Page 14 - Mississippi Magazine 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 14

Be aware of pipeline markers in your
neighborhood and at your worksite

For yoiir saiety, pipelines are marked High consequenee Areas
by above ground signs to provide

an indication of their presence, In accordance with federal regulations,
approximate location, material carried some areas near pipelines have been
and the name and contact information dfisigflamd 35 Hifih C““*‘1“9““?

or the company Lhal operates the Areas For these areas, siippleinenial
P;pai,,.£_ Mme?“ my be mywhm hazard assessment and prevention
along the right-of-way (a strip of land Programs known as integrity

usually about 7.5 to 150 feet wide that Management Programs have been
contains a pipeline) or directly over d9V91DPEd- If a pivzlim Dpmwr has
the pipeline itself. These markers are High consequenre Areas, lnfozmahon
generally yellow, black and red in color. about these plans may be available
The pipeline may not follow a straight Ihmush their cDml>any'~' W»=b»~ile or
coursc between markers. While markers by contacting the operator's corporate
are helpful in locating pipelines, they offices

do not provide lniozmarion such as mm b a Wm my D‘ Pmdum
how many pipelines are below or the "ME" h 1 H‘ h _

. . gt riiugi et oiisandsot
dew‘ °‘ ‘h? ‘‘“E'‘‘ Th‘ P"“?“Y ‘““““‘“‘ miles of pipelines, everything from gas
°‘ ”‘?‘“ “‘“”‘”" "' ‘P’ ‘d’“‘“‘Y *2 for your car to oxygen tor hospitals.
location of the pipeline generally as an Man f 1 _

. . y o tiese produets ran be highly

“‘°" ‘° “‘“5“ ""*‘° ““E}“ be "’°""“E flammable, harmful if inhaled, eause
““.".‘5 d“ '’‘P.‘'‘'‘“ °°”'d°’ f”. ““°“‘“ eye or skin irnlarion or possibly caiise
utility or during the construction of mmmky bmflhing some of mg
homes or businesses nearby. You should mmmlfi could muiiz Emmnmgml
be aware of any pipeline markers in dam B M _ I “.51
"““’ ““‘g”’“’h“°“’ 5” “'3 "‘3"“5 hazards, it is important tor our

3”“ "K“°"" Y‘“" ““Ev*“"""-" Wm“ neighbors to be able to recognize a
down the name and phone numbers i Elm Ink

appearing on the pipeline markers in P P '

ease of emergency

Pipeline markers are important for

the satety of the general public. ii is a

iederal erime fox any person to willhilly

deiaee, damage, remove or rlestroy any

pipeline signs or right-of-wr1y marker.

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