Page 12 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 12

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"I  that Ctfifl I P-
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a IS Ollf olce .
ACTS  n .- .
oirie say, "Cnmmunlcatlnn is Theie is no questiun but that we've all disruptions in the lives of the general
our nation's liteline to being- becoirie absolutely dependent upon public.
in-the-know." while others the communication industry to keep
. .. . . _ _ A result or such a lack of timely
say, More conirnunication us intorrned and together. I guess . .

. ,. , . coirirnunication is the locators are

,ust means more take news. Rlght that s why the race to provide the most d Ed [11 I 1 b Lh

or wrong, here is what we know in bandwidth for the longest contract at ‘ °““h [9 f‘"‘“ _“ “"3 °“’h"t*"°“’°‘5
the held. copper, tiber and wireless the most attractive initial price seems to “fir 9‘ ° “‘“}‘°1"“'L‘h:‘f“ 1‘ H“
technologies have combined both drive the coirirnunications competitors K 51”“ “Y?” E“ "‘ .“:‘.“ 5 A
aerial and underground to create a at a turious pace in almost every corner 9“ 23"“: ° 3?: F"“_'_‘ “Eff
maze of ducts and lines that some or the country. “’“““°““ ° “F 3 ‘°“" ‘“°“ °

. _. which could have been avoided by
locators declare almost impossible to . . . .
_. ‘ lnternet cornparues, phone companies giving enough advance notice and good
adequately or consistently protect. . . .
and the cable industry are all vying contact intoniiation necessary to get

Likely it is not possible to tor your dullazs as they relate to ahead ot the work and minimize the
overestirriate the importance of cnmmunicntiun. we appreciate the trustrations.

our na|1'nn’s cummunicaritms extra bandwidth and speed but E ch . h b . _
infrastructure, given our dependence untortunately, the race to be tirst " “.‘5‘“5 P “e ““’“ E“ ‘” 3

. _ g _ _ _ great tirst step. Now that we are

upon it. just the other day, l sat in to serve an area has created some

a iooai restaurant next to a taintiy unintended consequences tor the ggjfuifujgggjgl §;;*sf§k<:;"§;a-#15:; mm
oteight. l noticed the grandtather protesuionals working to keep . _ . ‘ ’ _
matching a news channel on one ui America's underground infra.-iuuctlire gggzggigyzgg§§:j;°e‘;;j§;;:';:_

e many Tvs hanging on a wall. protected. C . h. Lh Lh
His two sons were both watching a “"‘"‘“'“‘“ "3 W‘. °."° “"7 °‘
. An example recently cited by a contract throughout the project is critical to
sporting event on another TV and . . .
. locator was the only notice he received ensure that other utility locators can get
{our Di the older kids weue holdlng . . .
mm mm phum Smmng Lhmgh that an subcontractors were moving in trout and say in tront ot the pmled.
. . into hls area was the notification

sm-nelhlng, while the two-year-nld mcfiived [mm mg 8" Czmfl Not Al the end of the day, bath the

was watching a movie on a smart W rm 1 mg mm was imm in excavalnr and locator have the same
phone while in her father's lap. am‘; iamf gndzdfin {imm goals. Both want to take care ui their
Dunng the 30 mimms I was ‘hm _ _ oistorners, they want to keep the public

nus paradnxlcal lack ot communication and their employees sate.

“°’“ ‘° ‘hem’ ‘hm W“ ‘M’ (“W trom a communication ex ert leads

words spoken, other than "pass me ‘ E T’ I _ f 11 f Ed d surely by now. we've leamed that each
the »~'ah"1lh°utzJ-lr "N°thmsh1<E D m” .3 ‘on’ Dr 3 "W" V . "" or us has our tnistrations even under

. _ . unnecessary delays. damages to .
getting together tor some quality the best of circumstances and many or
Emmy fimE_,. underground intrastructure and
10 . nteetetotvsii eoiti state

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