Page 6 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 6

Alwavs striving to provide the best service and communication
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pIIntiInoW,MS811}Ias "IitlmCxcavalurprovidmtlmiremail wasovcr-

bzvn using .1 Lhiubpazty mam. when submitting a locate notification of member utilities In zimas

Positive Response .-y.-mm mquu.-i, a status notification will be when |hny did not have mvicc.

and while iiiaiimbm. Iranimmcdtulhnixcmailaddm~s ‘ V1 . _” .dV V_ V _
auccemiul,lhencw[’usilivCRcspomc bniomoiuntl\clegal'lncambv'dam “ ‘“‘”T“°‘ "‘P“"" “ ‘°“’ °"‘°”

— with the best uxpcncncc po~siblE,
.y.-mmimmgmiaziinio Mm.-.ippi andtimn The notice will include Msmh I V V_ _ V Uh
811's cxlillng web penal and client ihc rL‘~'pLm~‘i: .iaiu.- fut Each mcmber “’ “ “ “3 ‘ ’°“3}‘ °“ ‘
applicatiuru to bettnr men! the nolificd, a. well am a hyperlink that Will ':‘“;"V(‘l“°}‘"""’C_g—"’ Q‘ :11“ "°“‘Vf"°°V‘_1‘“"
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wan [even need a uscxnzimc mi down on over-notifications and prom.

manager, who, along with im mam,

_ pamwurd to gut mpum inioxmation mm. much more efficiently. In zuia,
imim. pmpanng anaiming Lhcnew b H1 I V _‘hV V” I Vd mm d MVVG C H _ R V
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"Th: new ~y~tum will alluw membeh after entering a locale mquc.-i’ the Web Portal |h zni-i, folluwed by the
to ~ubmit local: mum .-mu. “V ha 2% WV “V Msm Amanda mobile app H1 2015.
lnfurmalmn to MSB11 manually V

mcalls the pmcnsa med when ~hn wnh the launch of thc Positive

thmugiithcwzb ponaloraulomatically V [Va V k _V V _V RD V V V 2019 A d
VhmughV1mVmEkmVmVflgEmnV . art not iriugaaacua ommumc ~pOn~La)~ 2min , man .1”

_ ,, agcnlin1995. Welmdlo use paper pmdictamanyimporlanlbencfila. Our
.) ~tnm. Mcmbcn, lacatun and

or mirrofichc maps and this mnmbur |alL>nlcd .-ommm duvclopisrs have
MSB11 agmi. will be abln Io am.-.
anrviclz area dalabasna were bascd on written mvnral cu.-iumimian. my u.
infunnaliun m.iim.i.m..-aiimics V V V V d_,, A V MV Vh V V b b fi ‘V
Vhmughdmwflb [,ammmVVbVluPp Dvsrlallpanclun gn . mm. a L .1 am going 0 evcry on: ma 0
Submit Responses
rim: Hcknls Enxerflzh Queue man.
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..,.........: i . 4. Solocln msmnsoAc1ian
, K ' 5.EnmvyouvF|lsund Lnuuamo
' ' o 5. Enmrcolnllllllunptinrill)
7. Clickslve
4. Mississiflmfill 2019 !ssue2

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