Page 9 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 9

hee.. on lhe .ehs..e, we ....ll pull up Guoglr: Eanl. T

le get a good desenp..ea."

And he elees ..ll of .h.s wh.le alse lmndllng '

sl..pp...g and mcclvlng as well as .....ekeep...g *- for tlm ufficc. He sa.el tlm tnclmulogy ....el

ozganlzallunal sysle... he u~L‘~ malees .. pes..hle to — _

kccp .. ..ll ....ele. eemml. _:

"Could l do ll..s wlthout all ofthcsc leels-7 Man,l 4' ‘ A

can'tlm.1glnc what that would he llku," l.e sa.el —’ _

He cmdlts the ~t.1if al M5811 for l..s knowledge

of Lhc sysze... They helped gel lum up to speed , J .

when he seemed tlm lob lhne yuan ago. He sald ‘ —» ‘ '

Gldglt Reed, M5811 lxalnmg cuordlnatur, lmlnnd K

hlm, he's develeped a good Iappoxt I ‘ V .

wlth lhe tall eehle. leam, as hc'~ rcqulmd to ,  _ .'\
Contact .l.e... dlmctly by phehe for short nollcn, . ‘*~.
cmurgnncy and  ah... can'tbL‘ _ s  *§
handled e..l...e. la... .l.e vas. ...a,e...yerl..s llck1:l~ . V v '
gulhmugl1lhcMS81lPolt.1l »' » -  - .
~w..l. .1nytl\lng,Ihc ...a.e yea use .. lhe bdmr ~ ’ J ,_ ' V ’
yea gel," he sald of the renal. "ll you have any * — * Q «.
q..e.-hens, e..ll M5811 and Lhcy e.... help you out. \ - 

If Ll.e.e's any doubt, juat call I! ...x' v * ft? .

It's bcttcr to gel lldonn nghl tlm ms. .....e, he _ ‘ ~ '.~::,«‘l ; ~ .

s...d, and to make tlm as slmple as V _ ‘ .7 ,, *

posublr: to glvc the hes. pess.h.l.:y of a smeed. - ' ~ . 1,; I;

lee...e pmeess fig " > * :5:

WE CHANGED '~ l» .r“'‘ ’ 
* , . H A .
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l. a — — ~ l
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/I‘ ‘ I . l. _
Featurlng an inncmlwe, Vow»;-vollle design, our HX line ' V’ -- _,','T"—,"— : E 
- . flv,-—“
of Vacs dussrfl sacvlllce power urgvourld clsavancs, ___F_'  ’—T ‘ ' 5 - '
delivering unrivaled versatlllly and psviulmarlcslu V , __V V - — ‘ .1
any lohsale. From polhullrlg and slol Iverlching to fluid *4
and debvis cleanup, HX Vacs ave your rlexl gerlerallun ’
mulupuvpose machlnes.
.. I u‘
: , ,4» I .''.s,
3 . ‘!:f- . " .
F) V a E _ - _ .
1. anl-9.19-ans1 r:5nl-9:49-can Y:9n1-am-lssm F:9ol-a5n-E534 a 1-! '. .
8' PeavLMS3§2UB 175 M... e. ca...a.......mas.m ‘; __ 
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flDm:h Witch , .  T .,
2019 ems Mlsslsslpw 511 . 7

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