — Cipcclally the smaller

tn lvlwslsslppl, new ldCa~‘ come to '-“”S“"‘m“““"»

light, lvadmz Iv-}l1P°:‘|<l>' Cl1(mr-rm Mid "Big ernnpantes llkc ATBzT tar Atmv.»
new l>mm<c~'! at 0 P EDP P“-‘P L‘ m| htbe able to handle that tlcket

sate, ntrhttes tlrawrng and nltrmately m,‘f,mL./at Clxflrlcs ma’ nm a ma,
rcduu‘ tht‘ numbcr<>‘c<»t1)'d:1m-=56 water s-ys-tent that only has one gnv
ll-muzhout tlm ~'lmL‘» to do lt all .s- alreadv s-tretcherl tlun on
Two of three [all councll meetrnga have m~°“'°=~-"

Iakcn Placer and a1r=ad)'MI~~'|~'~IPPI one snlntren that was ml~‘L‘d durmg
811 |~ P1”‘~‘P"““l4 for funhrr dw-hM°n~ the eranncrl rneetnags n to follow other
that could ‘cad 10 bu; ->d\‘a"<L‘~' 1" W‘ 0"‘ "f ‘l‘“ “N "‘“"“ ‘hm W” states and hnnt the area for each tlcket.
mm,‘ damage Pmcmm [M among menuoned early In DPCC n.»n\'er~a|1on~ That would Pmcm lmms [mm
mm dung“ h the need to llmlt the scope of large having to mm‘; A Pmmlar mm mm

nckets that trequently get called H) on _ V1 —

Charles‘ stalhngs-, damage prevention MW “uhqy ,,,gmna,,,_,,,g_ 10 dalyjt Mn whim It may br WL\'k~ or
coordmator wltlu M5811, iflld the "L b “Wm “ l’°f'-‘ml 3‘ ‘"9" “ "‘ P133’
mu-«lug» bmugm mnma a lot or C13j§‘10:::§:‘$f:“:::“n::jf‘;:"’;k¢ Cl\arle~ an another  to 
great ldea~, and that the erganrzanon :1 d H _ d b VI; V thC,mdUn1om_m dmng Mgr

ts cennnttterl to advanclng |dea~ Wluclx a W8 A ma at a I-ma, an I > aw) “mm ‘mmnmon Pb’ H M mmmgc
garn a consensus among all s-talceholrler kl"-"C “E/|j=f~ hm to bc updated Mr)’ mflnamn, mmmga Wm‘ an
|"d''~“'K‘~'» 1” ""3"" ”'“'°“ ‘Md’ stakeholders — excavatoh, lecater-,
Comm] mmungg. “mm conducted In There's no way a company could bore, utlllty operators — before the work
Cuupon and [ht Jflckmn Suburb of say, a 20/-l'l'|llL‘ ~trctcl\ tn a 1U—day perlod, beglm and have everybody ~'lgn off on
]:]m.mDd, Wm, flnmhc, mmung muk so there ~ not a need to all m that large a plan. Mandatory wlute llnlng — a

of a request, he ~a1d. centraetrars are pmctlcc where excavators‘ mark the
5. Mlsslsslunlfill 2015 am

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