Page 19 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 19

he human body .., according underground to the buxldmgs hae. a.e u~ualIy gravity hae. aha alupz
loW1k1pcdm,.1boul6lJ% watnr where .. xaneudcd oaee .. ha. .-med downward fmm Lhc b...1a...g. The gas
we cannot live wiaho... water. H» purpose, some (.5 ha. moat) of (1.: leak», .eeh.- the path of least mahlancs
1;... too much water m the water w.u leave Lhe through and ...e..o.1.e h...1d...g. 1: Lhu gm

wrong place eah be a vurybad (lung. undsrgzound Very few prrswure .. ~ufficIent .0 e.eape from the
Lmt yea. .. Wm h..mea..e Harvey. ........e.pa1 water plpea and my few se\vcr .-ya-me... (I:.g., bubble through a
T1... yea. .. w.1~ (and still .5 aw‘ I wnlc .ewe. are well markcd, and '1-" trap) and the gas reachcs a
Ih15)hurr|cane Florence. 1..-eerma. many are non-mctalhc. Th|sm.1kc~ of|gnIuon,an cxplos|unw1Ill|kely
Ihuugh «ho...-aha-yea. flood em... am aee...

}‘“PP““'“5‘“"‘°"' "“f‘“> A‘°“P‘° "‘ ' 1 '7. ,  "‘ , > . ,, '4 , Thenewe .. e....e...1v full Bft1'1Cl'I:suIL~
P°;,'(;;V*§2;;;,j'L';§ §1f°d~- “W3 W“ a ‘ s 2‘ I 3 :2 K 5 .— affx.‘,a.e..-.aa...; ./
.5 . watuwmovlng - wmflhm C; 1’ . _ ‘ ‘ '
acxo~'~.1mad,do NOT drive Lhrou hn < . e .; v . .. <.,_ . * |’°“°““"“‘
....1e..-ye... a.eabaa1...e1yee..a....§a... -‘ I E v V 1 ~" 3 “PP“’°““3"‘°““’““°““°‘“"°’
mmlymwmdm mp Hyman,‘ ,_ , , ho.e.,.hey..»e.e.1.e.e...1.a:..a....a1
skuhc mad , ’ W‘ , N ‘ ~.g:   y  1 1 1, gaa accumlllallonsand Cmsabon:

. ,)uucan c~um)ouc.1n __ e ,  ._..

make ... 1. .. lnkc trying to beat a (mm A . A . ~ “‘“"l‘“g“ “"“ “"““ '“ ”“‘ "“‘“° WP“ "‘
atzlcmasmg [fyou don'lb2attl1n ‘ 3 ‘ ‘~ 5 « *5 .; X ‘ are  v  “P °“°"‘

tm1n,IhcIram wxllcxuahyuurvuhcln * ’ ” ’ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ * ‘ ‘ . Bottumlmc: Watn:raai€ty1~.1LOT
cveryllmc. Du nnlletmovlngwalez V , ‘ , , ‘i , , L 5 ‘G mom than 1...: wnrrying about...-.hga
|um ya... ea. mIoa~'ubmanne1' ’ V’ ' ' ‘ A ‘ r' « ~ « «, .....m.

The them dimmnmlmm whmm cm Eeawam a:yo........e.....e1.a,;.a.m1,
have already begun. we a.e when Em mm M mplmd OI nxfga; abmm all’ BE SAFE; .

'“"“P°‘”“ “"4 ’“PP"‘° "°‘“ Tm” lines‘ are mslailcd’ In~'t.1lIaIIon may he

aaa1ameam.* b l’mmhiI; ‘Wm mhmmml )

a.e zuwzll. Tlmla.1|d,1lIsaLOT0f dfrmmml §'n*1’lm ([§]'jD) H ‘mm /fhnlnramr-'In'ed /mmlHM5A.

WM (0 dm “P am a map, flood O! mndung am ‘find H H mr:m“~_u§ H71’ aaeshaa.s m'carmuen!s,m:n1:I.

W“ '“ H°“"‘°" “““" "°""‘"“$ forwnlcxoz .-e..»e.1...'e.-cabe damn ea /'mb'm'5"X’"b”l"'"

‘mm ”‘“‘’‘‘3’ ‘“"""”‘°" 5‘“Y [fHDD1~us:cd a hehamenan caufat >

}‘3’f‘“‘““‘- “ 3”“ if °“7‘;‘:° “’°“““5 may'ae:.... Acm~'abr;m

m empe.aa..e.a vc cgI2c~',y1.»u _ _ _ - I 
«um :55:.?!:::::::;:t::i:ii,::;::: 3 ‘ 5“ ’ 5 ‘ 2 5
'““°1““'“““> 7"“ ““‘1“““””“““°‘° Tlmdima stuam'aIur;1h\£|iu~uall' .5 2 - 6 7 ‘ 8 3 5 ‘
cool down and don't forget sIIn~crccn, |mmCdm§y0bm“~_wm’m‘Pm: E 1 9 3 2 5 4 3 7
m°~q“"°mP°‘*""*r%'°v“~vW3’ alluvnrlhn:  Damn cm 9 “I. I“
g‘“‘'‘“”““‘ ‘“'}‘“‘°"“‘°”‘“’P’“‘°““‘ 1...e.-..m..eE ma.e .ab1§ma..e sewe. 3 ‘ ' 7 3 5 2 6
pmmcuvn:cqulpmentlhalmaybu 1 _ P _ >1 7 a  2 H 5

mes a.e typmally not pmwunzed :
“PP*°P““‘= ~odamngv:m.1vno(bL‘|mmn:d1attlV ? flflflfl
wha. L‘1sc|s there to worry about appamnl. The .....a..on becomes %  
wn}. mpema wa.e.7 ea...e.a '5‘ 9 5 2 nun“ 7 3
(dnnkablclwal-:r,1lhasIo mee. elag m .1.e icwcx me and aplumbnr 5 . 3 4 5 2 7 3 ‘ 9
puutyslandaxds. 1.. urban area, rcmovm(11:clog,tlmmbydamagmgLhc a 7 1 3 s s 4 5 2
muatputablnwamsxlravzlsthmugln gaslmn Cans 1.g1..e. than a.. sewe.
2015 Issued Mrssrssrpw 3.. . .7

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