Page 14 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 14

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with apologies to e e Cummings _ /.

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ziore enlenng lhe eanslruenan appamntly was the same 11ne was not And 1: we neganaled a shanng of easls,

1'-le1d,1w.1s .1leaeher, and marked 2511 feet away enher. we rem.1med good to aur word. 1 also

ane of the paems lemoyeel told him 11111 Ih1~ ph|lo~up}1y was bener

t2acl1ingwascccumm|ng~' Q‘ “'"1{§°*"5;";;'1fd “'1” tklmd I, h d .n me long run.
”NuImdy lbsesall H12 hm: " 1n 1l1e poem, "W" 5° “ ’“"‘"“" “ '“° “ .

, been d1seayered ear11er1n our work, 1 1 shared Llns Expeuence at vanous
he elesenbes a famlly member s bmus
mm mm and 11” ummm Mm. m line; l;haI 2v:n lhaughd1l1e 1:111:11,‘ ll1.1e1 exeayalar n1i22l|ng‘g}:, entuur€§}11r1lg my I
wh-my .:.z1::. 3:111:  11:11: ,,,..'.:.'1::.
mngucln aheek,1he poemeoneludes 5 3 3 — 5 * '
‘hm Emybudy “mm. mm Mm. fifth lhefn; anfd our (One c.111 wl1;l1a1r[1 were Temedllm: mtiud:cd  rannnually
mew km ..'1:::* '"  :°?'“;.°1  :::1:.l;":.1:1.::“..w.:.".l;.::;1‘:::*:.
mmmbu a e1r eepresen a ryes a 1 was . . .
rnvareed for the total eas1onl1e damage lamuntlng that they, as 2><cr1vatnr~
Ten ynazs or so ago, 1 was ea11ed 1wau1d conlssl 11, but Lhal 1 d1d ml were dolng everythlng they could do.
to anyesngale a slle where .1 uuhty expeel them to endure the ennre easl 1wa1r1d allend meelmgs wheze uuluy
had been dug up. 1 met ynlh citlmr 1 (old tlmm 1 wuuld spill the easl members were pzesenl and they wauld,
represenlauyes of the aflucled uuluy 511/50 and rssue them a check .1. soon .1. wl111e m the audience, make generally
and w.1s atcompanlcd by aur msuranee 1 mccived Ihc mymee for our 11.111 of Ihc disparagmg rem.1rks about excavaluh
company'~ sazery audit speemlrsl. amount. 1n general. The abymus1ru1111s Lhat
Henrsneel a1rr11usn1esseyery3-e U m I 11 1,! V _ lhelrulhissomewhere1n1l1em1dd1e,
manlhs to make sure we were dolng W" ""1 °““_3’d“: V'° " ‘““’ bee.1use "nobody loses .111 the urne."
all we could la rninlmlze out exposure ”°"‘_°“ ‘E C ‘"5 all if“: "‘l’d“l”“‘° The lesson remembered from the poem,
|o rlsk He walched asxhe ulllily ';°”"f(;' “"5 _° :1 If ‘°‘“ld }‘1""‘ lhalevexyone succeeds now and lhcn
represenlauves and 1 rnel, walked Ihc G3‘:  m°fi h“"‘ at a very m1mmum,1ncludE~' uulrues,
axuawhcre Lhelmellad been lul,1alker1 ‘ Y? > P > 5 exeayalors, and thud parly localols.
w1Lh 1he supermlenelem and ehseussed “""‘“ “T M‘ “'° ‘”'°.’° “‘ ”“ "5‘h‘’ ‘° 1
. pay when we were 111 the wmng and 11 1~ anen dlfficult to look at rme s

‘“‘*’°““""“‘“”T"°““°"“'}‘“°“‘“°"' lo ne olnlc when we iclllhat the sell onds roeesses and raeueesanel
wasunmnrked.llwaswulnnlhe 3 {,1 _l ‘M, I Eh Hg“ * lYVY_b L};
fimpwmmlocmmqum Dumglhe respensr 11rywass1.1re . wen on n an . u 1 canavla)~ e em,

. . . ID explaln that, when we deerded Io wmewhem. The qurekesl path to {allure
mlemew pmtsamouzaupznnlendenl d V h d _ M d d ._m _ I Uh I H. ‘M d
he   31"‘ “"
sur-prrsed la find Lhe unmazked line dommgnmm whm W a “Ed (0 ’ ‘

Wham ;. has hm. },;,1,m.,,,. WM. x 1: ~11 m1,1.e.1..1y rrmwlns 1...» 11/ .11. Gauge: 1
PW the check ""“>PY°C9>‘Fd qu-ckly» weer. 111. 11/111 1..1.h11g 1111.111 1.111.111
12. Mlsslsslflnlflll 2015, Issue?

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