Page 12 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 12

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vcn alter an the.eyeat.e1 cunsxsti of man: than 45u,onu male. of Really, the beauty ui kcupmg Iluhty
flymg Mm» the country, rm hIgh—\'ullz\gc txan~m|a~Ion hue» and 5.5 hue. .are and m pmpet worhng
.-ttn fa~c|natcd by the .at1hoa.- muhaa male. ui local ah.tnhat.ea Imus, order is they anew u. to hve our
ui etty lights that appcax en the Imkmg the...-anal. of gcncmung plume hvea scamlcmly. And when there's
1'10r|ZUn about the .ame umc a. we're te factuncs, heme. and bu~1nL‘~.~n~'. ah oulagc, at’. pmtty meeavemeht,
mid te put our scam and trav. |n the somcumcs for Inns, hundreds O! r:\‘r:n
— Th.» power gnd wa. bmll over a ,
locked and upngh{p1.»~Il|on thulhands of usch Even at |t 5 ampny
}‘“““"°°‘ >"““‘ “F4” "“°‘ " “"°‘ "‘° hethem 1blc to vmlch the ihow You
whue I enjoy the hghta and the cunL‘nlInfrt1~tructum l~ uvu fiftv yeah 5‘ ‘ V ’
— love, or beeame Von hm e te dunk mom
convunmnccacluclncxlybnngalolli, 1.»ld.ThcnIrrcntgnd mulaetahlete mm mum Wm—mMwd mmmld
pcrh£\p~bL‘:ausc I lwc and wetkm the wcatllu, naluml dI~t1~tL‘r~, Eleetm Wm; gm mu mag: But mu gmlw
undcrgmund meha.-try, I can't help but Magtaetter-the (EMF) weapem, and mm" H M the mmnvmmm M
think at the then.-aha. of lmrd-woxk|ng cybcr-attack. Mn [ht mmgc H H W “wk 0'“
M“ “M1 ‘l_‘° "“”‘°“‘ "‘ '“"°’ °f P"'”” Wh|lc me.t u[ that h bnyond the safety [er the general puhhe and rat the
hue. arrow the tollntry. ,
average per.-an .- pay gmdls, what Is‘ wuxkcrs at the am um.
I (Dad the othu day that the wllhm Oul eentml (fur the must pal!) Em“ mm , “um , mm M bumd
US eleetneal gnd H the Iatge.-t l~ how we deetde locxca\'t1lc heat the d ‘ ’ , ’ H‘
‘ _ V Y un cxgrmlnd, |tsce1~ylof()Igct ey
Intuconncctcd machmc ea Eanh It LvLr growing, aumhet Dfundcrgrollnd
ate thete and that they rcallv ate the
uulny l|nL‘~, e.-peetauy power hue.-. — —
,0. Mrssrssrumfill 2015 Issue:

   10   11   12   13   14