Page 8 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 8

Safety and Damage Prevention
Comes First Wlth Canton
M I I I U t. I I t-
unlclpa I I IGS 
51$" wlllal
an«nn Mllnlelpal u«lll«les has 10,500 ellsmmels, was lnslng a lot ends and make s-llle Oul’ wnlkels and
semved «he een«ml Mlss-ls-slppl of money when damage 0ECul1’L‘d «o ells«omers- ale sale, and lonk oll« f0rl1'1L‘
«own and «he s-llnollndlng «hell andelglellnd «'aelll«les Thele enmpany. Thele ale «hne tomponnnts
arcm rel male «han lull yeals. was'n’l anybody eqlllpped «la de a full 7 emplnyees, ells«omels and company

lzll« l« wl1~n't lln«ll Apnl 2013 «lla« «he lnyes«lga«lon of eaell lnelden« on behalf l«selr. Everybody plays a yely

a«lll«y elea«ed a full-llmfl posl«lon of CMU, and dnellmen«a«len ls key «o lmpenanl mle "

dedlea«ed «e sa:e«y and damage prOv|ng ae«llal damages ln eolln. se, a wnh VVVmaV_VVd PVVMVK MVVVVVVVVVV W1
pleyennon ln« cf «he damages were slmply wn««en V,_ ‘ V V * ‘ _

Off‘ Tim Pm“ “med m Em my loells en «he s«a«e s dlg law, whleh was

Llke mos« l‘n|d-~lZL‘d eompanles, «he “C V snenglhened ln Jllly 2016, l« made sense
lespenslblll«y of s-ale«y and damage P " «e CMU leadelshlp «o lanng wmcunl:
pmvL‘nl|on had been spread oll« "W1: had a $45,000 hl« llls« las« mon«ll," ln whn ean keep up wl«h ellnenl laws
among seyelal employees. Nebndy ln En: sald at an lnelden« «ha« happened and pm«ee« wnlkels and asse«s rel «he
pamelllal led «he ehalge «ll pnlpelly pnel «o hls an-lyal a« CMU. "When enmpany.

dnellnlen« damages ealls-ed by el«lzens peeple damage Dllr eqlllpmen«, we file mm VS a “VE"_mVdVVd PVNVVW/,
and enn«lae«els, eallslng CMU «o ,, ,

El-le sald. l« s vL‘rv lmpel«an« ln any
mlss ell« on «llollsands 0fdnIll1rs' ln b _ V l—V V V1 _V V d
se««lemen«s hem damages «o «hell “““°" ° “°"‘P3 ‘“ ‘ ‘ “ ° ““
_ redelal laws and make sllle peeple
ex«enslye llndelglollnd laelll«les. ,,
ale dnlng «llell lobs salely

Em’ Em C‘"‘°" Eepllnng 1 d'lmagcd llne ean

whlle En: ha~'n’l had an cxtnnflvc ens« anywhele from saou «o, wclll
batkgrmlnd din-clly ln damage $48,000 as ln «lle pl’C\‘l0|h ease 7
pleyennen, llets a olllek s-«lldy, and nl eyen male, dependlng on «he

he's been Involved ln s-a«e«y and asse« «ype «ll :aelll«y and «he seope er Lhc
managemen« hls en«lle ealeel. He ls damage. En: sald CMU has «ll send
a 22-ynax ye«elan of «he us nllll«ary, nll« welkels, or«en en eyenlme, «ll
ellnen«ly semng as a eap«aln ln «he make «he mpall and rae«ol ln all of
Al-lny Reserve, ar«el «lans-l«lonlng - «he maelllne «lme and ma«enals rel
[mm «he Army Nanenal cllald I eaell lns«anee whlle wnlkels and
He sald «hele ls a sare«y overlay plllllle ~l1ictycomL‘ fim, En: sald

«o cvcrythng ln lhe mlll«a«y, l he ls dedlea«ed «o ge««lng lepans
panlelllally ln zclallon «ll llls ellnen« made as qu|Ck]y as pesslllle ar«el hls
pos-l«len ln «he mlll«aly lnyes«lga«lnn ls eomple«e.

"Thu 54 speelally deals wl«h all , wl«ll damages neelllnng almns«
mllllaly asse«s ln an elganlzamln V weekly, Ene wlll he a bllsy glly. lzll«
l« leqlllaes lls «ll admlnls«el sa:e«y «lla« down«lme ean be crmtal «e «he
pmgIam~ «ll make s-llle «he seldlels * / 75u.s-qaale.mlle eommllnl«y «ha«
epela«e eqlllpmen« ln a sale manncr," ls ~L‘rvL‘d by CMU, lnellldlng lneal
Ene sald. seheols, hospl«als, llllslnesses and «he

‘ wolld's larges« Nlssan plant, wllleh

Ene 7 a llic-long leslden« of can«on EHL CVMTK/,CA71H()H/b1LHHL1)VAH Llhlmtt WV mm Md “V 2003

7 had bl1n:lyatl1rlcd hls new pnslllon ’ P ‘

as ylee pres-lden« of minty and damage a claim agmmt them We didn't have "I «ell my guys «ha« «lme ls emleal," En:
p1'L‘VL‘nl|Dn when Mls-slss-lppl 811 Ptopvt documcntatmn In that matanccl sald ”Ii we ean c><pL‘dmuu~ly fix «he
lnagazlne enn«ae«ed hlm ln May «o find ~a wc had to wntc ut off as a loss." llne, let's do l«. Ii l« «akes 5»1u hellls «e
ell« llnw «hls new posl«len wlll help T1mumV_VmPmVVmd damn“ mv hm fix a llne, we ale loslng money we need
keep res-lden«s and W0rkL‘r~ sale and mu M mm, mm [W mmma «o do our lells salely, lall« as qultkly as
Eve ll«lll«y ellsnlmels a lo« of money ln CMU [mm .0 mm Em Pmmm pesslllle."

e ploees-s. V
.,Thm “W W M the mmm they Ene sald Lhl: pcrwn who eommlued «he
The eompany, whlell pxOv|dcs dmdnd to bung Vommm "V and damage ls llsllally a« lalll«, bll« «llelets a
elee«nel«y, wa«er, ndtllml gas afid dame lhcmVd’m [0 that mmu“V,, pnaeess «o dC!L‘rmln|ng «ha«. And all he
was«e wa«el selylees «o morcl an Em gm‘ ,,TV_V "C “P fl,mm1OW_ CUNHWED ON ME 13
o. Mlsslsslflfllfill 2015 !ssue2

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