Page 13 - Mississippi Magazine 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 13

lpulmu. am this energy luullm us many 0! our dmly ucuumu., from am mg our clllldrcrl to ~:hmll and
hunting our humuw, to buying grntcrlcx at mu xtorc dcllxcrud by [I'UCk~(]1flKfuII(!I\ dlcwcl
The U5. ha~ t11L‘I:lrgc~'lrlulwurk ufcnclgy plpulum. nu uuy uuuou m mu world There um nmrc than ZUUMUU
uulu. ox ml plpcllncs and 300,00!) mllc~ of natural gax plpcllllm ull mtmw mu mllntry Tlu-~u llnc~ are tucked
undcr our ~zmm~, lhmugh uuglluomoool. and commIlnl[Ic~, uml (ml/cllllg below lannland, forcdx and .lu.un.~
Since/\n1cn:an~ consume more «run run mllllun g<1“Uh\()fpL‘(\’0lL‘UlT\ product. per oluy, plp1_'lII\c~ arc uu cxwlltlal
component 0! our natl<ln'~ IhfY<1\[l'UC(UfL‘ Wldlolll [hum our m:ld~ and lllgllway \ would be mcrrurl wlth truckx trying
to must Ihl~ demand. Atcordlng to Natmlml numponuuou sumy Board \t.m.»xlc~, plpullno are mu ~afL~>l, nu»!
mllablc mzlnncr my tmn~pur(lng crude 0|] uu.l other Ilquld pctmlcunl pmdutxx Plpclmu owrlL~r~ and npumtun an
ever mlndxul us the may or thuxc around them and they smctly mlluw pmvcn mfcty pltlccdllnb
Many plpcllnc Cunlpanlcs regularly ln~pcct Khclr rlgl'lt.~—of—l.Vay uuug uu, foot or \'L~hl:k~ patmlx Tum tralrlcd
. |n~pcct()r> look [or potential du}hg1_'rKOPlpL‘lIDL‘> ~ucll a~ cull~[nl:[I0n arm lty or ug.» uf gm or Ilquld lmk~
l _4,K_ T11u~L‘In~pccllorl.~ along mun plpcllnc roulc~ are to uu.uu~ the >«L‘CL\YIlV<1l]A" ln[cgrlKv0f[1'lL~IrlIllc~.
7‘ - Plpcllllc compuum. k1_'cp1r\t()|I(huI\ a regular kla~l~ mm emergency uffl:lal~ and work mm local
\ emergency ruxpundurx along plpcllnc rlgllt~—uf—wzly m mm of an cnlcrgcllty, ~mm:Kln1c~ Cvun tmlnlng
. \ ‘ wuh ruu A"L‘Pflf[nIL‘h(~UrhI|Zflrd(\U>l'l’1alC\’IflI\L\\'\Il\ E\'L‘\'\(l]()l\g]1fllcflk()r>pl“I~C)K|’L‘nIC]y
‘ ‘I! \ Illlllkcly, plpcllnc Cmnp:\nIc~ pmudc lmornlallorl like that wlllch you uull find on the fnllowlllg
pagm that wlll prupurc you In this mum that u do» occur Tllclr hope .~ to corltlmlc to bc u qulct
\ nclghbul and puuuolu you mm um llnpurmrlt mroouuuou to lulp if you ~|I~pcCK u pmblcln
l m yum area Flpcllrlc cornpamuw take the me opcmnon or mm .unu.m.cum- ~crlml~I_v,
whlcll mcluau. pmtcctlng your xamlly, your property and the L‘\'\\.H()\'\n1C\'|L lsucuw or tlll~
 diligence, lhcldchb arc \cry [arc
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