Page 16 - Mississippi Magazine 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 16

g Eyfiublwglvswunger
Tlps for Troubleshooting Problem Locates
hmuglluul my localmg years, For Example: ln rrleal eondruous, you - consrder Deteeuon Morle Sellmg
rt's been my opmron, and l would ehoose a low range frcqunncy ‘Peak, Null, Drreeuonal, srngle
Ihlnk other lncalozs would appherl by rlrreet eonneeuon to an Peak
agree, Lhat ln rrleal eondurons above gmund aeeess pmnt tn the _ I m I Y I d d

the task of hne lncnung is pmlty cut underground lrne we eonsrder this “'3” ¥”3*é‘5 f F‘ *1“ “P 9“
and dry You apply slgnalmg curmm target shoonng Ihl: undugmlmd lrne °"““ ° “K”

to a burrerl target hne wlucll ereate. a Hlglmr rangc rrenueney semng~ are . dlrnctlonal rndreanon of TDC, l.elt/
srgnal neld whreh rs broadcast out from great for solvrng problem. when rdeal R|gh| Amm. a, D,,m,aml Needle
yourtargeted hne. onee a good s|gnal cundlliom do not exist However,

field rs created, findlng the signal field higher irequeneres may create problems ' *’~’"*"“"“Y/g“‘" ‘“‘““S

and Iracmg the aelrl beeomes easrer by bleerl ufl to other lmes m the area, . fig“. C.,m,l rm.

and easrer wrth praeure. Teehnleally, we ereanng molnple srgnals whreh eonruse

locate the (up dearl eenler of the nreular both equrpment readrngs and user. so ' °"="‘““°" '"d"“"°"

field, whreh should be loeated dlmclly high rrequeneres ean be vlewerl as a -1-arse, Um Chammisflrs
above the buned target lme. lorm or target shoonng wiLh a shot gun

If you're not camful you may hu more ' am of msel hm

But ll you are responsrble for hne ‘hm cm W 2‘ WM‘ 0” MM

lnczmng and have eneountererl problem ‘ 5 Y ’ ' cvnduthvlw of target lmn

loeates, you are not alone. Locating Gather information athanrl 2 mason . dmnm; c,,.,..m,,h, 0; ‘mama
P‘°‘’'‘’‘“‘ ‘“ ”“‘°“ by ‘“° ‘°“‘‘‘“‘’“’ Gather lniormatlon from Transmrner mu-I V

‘h“‘ ““ “°‘ "‘“" T1‘““" “ “M” Reeerver sue condinons and svstern

every loeate rodeo competmun I've Mapping The mung. mg‘ m(—h’ng‘_ ' depth of the iarsd hm

‘,,"‘“ ‘° "W1 “ ‘P°“'“‘ “1},“"““$‘ °“"°“‘ avarlable to you bv your transmnter - In»: of bnrkfill am-Ind the ‘inn

The Locate from Hell. —
and reeerver wrll rlepend on the brand Sm Conditions

Solvlng lrne locatlng problems requrre. and model of locating rnstrument you

mawnlng to determrne the eause of the have avarlable. - loeanon of vrsrble ugns of unhnes
P“""°"‘ “d ‘“‘“"E ““‘“’“ ‘° ’°"’“ ”‘° Gather infannutwn [mm rrsonrees at - wll eondrnons

problem. You have to use your eyes and h d_

bmm. The [int step to solvlng a hne “" ' - oeauon of access polnl

luczmng problem would be to step back Transmitter _ I i d _ k
and lhmk about It. stan gathenng all . °“"“‘’“ ° ‘“""°’"“' 5‘°“" ““ °
the infnnnalinn known to you at thrs ' °“‘P“‘ °“"‘““‘ ‘““d‘“$ . presenee of other bunerl lmes m
P°“" - appherl power Izvnl /volts the area

A gwd undm!-and-use of the theory of - erreurl/loop resrslanee/ohm. - vrsrble eommou bondlng wrth
how lucalmg Equipment work~ anrl the other lmes

llmllatlom of the technology rs enneal ' -‘mlumry mil-ng , .

for solvrng lrne lncatlng problems . ,,,,3.},,,d of Slgnal apP;,ca,,,,.. ' ‘°|"‘d“ "‘°‘“"" ‘’b‘‘‘‘“

The more you understand about system Mapping

how lncalmg equrpment worles, the ' Plmmrnl of ground «akc ‘

greater your ehanees of sueeess when Remivep ' Gmm‘ ma 0‘ 1"“ "°"“"“Y "°'
troubleshooting This rnlorrnatron rs WW" ‘° ml“

neederl to help deterrnine the possible - Note the number and lumen of . 0;; Set ,,,m..,e.,,.e,.,,. .91,“ (mm 3
eonrlruons that exrst whreh may be all ~-gm!» d-awed an we while mom,“ Pom

cmatlng the problem at hand pczfvnmng a Mgnal ~'w2El> and

seareh of the srte. - Number of lmes in the area
:4 . Mlsslsslflnlflll 2017 Vssuzl

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