Page 21 - Mississippi 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 21

u~ually ermsrderalaly dlffzmnl than The major areornplrshrnenl for the Papelrne salery Managerneru syslerns,
what plpelme upcmloxs musl mv£~I third cmc meeung was approval appean lo lae gzlinlng momentum

to eomply with the regulahuns. Who of §192 507 vermeauor. of prpelme laasaeally, llus document promnlcs
pays for rornplranee7 The euslomers. maleual: onslrare sleel lransmrssror. pipehne sarely cultum PHMSA has
NOT the | elme 0 eramr. If a | elmes There were numerous a lul on its late at Ihl: mamenl but it

prpelme operamr cannot pass the cost madu'-leahons and cl.1m"lcatlon~ but wauld not surpnse me if 1173 were not
of com lranee Ihzuu h to lhe customer, the GPAC alllDONE.’ [’HMSA1m- mror nratnd b v mfemncz mm 49 CFR
P E E P >
that r lure a Halo! will soon eease taken what the v call an "0 oxtunl~'tl(' Pan 192 somcllmc m (112 rurure.
P Pc Pt > PP
Io exrsl and the euslarners wlll be hand appxoach to gathnnng data regarding _
with ever. hrgher cos: legacy prpelmes As lung as Lhey 2:!“ (“EDD ““”’°' PH“??? ‘f “”fi5‘;°“ "
have a reasonable basis fnropnratlng 2” “5°"‘—" "‘ Y°“ "" “” “ *
The agenda for Lhe firs-l GPAC rneehng _
. a segmenl of prpelme sarely, prpehne The BAD news PHMSA rs- as good a
<avarlalale on the PHMSA web sue) — .
. ,, . . ,, opnratun should no lunger be requued federal agencv as you wlll r:vl:r find.

°“PP°"’d'Y ‘1‘“ “Y “““ ’ ‘‘’“° to rolleel data just for the s-alee of '

completed by Lhe end of the seeurrd calming am‘ Y“ data M“ mu be Have a safe and happy 2018!! .
meelmg. A number of pmposed d b I I I _l H 1

changes were wllhdmwn and the figsxfing   Wm [ahu mm from PHMSA and Is eummly
appllcatlon of several olher proposed bz mowed Hm fipmfit mqmmfim Vice Frcsldcllf a/Plnelaa» Syslmn Camplr
changes clazlfied For example, [1 lb I M I I Lh H I ante and Dpemrlons Sm7/Iccs for G2 Pm
PHMSA has prupaseel to add the xlzgjh: “l‘)’:‘l  m ‘D “Sum ms, LLC. Erltml /am. [lzcl7lJl(r032—:s.rnlu
‘”°‘“‘ "‘“"“""" “° 1"“ °‘ "'”°‘“""' a huge «es in what llaelievz tupbc lhe

vznfiablu anel romplele" mmxd~

laas-ed on publl: eamrnerus, PHMSA "gm d"°““°“’ "In an
agreed that ”n:llabln” only eanrused Several other  were adaressea a. .§ Hflflflfl
lhl: rss-ue wnhdrcw the proposed the third CPAC meelmg arrel Lhe next 5 
change. Appllcabilltyofthe pruposeel Iwu GPAC rneehngs wen: lenlauvely m 
changes, eg, tmn~'m|s~lon lmes us seheduled for March and June. How 1 A 1 9 ‘ 5 5 Z 7

ruheun lmes vs dislribullun svslems mar. v more will bl: re urred rs a mauer E
g g , 3 q E
was addressed Dnlalh aeldressmg of speeulauorr. , 5 9 2 \ 7 1 3 8
’ ’ “ III -I
  2 2 3 av man
be expanded and record keepmg . a
. rs that It a ears that Al’! RI’ 1173, a 2 5 \ 5 7 1
, . PP
requraemenls u ere addressed
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Learn "'0"? ab°_l" Safew CRY info@utasear(h.(om fi WORK SMARTEW
2015 Issue 1 MlsslsslDylE11 . 19

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