Page 16 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 16

Common Ground Alliance brings diverse stakeholders together
an Mxgszlnes
mt below the mrtacc In every atatv 1nto1mat1o11 and pe1spect11~e. and awa1enes. about the need to call em
110* a labyrinth at undusmund work togethet on all a.peets ot damage pno1 to d1gg1ng 1. a pno11ty lot all
fflEllll|L‘~ that crl~s'rn.»~~' klm country. pmvcntlon Ls~uCS CCA ~takL‘holdu.s, all: iflld.
some carry lIazarduu~ matenals, ,, A d f _ d _
mm,ng fmh Wm, The ICCA 1s wodong wltll 1nd11st1y n 1 you neplrlcsvent an 1n \:lr_\/I,
Em dK_y,m an amply lmpmm m stake 1olde1s andfimgulaloh to pfioducfi Eompiany urtcal CI:nlf'l'},‘y:Ju untt h
mpmg M mm" mmg {OWN ~ln.»tngcI,hmorL ‘cl gem: rL~u td.Lth1c1ag ave‘ o 53‘; unL 1.1 d)uurL»u mac
pal’ 11e1. 1p, co a 0m 1m an e e o1 s a. myna cesomces

And pmtcctlng those tae1l1t1e. 1. of p111.111t of common goal.111 damage ava1lable to slakclmldurs 1nte1e.tcd
paxamount concem to the cumpanlL‘~ p1c1cnt1o11,~ .l1c sa1d. 1n .hanhg the damage p1eve..t.on

that upuralc them, the com1non.t1es mes.age wllh L‘x:avaloxs and the

that depend on those 1e.o111ees and the ‘*1 fflttt thc CC-“b"'L'§»* tolzvtllct 16 ge11e1al pllbllc.

Pcupk who we and Wmk mm (hm dlffnmnl 1nd11stne. I‘ mire tol1(l‘n1ltlL‘d HCCA d ” ‘h‘ ‘ ‘
mm“ to 1.»nL common goa .1e hang amage. . pro act. a cempn enswe

to underground lnixaslructurc and annual Communlcallom Plan to guldc

But how dv-K“ a Emu? of ~'t-Ikclwldm p1otect111g those who work and l11~e .takeholdets 1n then cd11cat1on and

as d1ye1.e a~ l\azarduu~ l1q111d~ neat these 1mpo1tant a.sets, she sa1d. pobhc awacene.s erro1t~, along w1th
eompames and yout town’. wate1 new toollots that ate offered at key
d1.tnet come togethe1 to agne on t1mes ot the yea1 to a1d st1ateg1c
pol1c1es that help leeep people sale? o11t1each by .taleeholde1s," sa1ah
Enlcr tlm Common Cmund Alllancn . ~ald.

sa1ah K, Magn1de1 Lyle, p1es1dent and Q11a1te1ly n»eb111a1s cteate a

CEO of Common Ground Alllancc, dlaloguc about member nccd~ and
sald by tlm late 1990» {hum wad a ncnd mnccrm, a~ wcll a~ a way to alum
to get everybody tallo11g and bulk! N data, e1~entoppo1t11n1t1es and new
eonsen.11s atoond damage prcvcnllon. 1eso111ces Addlllunally, 1n-pe1.on
Tluc Us Department of Tranaporlallon Common Ground Alllance 233:3‘$f“§;‘::‘:;:f:“3;[f1‘{::k
took 11p tl1e challenge and completed to the CCA5 (0 ‘gm mg: and

the ong1nal common Cmund study 1n mnmm ' ’ ‘


"Th" may mPmL_m~_ [hf muabommc The m'gan|zal|un’~ best p1act1ce., wlnch "Thu mo.t 1mpo1ta11t t11nct1on ot any

am mmldnmd the dufinlllvu guldc txadc aawumallun L5 to delve the nccd~
work ol loo 1nd11stnt p1oles.1onals who
— rot nnde1gn.n111d salety and damage ot1ts membe1sl11p,wl11ch mcan~

1dent11'-1ed the best p1act1ee. to damage — h _

Pmvummn ,, Sarah ‘Nd pmvnnuon, mqu1l(mha|l):xuval u[ all!) lfé khaldwu must ll~tcn and msléundf to

1 - paxtlclpallng .ta e 1. Cr g1o11p. e o1e t e amagc p1event.on ace s 1. our

CGA 1. a eont1n11at1on ot that ong1nal t11ey ate pobhshed, she ~ald memben," .l1e sa1d.

C"‘"‘"“"‘ C"'“‘“d 5‘“d3”“ “""”’““"‘ Bevond deyelop1ng eon.ens11s around when a.ked about the legacy ~lm’d
b111lt {tom the g1o11nd up at 1n d — V

amage p1e1 ent1on best p1act1ee., llkc to leave beh1nd, Sarah demnned,
pan1c1pat1ng stakeholde1 gnmp. that
_ oot1eaeh1. a ma1o1 goal at the po1nt1ng the fucu~ back on the
come together to rcvlcw best p1act1ce.
o1gan1zat1o11,pa1t1n1la1ly1n shanng o1gan1zat1on1t.elt.
““d '°"“ ‘° ”‘° ‘“"”“ °‘ “‘“"‘“3‘‘ the 1m ottanee ot call1n 811 not to
,, V _ V pos1t1oned to p1ov1de the1nd11.t1y
CCA bncamu the fink lnduatxy CCA PYOV|dL‘~ rcwoumna to local
_ _ w1th the tools and 1eso111ees11eeded to
assoe1at1on to bnng togutllcr goven1ment~, 1nd11st1y g1o11ps and one
en.a1e that those who am on the ,ob
pmpunL‘nl~, opponents and call centers to help them get the wand
7 _ _ ..te go home atn.ghttothe.1tam1l1es,

cL»mpL‘l|tor~ who had one common out to the pabhc about the lmpunancc kh K [h _ I [h _ V k

1~1s1o11 and one common goal—lo to call betote yon dlg. “ ‘ ‘°’“"‘““‘ '“ ‘> W” "‘ ‘“°

,, ,, .ale, and that cnt1eal onde1g1o11nd
ach1evc zen.» damages Sarah .a.d. utl
Exeavanons mqulnng a call to a 1ntta.tn1ct111e1s ptotected.

eont1n11es to be the precm1nent damage mmbmd mm 0“ mm mm

p1event1on a.s.oe1at1o11 ded1eated to mhud; mmhnig from a ma!” ~lt'. not about my legaey, 1t’. about the
pteventmg damage th1o11gh the shated mmmm WNW Mm or mung 3 people and o1ga111zat1on. who to.te1 an
1espons1b1l1ty of out mcmbcrs " ~_kMmW to wmdhmg “S mummglv envnonment ot technolog1cal advances,

‘ ' crcatlvn tlnnlong and talee toncrctn
sa1ah ~ald CGA pnmdes an opt1mal bemgn a. a homeownet plant1ng a ttee
_ _ aeuon. to move the damage preve11t1on
ton1m whete .taleeholde1s ean ~l\an: o1 1eplac111g a mallbox po.t. lneteasmg ,,
p1oce..tonm1d, she .a.d. 5
,1. aeamaa1s11 2019 aw

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