Page 9 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 9

on the organlz.1l|on’~' weh.-ile Lhal and D also a Cnnatxucuon Angels board "Many of Lhe fiIl'nlllE~‘ w2’v2 helped an:
erlen include. obituary lnfunniltlun mlzmber. In mad eon.-lnienen or sllpi and tall.
andindlvldualfundmlsing effoxts, ,, . _ ,, _ ,, ['mm1\ig}l rlsesandtrenclltollapma.
my 2xilmpl2,liaf.1mllycrI:atna a ”° ,“““ ‘1‘"‘ ““ }‘'"“‘”l *1“ ”““" ‘ Several have been dump lniele. haelung
dldn [even have to go up there to ram: ,, ,.
GoFundM2page. ‘hemmw Dverworkcri, Krlstnald. Manyoftlle
_ * ' one Call cenlez. am getting on board,
" “wk “ 53“ ye” "’ 3?‘ H“ ""“‘P"’fi‘ The amount of rnene available to and lhe Nilllunal Undsrgmund uhlily
. y
3:; ;“:,g§'1jfh'*;§_j;:'n f;j;;;§;;f;f§lj;{' iamlllzaafleralragedy dependent Contractors suppnrlauson
mm yum am fim mppmg down as on how inueh haabnenlrahed H1 (11: I anallonal level
_. . . atale where Lhefilmllyllv2a.EachslaI£~ . .
pmudznl of a construction networking ln addition to the nnmeeliale imanclal
1 f h fundfiEIFCkfplfiflpilrfllfi,$01)/pltiluylllfi be fit d if f I _ I

DxgiInlz.1l|m'\,t\I:n mm Elpnmilry mm meddwu 1‘ mndmmwm 5 ne an e ero gnz eeumeing
lab in (112 cunslruttlnn field. she now , Lh  I’ ,_b 13 f C I’ i V’ ioihe aifecledfnmllles,Construction
eleelieaie. 11:21’ lime to helping iamlliza :;‘ng:1:[: ’:)‘}“n'“3‘°2‘:’J Angela also rfll~‘C~‘ safety awarenzas and
‘W1 inmi ald available .9 mile.  2;13133::§:;;f:;*;13:§;*:*;°;;‘
The nun-profit h runeleel largely by man, but branches am able to offer up ‘ * . _‘

dnnillioru from industry, with meat of to $5000 in more established .-mes.  °f
Ihl: tuna. coming fmm fund xilhlng . , ’ P

_ _ Knsll ~ald Lhey 11;‘ emenlly optraung happening
evenl. like golf tnumamenta that an: , .
h _ _ . III11ilillfiaflndLl’I£DlSInElOfCOlufl1b|a ,. , .
mleelhyvaneu. org.1n|zaunna— d I ‘ an U50 1 I _. we V2ralazdalolofawa!2n2aa,2v£n
eon.-uuelien companies, suppliers,  P T‘ °"""‘f C” "I  “ T“ l_ general public, who are aurpnsed them
ma] estate developnn, ullllty OWne!- cu;;Xu;hj‘§f;;; C°m";l;‘;:E*fj“d"r<€ = are so many nlai...e. each  Knstl
opl:ratnI~ilndlrade unions dommommlmzm Am‘? ‘ . eaid Q
.-  - y tonlmuc

The dedlcatlon to Lhe eau.-e do2.~.n't and to expand, they are looking my nauonill

will. Kristi. ln fact, her husband, Richie apunaum to lake the organization to lhe .
Gbb H h _l d m d U I To gelinvolved,:ontilr:lKrlsl|ilU<nsn

I ~, recen y e. e a n Iahlng nex eve. ,
. . glM7s@ruvtsImthLm1«ll1g{ Ur Vhll
Event|nMI(}ugantl1aIrala2d mam . . ,
h _ The organization has helpeel families «he organization .5 weballe at min,
I an $20,000 for the organization. He i.
. . . ofworkehln all typesufconstzuctlon, £‘0Ii5;‘rIu‘;‘lumzngcl5.rA5.
prefldtnl of cianelli Contracting Corp.
Including ullllty cunatlutuon.
' .l l ' W  '
I I I‘ 1' ‘pr ‘ ‘
WE CHANGED .-. A .. A - ‘A “(la 5
' « ' ’ i is ‘ II |
. ‘ii ' ‘
‘ I l .\h'£l
THE GAME AGAIN »   e.—_, .
. , )V _ .‘
1 l
Featuringaninnmiwe‘law-pvoilledesign,om-lxline f‘, ,  Q
ufvacs dussrfl sacvlllce power urgvourld clsavancs, ;7L » I  ' _ 
delivering unrixmled versatility and psvfurrnancslu .3 ,’ ‘_ _ -I .__r A __
anylohsile. Fmm polhullng and slomenchinglolluid — — —— '  E '
and debris cleanup, HX vans ave yum rlexl gerlerallurl — . — -
mulupuvpose machines. wen: IN mus voozmzn.
‘ »-vi - L W
 mesee  Ly.‘ _ E
l:an1-9.19-6ns1 u F:5n1-939-mu T:sn1-smeusai // r:9m.asn.ass4 A ‘-_1 6 , , ' ‘ ' ’
105 Fvl:sievDv //PeavLM5 39208 175 Mnrln Dr //CuIllervlIle.TN 38017 7 ' ‘,4 ’ —
r —; 3' .  - -:
-Ditch Witch ; "’  A ,...«..,,
Mid-South , ,e ~~. :« K v;
  V, .
2019 Issue] Mississippi 511 . 7

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