Page 18 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 18

'% Utility Locate
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‘ f ; 112IntnmauonnlUt|l|tyLncnle
‘ f ' Rodzoisancvcntlhallocnlozs
'1' . , from acm» me country look
‘ 1 I A ‘ a ' furwazdtunvzxy year No
7,!‘ ma‘ .\ mailer how many cuntzstnnh enter
* ‘ ‘ the event, (hum mu alway~ be mum
M . :; vuluntI:cr~t11nncumpct|tnn. Signing
‘ ‘K __ ,‘ a‘ nu, haneung out packets onnrannanun,
‘ 1 I llldgna, atomkcupczs, clmuffzuns,
‘ handlers, ring masters and nng leaders
to name just a [cw
' " Theeventhaasuchnfezlabounllhat
. ,_ - _, . > ~. I evenIhevuluntensrslonkforwmd to
A —— Ih:nextcvenlwilhalmuataamuch
‘ - I"‘I anl|c1pauunn~do LhL‘:Dmpemor~ Two
» _ -. ,1 , auch volunlmrs are Bill Rutledge and
“ V 1e-ny Kennennn, Damage nevenaon
.‘ Cnozdxnatnm fur M|s~'1~s|ppI811.
Early on, [1113 y£ar'~ event w.1~ met with
. - _ high w.nd.and flooding, bmde.-pne
\ , Ihn be.-1 intznuons of Mother Nature,
I the ma. annual Locale Rodeo dm go on
. — just a bu later than mlcndzd.
Tsxasflll new and volunteers had spent
f several days .1lT£xaa Mom Spncdwny
V V.-mng up tents, pumng out tnbkw and
clmirs, setting out a|gn~‘, dmppang off
V Ice chm. — an of Lhe mynad details
that go mlo pmppmg my Lhe actual
cnmpztmon day (And behave me, them
- .-._~;e-,- ,' _ -. _ , __A _ ha LOT mom tlmlcompn2l|tnr~ never
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,5 . Mrsussrunrflll 2a17 Issue]

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