Page 10 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 10

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’“ °- ‘ ' l I hls false
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”' " 3' ’ " " ‘  O‘
,. . . . .— hi emerbency
A tl I. '
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/L‘ . l ~ :1‘ . 0Cttl|I0 out
T  ~- ‘-" b b
,.:‘'’’'T/ V. ‘- ‘ “a
  ‘*7 lr‘ 0fc0ntr0l*
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L ‘~' _. 1}, J’  r’ -r _ Eyflflgercm
' '-‘-" . ' ‘ ~. Preslazrll
 ? _  , ,. ,   ._ 
. ‘ “ £1.-» I hat l. an "Emergency" locale
V ‘ mquml ;1~ defined by the
Mm.-“pp. law’ In Scclmn
/ ' __~ 77-13-30[t1\CM|s~l~i|pp|la\\’
I p - , - "Emcrgcncy n><c.1vatlon" mc.1n~ cxcavatloll
- v_ . \ at llmci of emergency lnvolvlng dangcr to
. l 1 \ me, heallh or property or a EIl~mmL‘r .emee
> ll uutagc"

‘ Reeemly, whlle lalklng to a rm.-lmzeel lucatul,

V he uxtlalmcd, "I’o1.»r pL1nrI|ng on mhehoay
l:ls'c's pan .houl:ln'l cunslllum an cmcxgcncy
‘ on my part” Wlthout qlIC.\l|LWI, calllng m an

- lsmcxgcncy locale that cleanly dam not me:

3 1 lhL‘mqulrcmL‘nl~ niancmczguncy 
i * pmblcmaiuxall~takuhl.»ldcH.
.—' l,  Itl~ubvluu~tlmlllcmalmapmblcmlol
' zhe localol, bath zhe ullllty Iocalor and
lhe cuntmct locate: Lmlng valuable llmc
mpuhdlhg m false cmurgcnclci pm. (11:
locale: even further behind Lhclx .eheaule.
I that am almady full A. one COntn1ElluCEIl|ng
' manager muted, "Obvlously, |t .-mm.
I _ , lhe .y.lem bccau~'c we all lmvu hmlzed
, l ‘V .. \ _ ‘ xe.emee.. Funhcr,tlmlocallllgcumpany
/ , ' has‘ cunkmchlal and lL‘g.1lubllgatll.»n~tu
\ Il~cllcnt. Oftoursu wL"llrc~'pol‘ldtuthL‘
.‘_ , Cmugcncy call, even ll .1 mm. out to be .1
\ » ‘ non-cmlsrgcncy and we ahould, but It Ematm
I a real pmhlem for L‘vL‘r_vbody”
'  l:al.uere.ue.-apmhlemrunheexemm
,4. ,,l.. ‘ l , 2 , > _ l whomullnclycallslntllcusfalsc

 l ‘a. V’ J ‘  L‘mcIgcnclL‘~. TlmfiIatls~ucl~'lus~u[

: fie ». -. 3: ' V‘! ‘ crcdlblllty. lt’~kmd uillkctlmllttlc buy
1:‘-"fl ‘; ~’.i,. ' / (- .’  crylng wolf. Arlemwhlle, nobody bcllcvcs
. E; 5”‘; l 7 ' , / ' / _ 1'1l|'n Butmorctlmnlhat, alloxbculllngtlm

~ ’ 7 _§ _ :3‘; ;_.S_,Ij ‘ lv‘ I I, l;  - .y.lem sl\uw~'atrcmcndoIl~ lack of lL‘~pcCl

. _ 5' 2 _. " »‘l* , 4-‘: ,8, .c'- — ‘ . ‘. Iorlhcotlmxalnkcholdcrswhowlllbc
. vi *3 "1 ‘ 7 - &‘~_‘ 7. _ lmpactcd hymellhablls. Alatkofmapcct
‘ V".__.. - * * 33,‘: V _, - W‘ . Y ' .»«l=_‘.’_ ~ ,, IorcatholhcrwlllzlIwzly~cndlnzlpo(lI
E  M « ‘- V, g_., ,.r_9_. _ ‘. _ Reg wemhgrelauon.hlp.Tlmeumxealdollm.
' 5, 'f :1. \ 7 ’ ' ’ _“‘,""§ ' ,.= . 4 ,J\’ 51% " m pmductlvlty and lmpaemhe bottumllnu.
 ‘-‘f v .~  4*";-,._v _ J-_.,_.:~ja., ;2$§\.-_ 

l l. . .- ,l - — ‘ \>

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