Page 11 - Mississippi Magazine 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 11

CONTWUED FROM PAGE 5 eoneemed about Lhc llmc ll lakcs to l<lrby, who h aka a Mlsslsslppl 811
“Feline and Hamdm Mmmlg gel some loeeles mmplntcd due to the hoarrl mcmbcx, ~l1|dI1'1I:lnErI:ELs£ln
Sam, Admmlmm (PHMSA) ‘f they lntmzlse ln tlckd vrllume. eall vrllume has zlflctled tlm Cntlrc
““‘“°‘“°“ """-Em-"sc°mP'“m~‘mm members :3l§§§;T§?l§.i§,:‘$§Tl§§‘Z§E'Z§§.e,
"I thlnk wc'm golng to contlnuc (U see ‘W ”‘°>' Ca" '“ “ ““‘°" "““ ‘“'° , lhen loealors soul bulllnnacks erealed
lnereases ln ticket volume as lhe law Working daysflso by and 11‘; 5'“ W“ ‘ add|tlclnr1lpres~um on 1'1l~ mcmbnn, as
comm mm in" force and P°“"m°5 b“l“l‘;'°:“‘°‘:' K"b§’;“““  V well an general erravalor. who lvanl
lleerlme fully lmplemenled," Mlke sald C“ "C "“ " ‘““> “ "“°‘ 2‘ “ to follow Lhc law
uwhcn mks hm mmphm called In hours, lvhleh ls even more dlfflcult ln H
on rhem and .1,a,,rK. mug [mg and emergenele. It really puls a hurrlen wleh I}lclnCrcr1~l:ln rell volume,
,,ml.,¢,_. Ll.“ W,” pxnbflbly gm Ll“. on «he members lo have to Walt ~D lhey re shorlhanrled wllh lrlealors,
Wm Om mm mm amhmg ,, long. weéwanl to alnde b‘y lllebllalvw Enlddtlm lolcallo: Ella: mey Save ln she
an we on Wan 0 cu a re e e e are s re r e so ln ley can
The ncw law mrna to ed-Irate unrlersland lvs lust llke If ~l.»mEonc get everylvhere lhey're needed," Klrby
erravalors and curmcl behavlor hrsl, euls our waler llne, so we lry to do sald
helore penullzlng vlolalors with fines. everylhmg WC ean to not cut odlcl
Mlke salrl ale real goal ls to gem .,..l.{,C. ~ HOPE fa’ 2917
cvmvllalmc and sci folks to call beimv Des llc lhe Iowln alns ex erleneed
they d-3 and red-Ire the mlmbu of S°"‘““f“"" h“ "t‘°"‘b““l‘““ ‘“ “fk“‘? ln 2515, all 151121: gegllllemen Mire
damasm to undcrsmund fariliuu °":°“ ‘"“l;’l“"‘;‘$‘“f ° ““‘“3 ‘:‘°”' opllmlslle r1buulIhL‘nL>wlr1w’~ ablllly
or orsma ea 5 a le 'can u
"Ulllmalslyr lr were are reeelvmg more off for a few days, whlell he sale}: ls ‘° “"‘P““"”* ‘1‘° "“P°"““°‘ °‘ °““"‘3
Ilckcb, there's a heuer ehanee for us llnrlerslandallle. whlle the rural watL‘r 3“ hem“ 3"” “'3 W‘ b““3‘“3 "“"“
to set out them and mark the faclhty opnratun ran be flnxlblc on some labs, “*°“““‘°“ "“° ‘°"‘P““"““ Th“
aeellralely, velsu~ somerlne not calllng lhey do worry about Lhc llmc ll takm to “‘“"“““‘Y “'1' “W” “‘“"" °‘“‘““3“"
ln a |ltkulr1ndtlIl:m Eullmg ll bllnd," loeale a slle when thl:n:'~' an |mn1I3dlatn ‘Minna In fewer nmvrgmry tickets»
Mlke sald. need to gel to work. Wnh tlm eeonomy ronnnulng lo
Utilities under strain "When we have pcoplc wlthoul  Lfllmf ;‘"d:’L{:~‘j:'l;;rl;‘l:rfl g‘§1'§’~Ejlj :1-_§_"
l<lrby Mayfleld, cxccullve dlmnor '}‘“"*‘ ““ °‘"‘$‘I§“‘L‘—" _“’ 2:" “"4 “““" 811 Cun’|mun|ty ls bcttu pmpamd Lhan
of the MI~'~l>~Il>lw Rum! Water °“’ *”‘°" Y’ " V ”“‘ ‘ ever lo handle whatever zlll7 has ln
Assoelallrlrl, salel hls members are slore rllr lhem W
we krlnwtlme ls mnnoy. So we bull! me new JT25 wllh mole
thrust/pullback and a more erllelem mtatlurlal dnve than me
corllpelltlorl. lls slmple, durable design also dellvels mnle uptlme
wlm less upkeep, and all semco points ave In one tlmersavlllg
loeauell. vell need mule pvoducllvlly and plomablllly. So we ball! A
move than a drlll. we bull: a wovkhovse. ' 
A Q \ l /_l« . E _
59-! Ix‘ ‘
CALL FOR A FREE DEMO.  . ' 9 ;- '5 -=;‘l-,-
,  '_l"w'.‘
Dllch wllcn Mm-soum s ”"’*‘“l l l . : “"
Pearl, MS 601-939-E037 Colllervllle, TN 90149509501 " 
BDi1chWil‘cIl  - _
llllellwllehllls cum - y ' V

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