Page 17 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 17

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hc6t1wnnua1Mx~s-s»v1>- Thanksto oursponsors:   l
I 811Run/Walkwmlmld . ‘ ‘.
on AIIgu~t 11 at 3:11 am. e spire c S
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and pnzcs wen: awarded Gulmum Pipeline "M
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1 W1ll1amKaz/cry F1n 28 31.5 “ms Erma ; y , "
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3Cl\ad Bury Fm 29:23.7 M|':"sEss':il;'"‘:s5"If:vaet;?:"s°' to  With an
Top 3 Wm“ B 811 Construction e X C avato r?

1 Emma Nmgcl F1n 32:54.2 _ _

2Dana D|ll1~tun-: F1n 33:27.0 5l'D""“"'°‘ 83 0 f
3Ab.gm1Ea.:cxFm37;5os W M3553€¢E"VY 811 M5 A’ 0 _

Sisu Ranfliming a gal I n e
_ readers are
- excavators and
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‘to @ ‘ for less than
M‘ 5 cents.
Mark you calendar [or nan yin‘: runl
Aprll 6, 2019
www_,,..g11.,,,‘ :.a/5-s@&11maga2mes Cam
The 7th annual $11 Run/Walk w1II he held on Apnl 5, 2019 Please vmt our
\veh.~1te or Facehouk page my mum Infurmanun
20151551“ Mmsmmsn . 15

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