Page 6 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 6

AVR Alleged Violation Reporting
d D I "Z R‘ ht
an olng lg 
Executive Secretary uVErlYoIcemerl1 am
y now, mo~t folks in of woilong to Include cnfmccmcnt The AVR is an aeeess point to die
Mississippi have found llie (eduealion aiid/oi eivil penaliies) llie Enloieeineni lsoaid. If you reel tlmi
AVR (Alleged Vmlatlon idea of enloieenneni was promoted llie enloieeineni pioeess wlll lielp
Repon) loim al IA/IA/Ii/. as a lasl ieson The liope was that you do a bent! ioli of annealing youi
Irlsdflltlflgcprcacrl;‘ slakelioldeis would eoniinue to try undcrgxollnd inoasinieiuie, then
,, lo rL‘~olve issues in die field as iliey sulainil aii AVR. l-leie aie a few iliings lo
5°“ h“‘'“ ‘‘‘‘“‘d' W1“ "}‘°““‘ 1 had done in the as: and il m~oluuon ieineinbei when sulaininin one-
°“b"“‘ ““ AVR °’ “’*'°" "}‘°“‘“‘ ‘ “‘P°‘} was not possilileF,’en:oieeineni was an ’ E ‘
someone who is violating ilie dig law’ addmoml “GP to be Md (0 mmmgt Noiiee ilie ied aslensle beside some of
To iliis queslion llieie is no nglii O! ’ llie iequesled iiironnaiion It means that
lieliavioial eliange
wiong answei. Fioin ilie eadiesl days «his is a iequiied field wliile die olliei
inloiinalion is not iequiied [0 Eli out
die form, it wlll assisl in inuesligaiiiig
Dr loealing ilie alleged violalion.
lzelow llie addiess i’-ields of the alleged
Underground racilnies Alleged \/boiatlon Repomng Form violator are ~:x <6) tylm of 3119594

v~-  »«~ w» w  uiolalions undei lilc}lci1dlngoi"Typvz
of Alleged Violation." As lliis is a

W “W-' ieouiied field, you inusl chuck one ol
ilie boxes lisled below.

~-<m-a.- 1. Excavzlllng wiilioul a one eall liekel
2. Excavating eaily

'°""”“" 3. Meelianieal excavatlng Wltlun tlm

"’“""“““"“" ‘°"'““"" 4. Failuie to loeale (meaning railuie lo
inaik, paint oi flag)

W W‘ I Mr-4e 5. Did not loeaie williin llie ieouiied

sun 5. olliei (inelude below)

‘ ' ll you seleel "olliei", II is eiilieal you
i..i...ii.i. eleady desenlae ilie alleged violaiioii.
. _  Remember, a violation ean occur

 I  Without a dainage and it is possible

M“ lo have a damage wlieie no uiolalioii
lias oeeuiied. Mississ-ippis pioeess loi
enloieeineni loi violating llie dig law is

' “ ' " eoiiiplaini dnuen, so it is impurlant to
m-»*-v/'~-=~ ‘"1 0-"'-=‘-° W-"*6-1 W-'-"' nole dial llie invesligaloi is peiinined
to invesiigale only llie alleged iiolalion

M “ _‘ "___W_' __ y as ieponed, so be speeir-ie in youi

“ " ' "‘ desei-iplion of llie alleged violation
, .. , ,. Filling out llie form is selpexplanaioiy,

(mail ........a Nhydwolnlm iai...., liowevei nonee ilie seelioii iliai ineludes
"Upload an linage/File " Submitting
AVR~ without any supponing
dotumenlatlun oi plioios will llknly

MM  .i.iia-, «ii ai.—a.i xuml .  am ~. W‘ m fnNmm_

""“ “"" “‘"" “"‘ ' The moie documentation you pmvldc
to suppon youi alleged vlulatlun, the
bout!’ your posilion. You ean upload

4. Mlsslsslpnrfill 2015 issuei’

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