Page 11 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 11

luwcr |hc flowlinc and mu 1: mnune mainlenanm. Lowenng L ‘ " V - 1  .
culvexts,draggmg.1dxlchcan unlygo awnuozneexnnngnna ._ j “ .~ .‘ , I
engineered anwune nnhe dm|n2|gcayatv:m and aullbe called . ‘_' " > ‘ .‘ .
mnnne mmntnnanccand I'mconfidnnllhalmwhalallsldnssni Jul ; ,.. -'
lhL‘|s~'un: want. , “ ‘
A. I «Wu :1, Ch»: dxfficulty .n defining xoulmc mamlenancn wn. nm » . - ", . ‘Tl
.n much luck of mm a. n waa two dxifurent ‘ob ae.enpunn.. The I _ _ _. ‘
mad dcpaxtmcnh whetlmr .-me, county or mumcxpal are charged .. (M * , .' ,
wnh kncpmg made maintained, and pm of that by default .. A -:, .‘ .- .> .
mmntmnmg the dnthm The ga. and plpclmc pennnneu have an - -*-.5}; v: _ :2? '- V
obligation to protect Lhmrundexgmund infrastructure bctause ui  _- ~ -» _‘ ‘ ' n , .
thecatastrophic:on~Cqucnm~uiapxpehnnslnke. . _ _, . _~» - ' V . -
Eulh sldm want good made and both udca want .-are ’ ‘ - .
communmcs. So huwczm we worktugelhcrlo ensun: Lhatwe ‘ ~ ‘ '
have bath? ‘ '
]u~'l bccaum you are not mquxmd to (all .n a locate mquml when '  ‘_ '
pemnnnng nn aclwxty defined .1~ mnnne malnlenancu da£~n'I rs. . "en ,_-,, ' . ’ ‘_
mean you :an'| cnu .n a locals mqucsl when you know you ' ’f- ‘
am about to em.-.ann1i:y right-of-way and L‘~'pccmlly.1g.1~' or V ‘ ’{ '
p|pclIncnghl-of-way. ,' ' ‘ _ -» , ~.._
we've mcludnd along mu. lhh nmele a [cw photos my you to - v’ « .' . ‘ mg I \
new Same nnhe.e n:ncma:l\m£nL~ an (112 rights-of-way could _' -1‘ .  \  _
havcbmn di~.1~1mu~' The absolutely saielhlng to do 1. to call  A . . A ' ‘ . _
311 any and cvcry umv: n ng}Il-of-w.1y .. tmmed wlmlhcr it .. A . _ .- , 5
eon.-mend mnune mmnttnance or not ‘ ;- _ \ _ _'  ‘V
Re.-pee:u.eng1n».or.nnyana lnfiwoxklogelhcxtukcnpour " -' ' a , ‘  '
mnune mmntcnanccroulmcl fl , — —
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.__‘3?.»,,, 5,»:Ji‘[‘fi  ’ D|a||ng811cou|f1 L.’  _ W “Va,
   _ ‘ have prevented It. , \ ,.e. F!
s'afety‘,;af'thbéo;’e‘:Il’  ’V rig: K f " " “
n rbi’ l'| ’ ’ e  “'°" ’—" “ ‘ "‘
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601 372 9536 - V
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2015 Issue: Mrssrssrpw an . 9

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