Page 15 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 15

av Wglma eeanea
O t The my one.
V V . Janksnn, M5
Ba » Q ..:
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he day an ywr way In wurk. ynu step at the lovvns vveae hn simulIan2Dusly—just lo show how clever
gas slauon, slide your oanl Ihmugh and, uh- lhe hackers ale, and how mueh damage lhey ean du la
oh "Card Declined!” our eomanunlnes
”N\=l P°5>‘b1?/' you thmk "This is the Thars an example of huw vulnerable we all are and how

Company account " we neeel lo lake steps NOW lo pmleel ourselves and our
You gel intu lhe Dffice and place a call lo your bank Your F”°P’“"Y

aeeounl has been zalded, and all «he money as gone. Yes, one example as pznunal, one persmfs aeeounl got

lhe bank wlll make ll right But nol today, and you still hacked anol money drained; lhe other is a fnghtzning
neeal gasl example of vvhal they ean do if lhey lake aver 23 lovvns-'
NDl tomorrow, Either. systzms at Onz Hm?"

ll will lake a while, believe me. Fusl lhlng lhey musl do Fm‘ ?l‘‘'‘g 3”“ ‘"3 5°“““ d° "he" .V"“ 5*‘ Y"“’ "““‘“V
._ , _ back as keep II ln lhe Dffice safe unul you feel more

as make suze you re nol lhe one zunnmg lhe seam: i I M be ‘ th (V b d d . . 1

Com Dr a e a u every mg. eay a 1 ea, Cnmma s

Meanwhile you still need gas and by now, so oloes ynul sleal sales, lool)

mw‘ wk“ ‘"3 y°“ g°‘"g l° d“? well, okay, whal can you du? Cybzr Insurance}

Have you seen lhe recent slones aboul how 23 . .

Texas lowns have been hit with somelhang called N‘:i”“:5 9:“ ‘°“°"‘ ‘}‘“&L“."°“’ “V” }‘““““;." b°d‘ “"5
”Ran.~'omwzze" whereby the hacker gamed comm] 3* 3 {fl [fan W31“ " WW "“_f ‘:5’ °" "*2 “=°°‘+"f-
of each of lhe 7.3 tuwns' enlue CDl11pIXle! syslerns and ‘_’z‘‘ 9’ k‘:‘‘'‘’ m“ V“ "‘”"“ ‘E ” "” >’°“¥ ’l']‘°‘:>’ ‘“ °
demanded mnney lu release it back la the towns? gab ' 3:“ °""l31"’“ “'2 3°‘““‘ “"191? Pm“ “lc “‘_
Meanwhile, none ui lhe lowns lnvolved are able in 1 kg ff“ “’“,’l"l‘”‘ YT” ‘“:‘dP“V“l’l ' ."1'1°"“"‘P e‘ I“’‘‘_
aeeepl tax or urillty paymenls, no car lags, nu water ‘ 2 ' ‘ ‘”‘“‘ ff‘ “*1 “'9 “,“ ° W“ 2"‘ °‘.“ °“"‘_§’1“i‘“”
bllls, ele., nol ID mennon lhal all soxls ui confidential ““Y"‘‘“.“' Y“ °‘"‘}’ Y ‘“." ‘ “"‘ "°““ P“Y"‘3 C“ "F

d _ h _ . . _ _ evezyIh|ng- especaally smee lhele as an affordable ophon

ala, sue as Socml seeunly numbers, phone numbezs W C b ‘ _
of eesulenls are probably vulnerable now. And lhese 23 ‘ E Y 2’ “““’““‘*' I
201S,lssue4 Mlssnislmalfill . 11

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