Page 15 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 15

°°N”N“ED ‘ROM W5 5 poss1blL‘.Dncc all the cwdcncc 1. would be diggmg all uvcx lhc plans.
due. .. gatl\crf.1:l~ and pmwdc n to the gathered, Ene wnlcs an .n\~e.mgnzwe same People ,1.,,.k Tm W d,gg.,.g .0‘,
appmpnatc[1.»lk~ He docs'n’lm.1kc the Icport, and tIIm~1l1.»vL‘rlo uthcx [1.»lk~ amp; bu, H 10, 0; u..1.,,c,. m. bumd
dCKL‘YI'l1ll'IaUOhOff:1|I1L .n l:L‘}:irgan1zal|on W1? gctfin touch ,han,_,w a;m,,m.. (,mo...u,. om.
an.nye.ngn.nnbeg..n..n.nean.e1y §j;{o§C;§j{‘;§‘§§;: ;; ;;,‘fC;;;“‘ “‘ I;:*;§}1jfj:;*X:fq':;:;';:{j;;U°C';$1 1’
when damage to ene u[ (11: company . ,,
:ne.1me.n mportcd. wnh thc pmpcr1n\‘caug£mun nnd W3’ “"1"” "‘°“‘ "WY “’ “°'“P‘3’
d ‘R ,1 lk-lh dfL‘MU \ \ \
Em and ms employee  nu-my to n§'.“n”g“l?,Ti‘.i§‘L"nIS§. nféflgf E2‘? “Ti "'5 $7“ "f 1'5“ “‘,’,"“‘ ”““.‘—”
.enne the and turn off ..nnne.- that I. much mm mm Mm Em  '"  am *1  “hm   33°‘:
wL‘md.1m.1gL‘dtupm\'cntlcak~'orothcr hm hfin Emma‘ ‘ awry 0 }'mHIz§~I finals: I? at
hazzud~. He then pulli documents [mm 3 ““‘l“V‘_““°  "°“°°[ _t‘V “f “’ _l V
M1»‘hs1pp|B11,mclIIdmg nny locate As Enc gets settled nnzh me new “"3” ‘MIC’ “C " “E f‘ ‘ >f ’”‘°“‘ >
mquL‘~ls and contmctux Information po-men, he aims to work wnh ““h “"1” ““‘““"g "N “‘ ‘ P“‘“"““’
that 1. nmlnble. He ma ,1 them n M1s~I~a|pp|B11t()1nEma<clhc "‘ °““-
damage to n gas lmc, they .ne cautious cummIIn|ly's' awansnma and q, 1m a mllmml Effect‘ um ;,1,,,,1,,
not to lakc ph1.»lo~' until the gn. .5 cumphantc with the ~'tatc’~ dig law, as Slam [0 dunk mm, and my mac}.
undcr eennnl and n sail: Zuni: nn. been wen aw‘ zhe Importance of calling an mm f,,md,,~ 1,: ..fl,d_ -[WC ,,y.O,1,.,,k
Lwlablxslxcd. bclom yen mg 7 cvcn fur aumctlung aalcly nn (11: me, even small lh|ng~
,, . M mund-mt m dxzzms a nvw PM for a that ven might not think an Important,
02;::::n’:':’:;°:E:°:1::k:DE:;§:I’:‘ mmlbvx Not only fan callmz 811 kccv but can be n hazard, nke an nxtcnaxon
yen safe, n can pm\ cm a nnznmlnm cmd In the middle er the Hour that
mf()Im.1l|un fmm the contm:l1.»r— men ‘Human that mm mm W" H _ [ 1],,
name, number nnd a bnuf dcstnpuon ’mEhbm MW mm ’ °"“ °‘““‘ “ “ '
[mm (ham about what happened and ’ ’ wnh an. new focus‘ en mfcty and
then nae of the ~'mry," be men. "Mhsxaslppl an .- vcry |mp()nant. damage pmvcnllun, CMU employee.-
0 ‘ f U 1 I “h . W The <al1<=nt=n~ wlmm Pwplc “an and en.-mmem wm find over mne um
"‘ ° ‘C ""°’ '"‘P"" ‘"' ‘"3’ " ° W‘ maxing Pivcw to sm a mqucit to lhcu service w|ll be even mun: mlxablc

scu .r the contractor enned |n n ticket to ‘owe me “mm .0 WV dun,‘ D M h d h H
M1as'l<a1pp|El1, and |f1lw.1~ pmpcrlv G}! h\ _ 1 I V ,, E 5‘ d ‘ “" W“ ““ ' ‘“ ‘°"‘"“"‘“3’ “"
‘Owed bv CM” kmm HE md“dL;~ en um mm mm: mm», nc ~-n . be ~'afcrt1.»buol.Enc and nn mam w|ll
Iucalmg M.    WW *1“ ‘H “W  PW wk -0 makcbmh a wv vr-um» m



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2015 mm Mrssrsswbrsll . L3

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