Page 7 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 7

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the members and excavators usrng the No specral trarntng is needed or submrttrng responses to this system wrll
new system. The most helpful of those required to use the new program be a voluntary program we are hopehrl
customrzatrons rs the abrllty to emarl "Submitting and revrewrng response that most members wrll partrerpate,
the response status nntrneatlons to the rntor-matron rs a very easy process. although we do expect that there will
excavator." However, detailed lnstruetlons Vfl“ be be some who choose not to. Tlus wlll
ddl ll 7". :A d. sllkl . . f. i
Amanda comma’ W balm M pmvl e o a u~2r~ says man a raos r e y :1u~e some can nsron or
excavators Even though thrs rs a great
the use of the new system wrll rncrease As wrth must change, the challenge
. _ program, rt can only be truly sueeessrul
satety and rmprove commumcatron rs not m the dlificulty or ease of use, . .
. If everyone partrcrpates
between members, locators, and but rn bnngrng people on board to
excavators we also hope that rt will tryrng new thrngs. ”W2 wlll be sendrng Ever luolcrng toward the future,
reduce the number of ’Nu R2~'pon~e' out a notree to all the dlffcmnt ticket Amanda says, "There rs a good
notices. For example, a company management systems soon. The notrce possrbrlrty that l-nsrtrve Response to the
may have responded that they have wlll request that they contact us to call center wlll eventually be requrred
no underground utrlrtres wilhm the begin testrng and wlll rnclude the by law, whrch wrll eertarnly rmprnve
excavatrnn area, but the excavator ealls infunnaliun they wlll need to set therr the sueeess ui the program "
sayrng that that company has not been system up to rntertace wrth our system “"5 MW dmgn H H mg ,,POsim,, fm
out to mark. our agents wrll be able once a ticket management system rs , .
_ _ _ _ l«/5811 s Posltlve Response program.
to revrew the response rntormatron setup to rntertace wllh our system, any
. . . _ challenge and change are two ui
rn our clrent appheatrnn and lniorm response rntormatron a member enters ,
. . Amanda s tavorrte thrngs about her role
the excavator that the company rn rnto therr ticket management system _
_ . wllh the company. lam very proud to
que~tlon has reported that they do not wlll automatrcally be transmrtted .
be a part uf an urganrzatron that str-rves
have underground utrlrtres wrthrn the to our l-osrtrve Re~'pon~2 svstem.
,. — everv day to make the excavatron
excavatrnn area. Posrtrve Response to the call eenter — ,,
. _ V K _ process sater for everyone rnvolved. I
rs not currently requrred by law, so
Viww Ros onus
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2019 Issue? Mlsslsslpvvsu . 5

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