Page 21 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 21

CONTINUED mom me 9

vegetation mnnag2ment— diseovenng whether it's been

cut back along the R-O-W and if It's been done properly

And Paul says this teehnology is being used in more _

industries thaniust oil and gas Eleetric eompanies are  S

beginning to use news to inspeet high tension lines  e 

and wind turbines. Paul said that in the past, fixed

wing aireraft and heheopters were used, which is very

expensive and dangerous, especially when it involves

teehmrians hanging from a helieopter. "There are iust so ;

many things that make drones cheaper and safer." ‘ __  .

satety, as always, is a key facinr when adopting new ’ P 0  e
technology and something that is always on the minds J I’  

of drone operators is the safety and legality of piloting i ,_ a PARTNER|NG
them in various areas. Paul said that a lot of what they -2 e

do is rural, but when they enter more urban areas, they

have to be aware of the different regulations they may

enrounter Federal Avlatlon Administration (FAA) and

state regulations are ehanging qulckly, but not qulle

as quickly as UAV technology is advaneing. For the ‘e _ , _

mast part, hnwever, Paul feels that rate mater. keep I9 ggers Hotll ne, Inc. (W lsconsln)
the interests of pipeline and utility eompanies (wluch -3. , e

affeet all .s'tr1keholdez.~')1n mind. There are various drone

associations that l-teath belongs to, lncludlng one speeiae

K , .
, “ - J-‘ti ' _ t _ 27,2; 9,2019
/If ;- ,. .. -- ‘*   ;,'DUpl'l'|r January 9, 2019, Diggers l-lotlme, lnc.
l ; ti , : - ly deployed GeoCall, their new software
I H r~.'1s.  provided by Progressive Partnering lne. (P2,
' //  ';):-"The Diggers Hotline staff did an excellent job of
' ‘  for the deployment; it was as if the agents
_ ‘ 1 .  ‘ hen using the system for years," stated Blll Turner,
' ‘  gene of P2, Inc. The transistion was extremely
v  _ with a few notitieations coming in before
/ p /' jght. Byhmoi-ning, the contact center 151135 operating
, ii;-lly wi a moderate can volume for is time of
  no (la  a   ‘ 3'56" ZWEM executive direct“ 0‘ Dlssers HDWI
.'r.: Lrelayed that "Progressive Partnering and their

to the energy seetor, so they ran stay informed of any “f.'*' ‘on’; fioi-n Alabama and Tennessee were both helpful
new mgulalions or legislation as it is being considered. gawommodamg to make me 0... deployment was
Later this year, Heath is looking to expand their line }‘¥S.°”- The °5““°“€“5 Md 5‘3b‘1“Y 0‘ 9119 5909311
loeating ~'2rvlc2~' to after a eontraet service using drone  yfiglgct, should be realized by both SW“ and Customers-
teehnology to inspeet pipes. But they're also developing 315.4 ‘c. is excited to have wisconsin's Diggers l-lotlme
uAvs to sell to eontraetors. "If there's a service provider ,1? gout partnership,” stated Bill Turner. Progressive
that wants to do leak detection, they eould buy one -1}’. ering, Inc. was established in 1997 and includes
from us and get into that business. A tmn~'mis~lOn V t;-1;,-vgati state one call programs and culfsaie. For more
company that wants to do theirowninspeetions eould '.,§.=§ . " atim go to arruarpragressipr-yiaytiiavii,X_mm

buy one from us or hire us to do it as contractor" Paul

said another option is to purchase just the deteetion

equipment and software and add it to their own dmne.

As exciting as these developments are, Heath |.~.n't done.

Paul wehneri Expects Heath consultants to eontinue

to lead in the development and adaptation of new

teehnologies in make all aspeets of the energy industry

safer and more effieient for years to eome. .

2019, one 1 MlsslsslPDl€11 . is

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