Page 15 - Mississippi Magazine 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 15

wiiaiio do ifa Pipeline is """‘”‘""*"“ "°""""
. Calliieioie you iiig.

Damaged or Disturbed
Even ii you Cr1|l~L‘ W111}! rippcah [0 be only minor damagi: Om‘ iii div izimim ~iiiizli‘ d‘i‘”""l§"‘ iii wit Piiwlinc
to (lit plpcllnc, Ilhnlcdlalcly nnmy (116 pipniiiin Conlpany. iii>vmtiiiii~i~t1i<‘ -iciidviiml itimaizv caiiwd by cxcavatmn,
A g(,..5u, ,m,,c, rim 0, mm m "K. PM 0, m,,,,g may n)lI~tl'L\CKI(lh, farming flCtl\.'Illl_'~, nr mn l1()nIL‘u\\'r\l_'r
mum a future rupture or leak ll i~ critical that a nit or ‘°"‘[“*°"““ Md '“i“““‘“"““‘ B“““”'~‘ Y0" d‘l§ ‘W '-‘XE-IV ML‘,
bml<L~ritrr1:cr Wlrl‘ be repaired. It I\ lnIpL‘|’a(l\.'l_' [1'\a((l1L‘ niiiinct div 0iiv—CaU Cciitvi by ~iiiiPl.v ilialiiiz 811 from
P,Pc1,m. Wm MPH,‘ and mpam my damm m "K. :lr\y\\'hl_'rL‘ in tlic Liiiiruii Str1lC~ PlL‘r1~(_' call kicfnrc yuu
line or rclzitcd nppnrnrm. Many mm havi: lr1\\'> rcquinng «art yuiii P“‘l°C‘r i~'ii<‘thvi ‘i‘"““"P"‘l§r building fem"
damagm to be rcpurtcd to the facility owner and/ or the “Y P""“‘“’“K " ""‘l“Y ‘“““‘“‘t“’“ P"’l<‘°‘- P‘P°1‘“<‘
omcaii mm, by dmimg M, D‘, “U. ‘,m.,,,P, K, ,“m. (0lhpm'\lL‘~ and(>[11i:r |IlllltIL‘~ will mark the lotfltlllh iii
the repair. in UK‘ llhl‘ yniim-ii. ii .i iiiic i. r|Ip(ul’L‘d nr ilicii |iii<‘~ at no «M iii yiiii Piiwliiiv and iitilii,v iii-iikci~
imiwg an m_ gu,,.m,1,C P,PL.i,m c,_,,,,P‘,,,y B, qmki), may not >h0\\’ lhc exact incniinn of lhc kiurIL~dliric~.VVl1cri
r1~ p()»Iblc. Plpcllhl‘ mzirkcr ~lgl'I\ ~11uw the pipulinu °’“‘“"i““‘S V"-'3‘ P‘P""“'~"r T“-“VY °""‘l»"““'-" “"11 ““l'““‘
cr.,,.,,m,w. mm r.mC,,;L.,.c, .i.iu,,i,(,m ,.u,,,i,C, mi iiinr they hZ\\'L‘ n plpfllllk‘ nimpziriy r(_'prc~chtr1li\.c urhitc to
,,,,x.i,m m,,m,[,_ lh~PCC( and protect lhc iiiidcrgrriund plpullnc Faiiiim to

(all 811 bufiirc cxcrwatiim i~ Khll lcading crui~u (lXA"an1agL‘~

In buried plpL‘lInL‘~. Dric aimplc niii can iinip kucp ynii rini

ni iinrini. \\'ay.


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